Mancini charged

Aren't Gollum and Baconface mates anyway. From the same shit hole in Glasgow? Go on Davie wind Mancini up and u kin carry on fiddlin' wi mi kids(coz lets be honest no one who wasn't under duress would happily oblige him in the bedroom dept).
Baconface and his bastard child neville can do what the hell they want and just get warned about future conduct, which doesn't stop them. Robbie gets screwed over on his first incident absolute tosh!!!!!
Would like to know who these FA people are.
They are obviously way out of touch with the real football world and football itself.
are these the same people who disregard tackles like Maschrianos on Barry yet seem fit to ban other players for far less aggresive tackles.
Week after week we watch Fergerson abuse officials and nothing happens.
These people making these decisions are faceless and must be made public as it is obvious that they have no idea whatsoever about football.
Hi folks,

Lot's of people say "xyz fan in peace" so here I am asking my "EFC fan in peace" introduction to be taken seriously. There has been some 'entertaining' reading on here today (and today is indeed the first time I was introduced to this forum). There's a few 'questions' that have been asked throughout the conversations. I thought I would perhaps try to answer them before running for the hills.

A thread called This influx of Everton fans had the opening post "Why? What do you want? Are you genuinely here for a discussion on football, or a wind-up?"

I think I can answer that. What I reckon has happened is an Everton fan has picked up on your 'Mancini Charged' thread and sent it to a message board that they use. I use a Toffee one - that's how I learned about this. Without meaning to appear insulting, some of the comments made were a bit like Neighbours - so ridiculous you felt compelled to catch the next installment. So a bit like the nine Evertonians banned today, of which I hope I won't make it double figures, I thought I would respond. In answer to the original question, I would love a discussion about football and if you would like a chat about Wednesday's match then let's go.

The rest of my post is really stuff from this thread as naturally I haven't read every thread in depth. I've glanced over a few mind to try and get a general feel.

So the point was made that the Everton fans were on here as we were jealous. OK, to be fair, that happens on every club message board that I have ever visited. Post the wrong thing in the wrong place and you'll be jealous of Bedworth FC. Any 'outsider' with a gob is deemed that way. I dare say you've had more than your fair share of our's today. I, and the majority of Evertonians, are proud of our club in no doubt much the same way that you are of yours. Yes, you've had a serious injection of cash and would we love that to happen to our club.

However, don't be confused that this means jealousy. I feel we've moved on incredibly well under Moyes, but it's taken eight years, but the majority of us are proud of where we are now - rightly so in my opinion. He's got us in a good place. Like him (what, here?) or loathe him (that's more like it - booooo), he's damn good at his job. Perhaps a bit negative at times (and a lot of us thought Rodwell off for Saha was a mistake on Wednesday evening!), but for the worst injury crisis in my life at the start of the season, I honestly believe we would be properly in the mix for 4th place now.

With the right manager, you've got an amazing future. I dare say you've had the point made that with the money you've spent, you should be challenging higer up the table. I dare say you've had that point forced down your throats, and you are sick of it. However, progress made - you have to be more attractive to potential players now. I think it's important to find the players that want to play rather than those that are chasing the buck now though, don't you think. That must be very difficult for whoever is in charge to make the distinction.

Craig Bellamy and his possible quotes:- OK, not ideal IF THEY ARE ture. Obviously, I am not a Craig Bellamy fan. Probably his comments would have been fine if it hadn't made it into the public domain. There is of course a common conception (or misconception) with Man City right now that the players are there for the money and team spirit would be difficult to come by.

Craig Bellamy is, if the quotes are accurate, pointing out that this is in his opinion what has happened. Would you rather have a bunch of 'Yes' men for players or those who strive for better? Would you rather he leave if the people he is criticising really are there for the dollar?

We hate Bellamy at GP with a passion, but if he's pointing out a serious flaw are you doing the right thing to ignore it? Or is there some truth in what he is saying? He's been one of your better players, right? So I doubt his commitment is in question? However you look at him, he wants to win games and trophies. With the form he's shown you, I think you would be mad to get rid if that's the worst he's done. When he attacks a team mate with a golf club because he wants to sing like Tom Jones...

Perhaps the funniest thing I have read on here (page 14 of the 'Mancini Charged' thread if you are interested) and maybe it's a 'Flavour of the Month' thing what with Moyes clearly being public enemy number 1... I read here that David Moyes is in fact solely responsible for M-M-M-M-Multiball being stopped. Seriously - that's not true! At all! Same story, but a different manager's name has been put in to suit this weeks enemy. I can honestly say that the Multiball thing had nothing to do with Moyes and he's never played such tactics. Albeit they are quite funny - probably less so if you are involved. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... n15670729/</a>

So regarding Mancini being charged. I'll be lynched here, but I think absolutely the right decision was made. A question was asked about how can the referee send them both off and only one be charged. Well, a straight red on the field of play can be appealed against, so why not off the field? The FA don't get much I am not aware that we made any appeal. Watching the 'bideo' (as our friend Rafa likes to call it), I don't really see what Moyes does wrong. Perhaps he should have thrown the ball straight on, but I think it's unreasonable to expect him to throw it back to one of your players to enable a quick thrown in - you certainly wouldn't have done that for us!

And after that Mancini gets upset. Well, he crossed into the other technical area and pushed Moyes back. Moyes just held his ground, nothing more. His arms were never raised. What was interesting is that both managers were prepared to play the thing down. Moyes could have made a fuss if he wanted to - but he didn't. I agree with you that we would like to see consistency, but that can only happen if the rules are followed for everyone. If we all look at miscarraiges of justice then we can never look forward. Can we?

PS. I agree with everything you've said re: Stevie GBH! The fella is more crooked than Grotbags whiskers but for some reason the media love the DJ punching, two footed lunging, forearm smashing, diving, snide little cheat. Can't see it myself.

Anyway, Top Four is up for grabs. The bookies don't seem to fancy you right now, but we've done things against the odds before now. Maybe it's your turn. Good luck.

PPS. and I know it contravenes house rules to advertise anything but this is of no personal gain.... I have a 657/1 (or something similar) bet on Everton finishing in the top four. It's because Sky Bet have made a mess and they seem to be allowing doubles on teams finishing in the top four and teams winning the league without the top four. For Man City, your odds are 6-4 for finishing in the top 2. However, they'll give you odds of 15/2 of completing the double of finishing in the top 4 and winning the league without Liverpool, Arsenal, Man U and Chelsea - see, told you I was here in peace. This only applies with Sky Bet btw. I've tried the other bookmakers and they aren't so stupid.
reports in Italy are that the FA/Premier League are corrupt

maybe they are trying to discredit english football to move the spotlight away from the currupt serie A or maybe it's because Mancio is a legend

the most obvious conclusion is that they are right, someone is on the take
Great post by the way Unwelcome Evertonian.

This issue is a strange one. We've had the banter already, so let's try and be serious.
I don't think for a second that Moyes should have been punished. That would be silly even for the neutrals amongst us. What I saw in Mancini though was a manager who was frustrated. A manager who was determined to get the ball, and a manager who acted first and thought about his actions afterwards.

Is this a good thing?

Well, it's certainly made me fonder of the guy, not that I was a critic.

A little bit of 'bad boy' isn't always a bad thing. For me, it could actually be the start of something good at City. If the players were to show the same determination on the field as your manager showed, you might actually get nearer to where you want to be, though it must be harnassed and directed.
The problem was that it was also very disrespectful, which wasn't so good.

To be fair to Moyes though, if he wanted to waste time, why catch it? He'd had hold of the ball only a second before Mancini came at him, so it was a little extreme from Mancini, and certainly worthy of a slap on the wrist from the FA.

What it showed was passion though, and even if it was possibly naive passion, it was passion all the same. I think it's that passion that your team are lacking, or at least aren't using what ever they have to their advantage. I'm not saying every match, as some matches I've seen they've been great, but in the 2 matches against us it appeared to be missing, and we can't be an exception I wouldn't have thought. I like Bellamy, funnily enough. I think he has tremendous passion, even if he is a little untamed. The same can be said for Tevez. 2 players that I admire very much on the field.

I'm still not sure what to make of Mancini. He has his own personality and he seems honest.

Regardless, you need a long term manager, and I really dislike clubs that sack sack sack, so is this guy here for the long run?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Darker shade of Blue said:
Great post by the way Unwelcome Evertonian.

This issue is a strange one. We've had the banter already, so let's try and be serious.
I don't think for a second that Moyes should have been punished. That would be silly even for the neutrals amongst us. What I saw in Mancini though was a manager who was frustrated. A manager who was determined to get the ball, and a manager who acted first and thought about his actions afterwards.

Is this a good thing?

Well, it's certainly made me fonder of the guy, not that I was a critic.

A little bit of 'bad boy' isn't always a bad thing. For me, it could actually be the start of something good at City. If the players were to show the same determination on the field as your manager showed, you might actually get nearer to where you want to be, though it must be harnassed and directed.
The problem was that it was also very disrespectful, which wasn't so good.

To be fair to Moyes though, if he wanted to waste time, why catch it? He'd had hold of the ball only a second before Mancini came at him, so it was a little extreme from Mancini, and certainly worthy of a slap on the wrist from the FA.

What it showed was passion though, and even if it was possibly naive passion, it was passion all the same. I think it's that passion that your team are lacking, or at least aren't using what ever they have to their advantage. I'm not saying every match, as some matches I've seen they've been great, but in the 2 matches against us it appeared to be missing, and we can't be an exception I wouldn't have thought. I like Bellamy, funnily enough. I think he has tremendous passion, even if he is a little untamed. The same can be said for Tevez. 2 players that I admire very much on the field.

I'm still not sure what to make of Mancini. He has his own personality and he seems honest.

Regardless, you need a long term manager, and I really dislike clubs that sack sack sack, so is this guy here for the long run?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

But it was Moyes that went after Mancini. If he hadn't reacted that would have been the end of it.

It was a strange night for officialdom on the whole. Tevez's booking and Arteta's non-booking beggared belief.
m27 said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Great post by the way Unwelcome Evertonian.

This issue is a strange one. We've had the banter already, so let's try and be serious.
I don't think for a second that Moyes should have been punished. That would be silly even for the neutrals amongst us. What I saw in Mancini though was a manager who was frustrated. A manager who was determined to get the ball, and a manager who acted first and thought about his actions afterwards.

Is this a good thing?

Well, it's certainly made me fonder of the guy, not that I was a critic.

A little bit of 'bad boy' isn't always a bad thing. For me, it could actually be the start of something good at City. If the players were to show the same determination on the field as your manager showed, you might actually get nearer to where you want to be, though it must be harnassed and directed.
The problem was that it was also very disrespectful, which wasn't so good.

To be fair to Moyes though, if he wanted to waste time, why catch it? He'd had hold of the ball only a second before Mancini came at him, so it was a little extreme from Mancini, and certainly worthy of a slap on the wrist from the FA.

What it showed was passion though, and even if it was possibly naive passion, it was passion all the same. I think it's that passion that your team are lacking, or at least aren't using what ever they have to their advantage. I'm not saying every match, as some matches I've seen they've been great, but in the 2 matches against us it appeared to be missing, and we can't be an exception I wouldn't have thought. I like Bellamy, funnily enough. I think he has tremendous passion, even if he is a little untamed. The same can be said for Tevez. 2 players that I admire very much on the field.

I'm still not sure what to make of Mancini. He has his own personality and he seems honest.

Regardless, you need a long term manager, and I really dislike clubs that sack sack sack, so is this guy here for the long run?

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

But it was Moyes that went after Mancini. If he hadn't reacted that would have been the end of it.

It was a strange night for officialdom on the whole. Tevez's booking and Arteta's non-booking beggared belief.

Hi m8.
It looked to be more of a protest than a reaction really to be fair. Moyes stays clearly in his own area. Mancini chooses not to go back to his, but again chose confrontation by opting to stand firm to Moyes, again out of his area.
Videos don't lie: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

As for what was said, the FA must have decided it wasn't anything wort pursuing. Moyes is afterall a gentleman despite his hardman reputation.
Blue Mist said:
ElanJo said:
No conspiracy here, just a correct decision.

(dependant upon the punishment)

Exactly what is a correct decision?
Sending them both off ?
Only charging Mancini ? if so why was Moyes sent to the stands as well ?

Please explain.

Charging Mancini is.

You can't go barging into the opposing manager and expect to get away with it. I loved it, don't get me wrong, but he deserves to get charged.
Some of this conspiracy shit spouted on here at times (quite often) is embarassing. Not everything the FA do is just to try and harm City FFS
Darker shade of Blue said:
m27 said:
But it was Moyes that went after Mancini. If he hadn't reacted that would have been the end of it.

It was a strange night for officialdom on the whole. Tevez's booking and Arteta's non-booking beggared belief.

Hi m8.
It looked to be more of a protest than a reaction really to be fair. Moyes stays clearly in his own area. Mancini chooses not to go back to his, but again chose confrontation by opting to stand firm to Moyes, again out of his area.
Videos don't lie: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

As for what was said, the FA must have decided it wasn't anything wort pursuing. Moyes is afterall a gentleman despite his hardman reputation.

Alreet pal, I've no real gripe with the outcome but I don't think Moyes was as innocent as you make out though. Mancini was daft so it was his own fault.

Your views on the ref? Your lads got Tevez booked and that trip by Arteta was the clearest booking you will ever see. Odd.
m27 said:
Darker shade of Blue said:
Hi m8.
It looked to be more of a protest than a reaction really to be fair. Moyes stays clearly in his own area. Mancini chooses not to go back to his, but again chose confrontation by opting to stand firm to Moyes, again out of his area.
Videos don't lie: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

As for what was said, the FA must have decided it wasn't anything wort pursuing. Moyes is afterall a gentleman despite his hardman reputation.

Alreet pal, I've no real gripe with the outcome but I don't think Moyes was as innocent as you make out though. Mancini was daft so it was his own fault.

Your views on the ref? Your lads got Tevez booked and that trip by Arteta was the clearest booking you will ever see. Odd.

He had the ball for less than a second before Mancini made his move, so it's difficult to tell what would have happened had he been left to his own devices. I'm not really sure how you can question his innocense on this occasion. Again, video evidence suggests Moyes was innocent.

As for the ref, it's hard to say unless you are able to look at every decision. I've not seen highlights and didn't see the tackle you speak of.

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