Mancini Interview BBC

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KippaxCitizen said:
There's no such thing as luck. Things just happen. Nobody sprinkles magic luck dust over the ball as it's about to be defected three times on the way into the ball after a miskick.

We took our chance that day against United and they didn't take theirs. Therefore we fully deserved to win that game.
Well I couldn't disagree any more stronger but I doubt either of us will convince the other to change their stance so we may as well agree to disagree.<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:09 pm --<br /><br />
taconinja said:
SWP's back said:
The cookie monster said:
Well lets hope pellegrini can take us from second to first..
I'd find it rather odd if anyone didn't.

Of course 2nd to 1st in one's first season, implementing your own style is harder than coming in for half a season and then cracking on the following season isn't it.
Not with this squad compared to what we had and it would be ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
One may argue we had the best squad last season also??
SWP's back said:
KippaxCitizen said:
There's no such thing as luck. Things just happen. Nobody sprinkles magic luck dust over the ball as it's about to be defected three times on the way into the ball after a miskick.

We took our chance that day against United and they didn't take theirs. Therefore we fully deserved to win that game.
Well I couldn't disagree any more stronger but I doubt either of us will convince the other to change their stance so we may as well agree to disagree.

-- Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:09 pm --

taconinja said:
SWP's back said:
I'd find it rather odd if anyone didn't.

Of course 2nd to 1st in one's first season, implementing your own style is harder than coming in for half a season and then cracking on the following season isn't it.
Not with this squad compared to what we had and it would be ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
One may argue we had the best squad last season also??
If one were so inclined. Overall they would be right, too. You seem to mistake me for someone who thinks Mancini shouldn't have been sent packing. He lost the dressing room. You tend not to recover from that. The idea that he only deserves a "token of credit" (said early in the discussion) or that we don't have a remarkably better squad than we did when Mancini arrived (Ireland, Bellamy, Adebayor, etc. versus Negredo, Aguero, Navas, Silva, Toure, Nasri, etc.) is asinine.
Not read the thread because I get the feeling there will be lots of annoying posts comparing Pellers and Bobby, I just wanted to say that we should all be grateful for what Mancini did for our club, he took us up to that next level of Champions League football, even if he didn't get it right in his actual Champions League performances. The players that he signed are fantastic players and Pelligrini is now getting the most out of them due to how good of a coach and man manager he is. All I'm saying is we should never forget what Mancini did for us regardless of how good we are right now, he was a huge part in the history of this club.
I love Bob for what he did for us, but we weren't progressing at all after May 2012 - be that down to whether he was supported by the board for transfers or whatever other reason; and some players didn't look interested in playing. As for that whole RVP thing, did RVP score the winner for Wigan at Wembley in the FA Cup final?
Shaelumstash said:
Neville Kneville said:
Shaelumstash said:
What the hell are you going on about? Don't be blinded by scoring lots of goals

That's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Either you've got a strange sense of humour or you didn't understand my point.

Scoring 7 against Norwich doesn't make up for losing to Cardiff, Villa and Sunderland. I'd have rather won all of those games 1-0, even though we'd have scored 4 less.

It's points on the board that counts, and as I pointed out earlier, we're 4 points behind our title winning form at the same stage of the season. We've probably scored 20 more goals, but I'd much rather have the points.

Your making the common mistake of extrapolating results from the past, it's not a valid argument because there are so many variables you can add, such as other teams strengthening, new managers, change of system etc

I had nothing against Mancini and I am grateful for all he did, however I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed watching us play as I am at the moment, I look forward to every game I go to, it's the sort of football that most of us have always dreamed of watching
Puppet Master Silva said:
Not read the thread because I get the feeling there will be lots of annoying posts comparing Pellers and Bobby, I just wanted to say that we should all be grateful for what Mancini did for our club, he took us up to that next level of Champions League football, even if he didn't get it right in his actual Champions League performances. The players that he signed are fantastic players and Pelligrini is now getting the most out of them due to how good of a coach and man manager he is. All I'm saying is we should never forget what Mancini did for us regardless of how good we are right now, he was a huge part in the history of this club.
Agreed. What we need now is a Pellegrini. What we needed then was a Mancini. I don't feel that it would have worked if you switched the two at either time. That's good work by the executives in charge, by the way. You have to be able to spot when someone is the right person to do the job and what their shelf life is.
Ducado said:
Shaelumstash said:
Neville Kneville said:
That's one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Either you've got a strange sense of humour or you didn't understand my point.

Scoring 7 against Norwich doesn't make up for losing to Cardiff, Villa and Sunderland. I'd have rather won all of those games 1-0, even though we'd have scored 4 less.

It's points on the board that counts, and as I pointed out earlier, we're 4 points behind our title winning form at the same stage of the season. We've probably scored 20 more goals, but I'd much rather have the points.

Your making the common mistake of extrapolating results from the past, it's not a valid argument because there are so many variables you can add, such as other teams strengthening, new managers, change of system etc

I had nothing against Mancini and I am grateful for all he did, however I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed watching us play as I am at the moment, I look forward to every game I go to, it's the sort of football that most of us have always dreamed of watching
I'd rather we play like we do now than do a Jose and bore games to death.

People forget football is an entertainment business.
Puppet Master Silva said:
Not read the thread because I get the feeling there will be lots of annoying twats comparing Pellers and Bobby, I just wanted to say that we should all be grateful for what Mancini did for our club, he took us up to that next level of Champions League football, even if he didn't get it right in his actual Champions League performances. The players that he signed are fantastic players and Pelligrini is now getting the most out of them due to how good of a coach and man manager he is. All I'm saying is we should never forget what Mancini did for us regardless of how good we are right now, he was a huge part in the history of this club.

Sums it up perfectly Puppet.
taconinja said:
SWP's back said:
KippaxCitizen said:
There's no such thing as luck. Things just happen. Nobody sprinkles magic luck dust over the ball as it's about to be defected three times on the way into the ball after a miskick.

We took our chance that day against United and they didn't take theirs. Therefore we fully deserved to win that game.
Well I couldn't disagree any more stronger but I doubt either of us will convince the other to change their stance so we may as well agree to disagree.

-- Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:09 pm --

taconinja said:
Not with this squad compared to what we had and it would be ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
One may argue we had the best squad last season also??
If one were so inclined. Overall they would be right, too. You seem to mistake me for someone who thinks Mancini shouldn't have been sent packing. He lost the dressing room. You tend not to recover from that. The idea that he only deserves a "token of credit" (said early in the discussion) or that we don't have a remarkably better squad than we did when Mancini arrived (Ireland, Bellamy, Adebayor, etc. versus Negredo, Aguero, Navas, Silva, Toure, Nasri, etc.) is asinine.

I think it was more so the owners views on his public perception and his managerial style combined with the fact he is a three - five year manager at one club in anycase in the main and believes that 5 max is all you should hang around for no matter how much the supporters crave for you.

The spats with Balotelli and Tevez didn't help either irrespective of the distribution of blame.

As for the players perhaps some didn't like him much but as for the important and only word that matters and that is respect we shall see how many biographies can him on that score.
I wasn't going to post in here but fuck it I will

Saint Bob came - he did what he needed to. Gave us 3 trophies which we are forever grateful for and his time came to an end. To be an absolute selfish ****, I would have expected him to deliver 1 maybe 2 trophies more in his time due to how shit the competition have been. RAGs in decline but for their pissed up boss, Chavs in a not so stable place, Scousers & Arsenal in transition.

I think MP has a bigger challenge on his hands as he has to deal with a Chav team with probably the best manager on the planet (for what he does well), Arsenal improving and showing some steel and the best Red Dipper team I have seen for some time. He's lucky the pisscan disapeared when he did.

I hope we don't regret the early lost points. If MP wins this league this in my opinion surpasses the previous (IN MY OPINION).

Anyway back to Bobby - he had a hand in where we are today well done, but we have moved on "Holistically" - He has absolutely bollocks all influence in the way we are playing now - we'd be tighter defensively :) but will not have this level of attacking play and options.

Season ain't over yet and I am sure this debate will run on and on until MP brings in some Silverware. Anyway all the best to handsome one in Turkey.
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