Mancini Breaking News

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PMSL! You know it's over when "party line" Brennan changes his tune:

"Mancini has repeatedly rubbed his own players, and many of his staff, up the wrong way over the last three-and-a-half years, with barbed criticism and thoughtless treatment. When the team is winning, such things appear to be detail. But when backs are to the wall and unity and spirit are needed, as they were on Saturday, such details can become monsters.

His remarkable performance in the post-match press conferences – blaming the club, and communications director Vicky Kloss in particular, for the Pellegrini rumours – was staggeringly desperate."

He's dead right of course.
I'm not sure why everyone is mentioning we've got a 10am press conference. We've got a Premier League match tomorrow, there's ALWAYS a press conference the day before a Premier League game. I'd imagine, or at least hope, that the press are given a very definite steer, ask questions about the Reading game, ask questions about the FA Cup Final defeat, but don't touch on the future of the manager and it's press conference over.
dave_blue12 said:
What really pisses me off is City fans criticising the club, comments like classless, disgusting, lack of respect etc.

Our club has some very powerful entrenched forces working against it and those forces will stoop at nothing to show our club in a bad light. Added to that Mancini is clearly a game player who is, quite naturally, out to do the best for himself. He is not a City supporter. But some of our support falls for all this and criticises the club and our amazing owners. Have a little faith ffs !

We are City supporters and we must support our club (not Roberto Mancini) who will quickly move on to another fat pay cheque.

Anyway see you at Reading


This.... I'm staggered how people can be so quick to draw such extreme conclusions based upon knowing absolutely f*ck all!
Gaylord du Bois said:
Benitez, Laudraup or Martinez. They are three we'd get just by clicking our fingers. If Pellegrini has a choice between us and Barca then I can only see one winner and it ain't us. All we can hope I guess is that he hasn't made that decision yet, but then again that amounts to indecision and nobody expects Spanish indecision.
BringBackSwales said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
It was only last month you told everyone Mancini wasn't going any where

Well I was obviously wrong in my opinion.As I said I will take a bet with anyone absolutely anyone that Pellegrini will win nothing if he is to be our new manager in the first 2 seasons of his tenure. Let's see how confident the outers are of his success.

SHB I fully agree with your displeasure that Bobby is leaving, and also the way it has been handled, BUT let's not allow that to taint the view of the new manager, be it Pellegreni or whoever

After Saturday showing I was resigned to the fact. It doesn't make it any easier however I will fully support our new manager and hope is a success. The bet is there for anyone who wants to take it.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
blueinsa said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Well I was obviously wrong in my opinion.As I said I will take a bet with anyone absolutely anyone that Pellegrini will win nothing if he is to be our new manager in the first 2 seasons of his tenure. Let's see how confident the outers are of his success.

You sound almost desperate for us to win nothing mate?

Love can do strange things to people it seems.......

If Pellegrini comes I will support him however I am happy to offer the bet to you to and would be happy to cough up if we win something.

Stupid fucking bet and it was a stupid fucking post fella.

He has gone, we move on and yes, you backed the wrong horse and made it your main aim to belittle certain posters on here over it.

Take your medicine like a man!
TimmyP said:
Fernando (youth player) has now deleted his "Mancini is gone" tweet...

Since our lost against Wigan , Joe Nuttall(u16s stirker) has retweeted two #Manciniout tweets .
BoyBlue_1985 said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
GXCity said:
Exactly, we have the best owners in World football. Without them we wouldn't even have had the chance to sack a manager of Mancini's ability!

as far as I'm aware we have one owner. And I'm not directing my anger at him (although he may well be just as responsible, probably is), its because everything was going well with the holy trinity of Mansour, Khaldoon and Mancini, now the Spaniards have come in and upset the applecart.

Perhaps this is best for the club's long term future but right now I am very disappointed in the handling of the matter
The applecart was ruined when he threatened to walk after signing a new contract. City were well off the pace in the league and out the CL by the time the Spaniards came in. Everyone keeps trying to blame them but Mancini has tried to force 2 very powerful men in Khaldoon and Mansour to bend to his will. He has to remember he is just an employee he does not get what he wants because he threatens them
Agree with every word. The Sheikh insisted he wasn't trigger happy and just wanted steady progress. I do like Mancini but he wasn't in any kind of strong position to be either making threats or issuing demands. I also wasn't keen on the excuses he made and public finger pointing, whether it was fixture congestion, back room staff or picking out individuals. We've not made progress this season, especially in europe. The owner and his closest advisers know more about any potential employee more than any of us.
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