Mancini Interview BBC

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Neville Kneville said:
Shaelumstash said:
What the hell are you going on about? Don't be blinded by scoring lots of goals

That's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Either you've got a strange sense of humour or you didn't understand my point.

Scoring 7 against Norwich doesn't make up for losing to Cardiff, Villa and Sunderland. I'd have rather won all of those games 1-0, even though we'd have scored 4 less.

It's points on the board that counts, and as I pointed out earlier, we're 4 points behind our title winning form at the same stage of the season. We've probably scored 20 more goals, but I'd much rather have the points.
Skashion said:
SWP's back said:
Anyway, he may have built the team, much like I could build a kit car.

I would still have fuck all clue how to drive it like Lewis Hamilton though.
I'm pretty sure that 89 points and a plus 64 goal difference is driving it pretty well.
Yeah it is not bad at all, Schumacher was a fucking great driver for a long time but eventually was unable to deliver, everything has a lifespan and Mancini had his.<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:54 pm --<br /><br />
BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:
You mean like Rooney did the season prior??

Did they score a lot more goals than previous seasons? No. No they did not.

We lost the league as he lost the dressing room.

Anyway, he may have built the team, much like I could build a kit car.

I would still have fuck all clue how to drive it like Lewis Hamilton though.

You forgot to mention Rooney scored more goals for United in 11/12 than Van Persie did for them in 12/13.
My apologies, all the logical fallacies are confusing me.
SWP's back said:
KippaxCitizen said:
You don't deserve to win if you don't take your chances or don't create enough to stick in the net.

No team in this sport wins and doesn't deserve it.
Well that is bollocks.
No. No it's not.

If you boss possession but don't create enough chances and lose; you deserve to have lost.
If you have more chances but don't stick the ball in the net and you lose; you deserve to have lost.
If you boss possession and chances, dominate in every area of the game, hit the bar and the post and have shots cleared off the line but make defensive errors that cause you to lose; then you still deserve to have lost the game.

This sport is about scoring more than your opposition, nothing else, and if you don't do that you don't deserve to win.
lefty goldblatt said:

The guy is a winner and transformed City into winners.
It's all right having a shedload of dosh and decent players, but it takes a special man to put them together and WIN trophies (see Keegan at Newcastle)

Still miss Bob, but, the club have moved on.

It used to piss me off, the way cnuts like Keys and Gray etc used to treat him like shite in interviews (probably because he replaced one of their (Sky's) beloved Rags


BUT, we have Manuel now. The future is in great hands
Keys and Gray very much like Mancini and David Platt is a very good friend of theirs.

They are far more critical of Pellegrini as they believe Platt and Mancini were harshly done to. I have argued the point with them at length many a time.
You can imagine how difficult Mancini need to handle these three star players.
Robinho still shock to find himself sign for City, upset for being make weight and want to go away. Real gave him only one option to become a middle table player.
Adebayor was very angry man to depart from Arsenal. He didn't want to come to City. He blame Arsenal fan for all happening to him.
Tevez was upset from our neighbor club. He came here to revenge.
They are big players and feel they are bigger than the club perhaps
Tevez said he not deal with anybody else he had Shaikh phone number for instance.
Our defending was that we need to score 3 to win the match.
The squad has mentality of middle table team. Win is good. Lost is normal.

Who you choose to be manager at that time.

I chose Mancini.

Now I fully support Pelli.
SWP's back said:
Yeah it is not bad at all, Schumacher was a fucking great driver for a long time but eventually was unable to deliver, everything has a lifespan and Mancini had his.
I agree, Mancini had to go sadly but it doesn't mean he didn't do a good job whilst he was here.
KippaxCitizen said:
SWP's back said:
KippaxCitizen said:
You don't deserve to win if you don't take your chances or don't create enough to stick in the net.

No team in this sport wins and doesn't deserve it.
Well that is bollocks.
No. No it's not.

If you boss possession but don't create enough chances and lose; you deserve to have lost.
If you have more chances but don't stick the ball in the net and you lose; you deserve to have lost.
If you boss possession and chances, dominate in every area of the game, hit the bar and the post and have shots cleared off the line but make defensive errors that cause you to lose; then you still deserve to have lost the game.

This sport is about scoring more than your opposition, nothing else, and if you don't do that you don't deserve to win.
Still bollocks, you are assuming that teams never get lucky.

We beat Utd 1-0 thanks to a Giovanni goal at the Etihad under Sven and deserved to lose by a margin. There are plenty of times that teams get lucky. That, as they say, eeez futbol.<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:59 pm --<br /><br />
Skashion said:
SWP's back said:
Yeah it is not bad at all, Schumacher was a fucking great driver for a long time but eventually was unable to deliver, everything has a lifespan and Mancini had his.
I agree, Mancini had to go sadly but it doesn't mean he didn't do a good job whilst he was here.
The year we won the league, he did a great job, and I thought he did a great job the previous 18 months before we won the league.

But he was unable to get the team to deliver last season for various reasons.

As I say, he may have built the team, but he no longer was able to make them work to their best level.
Skashion said:
SWP's back said:
Yeah it is not bad at all, Schumacher was a fucking great driver for a long time but eventually was unable to deliver, everything has a lifespan and Mancini had his.
I agree, Mancini had to go sadly but it doesn't mean he didn't do a good job whilst he was here.
It was time for him to go. But he did do a great job, on the whole, while he was here. The positives he brought to City far outweigh any negatives anyone wants to peddle out.

A manager I will always have respect and love for.

I'm excited about the Pellegrini years now though.<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:05 pm --<br /><br />
SWP's back said:
KippaxCitizen said:
SWP's back said:
Well that is bollocks.
No. No it's not.

If you boss possession but don't create enough chances and lose; you deserve to have lost.
If you have more chances but don't stick the ball in the net and you lose; you deserve to have lost.
If you boss possession and chances, dominate in every area of the game, hit the bar and the post and have shots cleared off the line but make defensive errors that cause you to lose; then you still deserve to have lost the game.

This sport is about scoring more than your opposition, nothing else, and if you don't do that you don't deserve to win.
Still bollocks, you are assuming that teams never get lucky.

We beat Utd 1-0 thanks to a Giovanni goal at the Etihad under Sven and deserved to lose by a margin. There are plenty of times that teams get lucky. That, as they say, eeez futbol.
There's no such thing as luck. Things just happen. Nobody sprinkles magic luck dust over the ball as it's about to be defected three times on the way into the ball after a miskick.

We took our chance that day against United and they didn't take theirs. Therefore we fully deserved to win that game.
For the record I think Mancini breathed new life into City. We won our first silverware in a while and got to visit Wembley a few times...Good Times@ the roundabout...The Aguerooooooo moment will live with me forever.
Something changed, he moved on and so should we.
There is no reason I can't admire what Mancini did for the club and fully support Pellegrini now he is the gaffer.
I loved Roberto's reign and I am loving Manuel's.
I truly believe we as a club are on the verge of something very special.
Let's enjoy the ride and like City fans always have done thank those who went before and did their bit to make this the great club it always was and always will be.

Peter Docherty.
Frank Swift.
Bert Trautman.
Joe Mercer.
Malcolm Allison.
Colin Bell.
Roberto Mancini.
Sergio Aguero.
Yaya Toure.
Manuel Pellegrini

SWP's back said:
The cookie monster said:
SWP's back said:
Mancini took us from 5th to 3rd in his first full season.
Well lets hope pellegrini can take us from second to first..
I'd find it rather odd if anyone didn't.

Of course 2nd to 1st in one's first season, implementing your own style is harder than coming in for half a season and then cracking on the following season isn't it.
Not with this squad compared to what we had and it would be ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
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