Mancini ; I stay at City

BillyShears said:
I could care less whether Mou is hurt or not. He's got more important trophies than Mancini could ever dream of having. Ultimately that's what stings you - that no matter how hard you try - you'll never be able to change the fact that Mou's head and shoulders a better manager who won his important trophies, rather than being handed most of them by default...

Rammy - I suspect you're right. The cup and 3rd/4th....we have another season of nose bleed Bob, Platt, et al. Oh joy of joys...thankfully we've got some top players who'll at least attempt to entertain...
You best hope Dave is wrong and Mourinho doesn't come here next year because you'll be the most miserable fan alive if you're that dedicated to being entertained.
Ragnarok said:
So you value performance and entertainment over end results. How intriguing.

And how stupid of you to assume such a ridiculous thing. I believe that entertainment should be commensurate to the quality of players you have and the quality of the opposition. Bet that's a bit complicated for you to get your head round so please feel free to stick to your assumptions...
BillyShears said:
Ragnarok said:
So you value performance and entertainment over end results. How intriguing.

And how stupid of you to assume such a ridiculous thing. I believe that entertainment should be commensurate to the quality of players you have and the quality of the opposition. Bet that's a bit complicated for you to get your head round so please feel free to stick to your assumptions...
I do find it a bit odd that you dislike Italian footballing culture and yet would want Mourinho - given that Mourinho is practically the second coming of Helenio Herrera, who was the most "Italian" manager ever (though, like Mou, not actually an Italian).
taconinja said:
BillyShears said:
I could care less whether Mou is hurt or not. He's got more important trophies than Mancini could ever dream of having. Ultimately that's what stings you - that no matter how hard you try - you'll never be able to change the fact that Mou's head and shoulders a better manager who won his important trophies, rather than being handed most of them by default...

Rammy - I suspect you're right. The cup and 3rd/4th....we have another season of nose bleed Bob, Platt, et al. Oh joy of joys...thankfully we've got some top players who'll at least attempt to entertain...
You best hope Dave is wrong and Mourinho doesn't come here next year because you'll be the most miserable fan alive if you're that dedicated to being entertained.

Please don't be offended - but if you've spent the season watching Real Madrid play - you'll know that Mou with a bunch of new players by December was playing scintillating football. Judging him based on his battles with the self proclaimed Best Team Ever - who just happen to be Madrid's bitterest rivals - is - well it's disingenuous...
This is what our derbies will turn into under Mourinho


This is what you get with him. Winning with a huge dose of cuntish behavior.
BillyShears said:
Ragnarok said:
So you value performance and entertainment over end results. How intriguing.

And how stupid of you to assume such a ridiculous thing. I believe that entertainment should be commensurate to the quality of players you have and the quality of the opposition. Bet that's a bit complicated for you to get your head round so please feel free to stick to your assumptions...

Your opinion is strange but to each his own. For me , end results are all that matters not how they are achieved. If it includes entertainment so be it , if not so be it.

I have been wanting to ask this question for a while - How old are you?
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
You best hope Dave is wrong and Mourinho doesn't come here next year because you'll be the most miserable fan alive if you're that dedicated to being entertained.

Please don't be offended - but if you've spent the season watching Real Madrid play - you'll know that Mou with a bunch of new players by December was playing scintillating football. Judging him based on his battles with the self proclaimed Best Team Ever - who just happen to be Madrid's bitterest rivals - is - well it's disingenuous...
I'm not offended. I'm a Mourinho fan, so I've seen every La Liga match with Real Madrid I can this year as well as every Serie A game with Inter last year and so on. He does set out to attack when he thinks it's advantageous, which would be about as often as Mancini has this year.
Blue Haze said:
This is what our derbies will turn into under Mourinho


This is what you get with him. Winning with a huge dose of cuntish behavior.

He is actually failing in the most spectacular way with real madrid, Barca winning the league and the first leg of the champs league semi.

So what real madrid has actually gotten is losing and a lot of cuntish behavior.
Braggster said:
BillyShears said:
And how stupid of you to assume such a ridiculous thing. I believe that entertainment should be commensurate to the quality of players you have and the quality of the opposition. Bet that's a bit complicated for you to get your head round so please feel free to stick to your assumptions...
I do find it a bit odd that you dislike Italian footballing culture and yet would want Mourinho - given that Mourinho is practically the second coming of Helenio Herrera, who was the most "Italian" manager ever (though, like Mou, not actually an Italian).

I dislike the way Mancini's managed the team this season. I dislike the way he's used the players at his disposal. I believe that Carlos is the only reason we are where we are in the league - and it's no coincidence that results AND performances dropped off as soon as his form dropped off.

As for Mourinho as I said to Taconinja - to my eyes he had Madrid playing some lovely attacking football by December. His first season in charge. Judging him on the Barca games is unfair....and frankly, the other point is i'd put up with Mancini's ways if we were winning the league or at least fighting for it...we surrendered it pretty meekly this season IMO.<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:53 pm --<br /><br />
taconinja said:
BillyShears said:
Please don't be offended - but if you've spent the season watching Real Madrid play - you'll know that Mou with a bunch of new players by December was playing scintillating football. Judging him based on his battles with the self proclaimed Best Team Ever - who just happen to be Madrid's bitterest rivals - is - well it's disingenuous...
I'm not offended. I'm a Mourinho fan, so I've seen every La Liga match with Real Madrid I can this year as well as every Serie A game with Inter last year and so on. He does set out to attack when he thinks it's advantageous, which would be about as often as Mancini has this year.

Then we see it differently. Mou has set his stall out to attack in the vast majority of his La Liga games in charge of Madrid. Certainly from Nov onwards....Mancini on the other hand has spent the entire season not knowing what he wants to do. Hence the mixed results...

Their difference can be summed up in two players....Ozil/Yaya.
BillyShears said:
I dislike the way Mancini's managed the team this season. I dislike the way he's used the players at his disposal. I believe that Carlos is the only reason we are where we are in the league - and it's no coincidence that results AND performances dropped off as soon as his form dropped off.

As for Mourinho as I said to Taconinja - to my eyes he had Madrid playing some lovely attacking football by December. His first season in charge. Judging him on the Barca games is unfair....and frankly, the other point is i'd put up with Mancini's ways if we were winning the league or at least fighting for it...we surrendered it pretty meekly this season IMO.
We're still below Real Madrid's level of talent. Also--and we may not like this but it's true--the difference in how things are refereed in La Liga and the Premier League makes a big difference. Overall, the Premier League is better, so you're going to end up with more instances of defensive football.

Edit: And Ozil is over-hyped.

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