Mancini it could've been so different.

Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

When Mancini made the De Jong change he should of put Tevez on at the same time. The team were poor last night. Bayern are a decent team but there not a great team. We made them look great at times last night.

With the forward options we have at the club Balotelli can throw the toys out of the pram even more than Tevez. What happens now if all our forwards get injured will Mancini bring back Tevez or leave him in the reserves? We will sell Tevez in January but we wont get the money we should be getting for him. It will be interesting to see what happens and if Mancini sticks to his guns about this.

Clueless remark you wouldnt see any of the other top managers saying to the media what Mancini did about Tevez. Some things in my opinion should stay in the dressing room not be played out in the media.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

didactic said:
Ahh the lovely sight of all these talented managers who are being under utilised in their normal jobs. We all know how you would have all won the game with your wonderful tactics and years of computer game, sorry real life experience. *sarcasm over*

If football management was as easy as most of you think every manager would be a success even greats like Jose, Pep, Fabio have succumbed to superior tactics. Get a grip we were going to lose some day and our great players *Tevez* let us done. This should never have happened, stop blaming the manager. Bayern have played at this level for the past 15 or so years.

May i take this opportunity to sincerely apologise for having an opinion on any footballing matters about our beloved club.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

Mancini's wrong!!
Start with defender who is 6 months not playing ..... hmmm
Dzeko or Kun .. Kun is invisible... Dzeko work hard ..!
De Jong game this year I think 15 minutes hmmm ..
Mancini go to italia
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

Think Mancini got carried away with the plaudits for attacking style this season and decided to go with it. Next time he´ll be more cagey against teams of that calibre of that I´ve no doubt
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

You can make arguments for bringing off a different striker for NDJ but in principle it is difficult to argue against the basic decision. To be fair, it isn't just supporters who think that to chase a game you need to throw on strikers, Alan McInally, who really should know better, said he couldn't understand the change and seemed to be suggesting it was a negative substitution whereas really trying to get more than about 20% possession (which is probably about all we had for the first 10 minutes of the second half) was a positive move in my mind.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

mike channon´s windmill said:
Think Mancini got carried away with the plaudits for attacking style this season and decided to go with it. Next time he´ll be more cagey against teams of that calibre of that I´ve no doubt

I understand that our midfield was non existent however I do believe that with the team we put out we were more than capable of getting a result.

The players didnt work hard enough for it!
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

leighton said:
Right I have been hughly impressed by Mancini since he has come to the club. Last night he got a number of things so fucking wrong and his decisions has lead to huge media attention which we dont need in my opinion all negative.

Watching the match when he decides to bring of Dzeko for De Jong at 2-0 down was the biggest what the fuck is he doing here. If your chasing a game and taking off a forward bring on a forward. No wonder Dzeko came off dumb founded at the move. IF it was any other manager they would of brought Tevez on for him and doing so we wouldnt have all the shit that happend after it.

Regarding Mancini and his Tevez after match comments. He handled it the wrong way big time in a interview to come out and say what he said is crazy. This should of been done in the dressing room not on the media. Tevez refusing to play Mancini is right to never play him again if he wishes but he didnt need to come out in the media to say it. Everyone knew during the game he refused to play so there is no way back why highlight it again. Its things like this that can make or break a manager I hope it makes Mancini but its a huge risk to take.

No we didn't, nobody knew what was going on. All we knew was there were a few issues going on and all prompted by Dzeko's tantrum. Even the TV guy who was near the touchline only speculated on Tevez refusing to go on and it just sounded then like he was shit stirring.

I'm 50:50 on whether Mancini should have said as much as he did but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and he had the right to deflect any criticism that might have come his way for not bringing on another striker. I think he was spot of for sorting out the midfield first. If we'd thrown another striker on without doing that we would have conceded again in no time.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

Holland said:
Mancini's wrong!!
Start with defender who is 6 months not playing ..... hmmm
Dzeko or Kun .. Kun is invisible... Dzeko work hard ..!
De Jong game this year I think 15 minutes hmmm ..
Mancini go to italia

All the nutters are out I see.

This place is getting more like rag cafe every day.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

Cant say i agree with you here. Mancini firstly wanted to shore up the midfield as it was not functioning. Then to bring on another striker after that makes common sense to me.
If mancini never said anything then the press would be hounding and undermining this situation to the hilt with absolute none compassion. So as for me well said Bob. We still had 35 minutes to play anything could of happened.
As for Captain caveman this is gross misconduct at least, and is no doubt a sackable offence. He should be sued for this and the money should be payed to reimburse the supporters that made that trip to munich and the rest to charity.
Hes let us all down the little fucking rat!
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

He did the right thing and anyone that thinks differently doesnt know the game. He wanted to establish solidity and stabilise the defence and then twist it to allow slapped arse on. Top tactics and clearly worlds apart from mosts thoughts.

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