Mancini "I`m very angry"

nico1 said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
How can he say he is angry after a 4-1 victory. That would piss me off if I was playing. Don't tell the media you are angry. Keep it for the players.

he can say he's angry cos he's a winner and won't accept errors of any kind; weather individual or collective. what would you rather? a manager who scrapes a win and says the team were outstanding just to get the result or a manager who, three goals up, would complain it's not good enough to concede a goal. the former type of manager settles for the best he hopes he can achieve. the second, one who knows what it takes to be the best.

I couldn't agree with you more. It is excellent attitude to have. But don't tell the world your angry with a 4-1 win. keep it for the players.

Mention the sloppy goal. I just think telling the media he is angry about it is a bit of overkill.

I presume he said more than that about the performance right, he mentioned good points?
Esteban de la Sexface said:
How can he say he is angry after a 4-1 victory. That would piss me off if I was playing. Don't tell the media you are angry. Keep it for the players.

No, you've missed the point. He is making a statement of intent. Both internally and externally he is setting the standard he requires. He's making it absolutely clear that he knows how good the team can be and will not settle for anything less. I guarantee he will have praised the team behind closed doors but will also make it clear that the goal was avoidable.
Gelsons Dad said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
How can he say he is angry after a 4-1 victory. That would piss me off if I was playing. Don't tell the media you are angry. Keep it for the players.

No, you've missed the point. He is making a statement of intent. Both internally and externally he is setting the standard he requires. He's making it absolutely clear that he knows how good the team can be and will not settle for anything less. I guarantee he will have praised the team behind closed doors but will also make it clear that the goal was avoidable.

I can see that. But don't do it in the press. Give them the vanilla bull shit about sloppy goal, terrific tevez blah blah. That is just my view on it. Maybe it's part of his master plan, and who am I to question a man who has won 9 points in his first three premier league games scoring 9 and conceding the 1.

Just a little gripe is all. Anyway, can't be arsed waiting for bluemoon to load pages tonight and I'm well up for a debate and all, oh well. Night blues, dream on! We can arrive
Love the guy. Like all top-class managers, and lets face it, Baconface would be one of them up to fairly recently, Mancini will not accept anything as second-best. Nothing. Nowt. Zilch. Everyone will do their job and do it to the standard HE expects and demands and if you don't deliver....? You're OUT! ove the post about the players he used tonight, vast majority were here last year. Its scary (but in a really good way) that he can get these players who, lets face it, did not deliver anything much last year, and form them into a side winning games with relitive ease. What will we be like when our 'big guns' return to the side?

More importantly, I honestly feel we should be pushing for the title this year and I think the owners think that as well, hence the decision to remove Hughes. The fact is that apart from Chelsea no one can compete with us financially and in fact even they cannot, in reality, do so. Abramovich knows this. His wealth is lose change in the Arab's pockets. The scousers and rags are in meltdown financially. I don't happen to think either will go to the wall, nor for what it is worth do I wissh them to, but they cannot compete with the wealth we have, its really that simple. Teams of mid-table rank are now beating them and one another. Our owners clearly know their football and their business. They have seen a glorious and, in part unexpected, window of opportunity this season and have been bold to reach out to take advantage of this, despite the terrible press it gave us at the time. Why wait a year or two to have what you can have now? Sixth place with our squad would be a disgrace really! We are clearly have the strongest all-round squad in the Prem. We do have areas for improvement certainly and there are players at clubs who are a match for anything we have in certain positions - Torres, Gerrard, Rooney, Fabregas etc, but no other team currently has the 'depth' of squad currently available to City with the financial backing to buy more if needs be. We are on a roll. The season has a long way to go and while I would like to think we will go unbeaten throughout, we probably won't. But I think Mancini has been told that the bar of expectation has definately been raised - and for this season as well.
alera said:
Commentator why you won 4 - 1 ? "Yes but we gifted them this goal, this is unacceptable"

I love this guy first ever city manager to win his first 4 games on the bounce and hes annoyed to have let 1 goal in 4 games.

Absolute quality, even with half the regular first team missing he is making Mark Hughes and his backroom staff look like clowns. Very pleased that was another excellent performance and result tonight.
Myopic agenda bullshit apart from the gifted goal bit.
Absolute quality
Good win some superb play, but it wasn't that.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
How can he say he is angry after a 4-1 victory. That would piss me off if I was playing. Don't tell the media you are angry. Keep it for the players.

Absolute bollocks and I am glad you are not playing for us.

He is angry as we gifted the opponents a goal. I am so very very happy he said that.

It is the mentality that wins games/championships/cups.

It is something we have been missing all my life time (28 years)

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