Mancini fear of failure?

Silva fantastic
Balotelli Very Good
Yaya Very good
Milner Okay
Kolarov and Boateng- Not been impressed.

But I'll see next season
Great read chaps... quite a few elephants in the room being pointed at.

I'll be mightily relieved if we get into the champs league this season, and if it happens I think some will say, rightly or wrongly, that it's despite Mancini rather than because of him.

I think I'm going to try to sit on the fence till we see where we end up in May, but I must say I'm in danger of falling off and landing on BillyShears side.
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
If you want to play at simplistic playground generalisations, I'd say mamcinis hair and scarf has turned some of our fans into stepford wives.

But it would ruin what is a decent debate. And we all know what you think of us city fans: "shit fans" was the term you used.

And some are.

So you don't think Dave, that the money that has come into our possession has changed the very nature of a hell of a lot of fans?

Serious question.
Not a chance, the fans want to see good football like we always have. Banter and piss taking is always rife at games, our real fans have not changed one bit.
Forget the argument that we dont see eye to eye for a moment, I haven't seen a change in the fans I see 1st hand, Internet forums maybe, but not genuine fans. Do you?
gio's side step said:
SWP's back said:
This should be interesting.

Can you please state how we have gone backwards this season from last.

Have we gone forward? Could you please state how?

I did not state in the affirmative. I just asked how we had gone backwards as it is painfully obvious to anyone that we have not.
Didsbury Dave said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
It is a matter of public record that Guus Hiddink was approached, prior to Mancini, and was not interested, even on a part-time basis until the summer.

Mancini was touting himself for a few jobs as his 'gardening leave' period came to a close with Inter.

He was offered a role at Notts County. The Mancini thing happened in a very small window.

Is it your understanding that Sunderland turned him down because of his poor English, Tolm? That's what I was told.

Not something I am aware of. Mancini was simply right place, right time.

Mancini revealed in his opening press conference that he met with both Khaldoon and Sheikh Mansour, just prior to him being handed the job, to explain his ideas on football.

If Mansour and Khaldoon were such long-established pals, they would perhaps have known his ethos, already?

Great debate, best I've seen on here for a very long time. Two differing perspectives, relatively civil, articulate in many ways.

What seems to be missing, though, is the influence of results elsewhere to all our mindsets.

Something we cannot do anything about. Our once very- favourable situation has certainly been weakened.

Should Chelsea win tonight, and we fail to get a win tomorrow, I will be very nervous.

It's the business end of the season, and things can suddenly seem so much better, or so much worse, all in the space of next ten days.
Didsbury Dave said:
Zin, why not keep this about the manager rather than me and Billy? I expect it from a couple on here, but you really don't want to be getting in bed with the likes of them.

What were saying about the playground?

You also have not answered my previous question that I asked regarding swapping our position with that of SPurs and Chelsea.
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
It puts the fucking fear of God in me that Mancini will get sacked.

It puts the fucking fear of God in me that Mancini will not get sacked. This man will take us nowhere.

But I'm sure he will and the main reason this season will not be his leadership skills and tactical decisions. It will be his transfers. When you're waving around hundreds of millions of pounds you should not end up with Kolorov, Boateng, Milner and Ya Ya, all who have not delivered on the pitch enough to justify their big price tags.

-- Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:28 am --

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
johnny crossan said:
This is already happening, witness the boos at the end of Saturday's game. I despair of these "loyal fans" - and their equivalent on here - for you to consider those two sad egotists as the more intelligent on the forum really says it all really Zin.

Intelligence in life doesn't necessarily make you an astute football viewer, hence the tone at my surprise they actually believe some of the shit they spout, DD and BS are clearly intelligent blokes mate so to state otherwise would be petty, however that doesn't mean I believe them to have a broader football knowledge than some on here - in fact DD gets a nose bleed if he goes past the M62.

Zin, why not keep this about the manager rather than me and Billy? I expect it from a couple on here, but you really don't want to be getting in bed with the likes of them.[/quote]

To be sacked because of his transfers would be absolutely ridiculous when you consider that Boateng, Kolarov and Balotelli spent most of the first few month of the season on the treatment table. This therefore means they are being judged on roughly about 15 premier league starts or so, no matter what the price tag is when you are stop start and don't have much time to train with your new team it's always going to difficult. It takes time to adapt, it takes time to understand what the manager wants you to do and how he wants the team as a whole to play and it takes time to get to know your team mates

I'd have no problem if he's sacked if we finish 5th because the owners don't think overall he's done a good enough job but at this moment in time to say that you think he'll get sacked because of his transfers is completely ridiculous in my opinion
de niro said:
BillyShears said:
I was talking about posters like Crossan who continue to peddle the "anti Mancini" bullshit as if we don't all want what is best for City. It's pathetic and borders on trolling - but he knows that.

I know how many footballers you know - the point I'm making is that the sport is incredibly subjective so people on here will always gravitate towards those they agree with and as you say those who 'agree' will make more sense to each other.

Apologies if it came across as insulting...

whats all this "fuckwit" shit about. we all have different views but in my opinion there is not one single fuckwit on here, i dont agree with all on here but fuck me it would be a quiet place if we all agreed.

lets keep the debate civil, interesting but civil.

come on don't turn this into a non contact sport Bill...

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