mancini on sky sport

Lancet Fluke said:
jay_mcfc said:
Oh yeah it's Pep now. The man that single handedly won everything.... with perhaps the best team there has ever been.

The prospect of having Guardiola as manager scares me a bit. I don't think we'll have much idea of how good a manager he really is until he manages someone other than Barcelona. He could be incredibly good or he could turn out to be another Frank Rijkaard.
And although we play a possession-oriented game, I don't think out players suit Guardiola's style.
jay_mcfc said:
Lancet Fluke said:
jay_mcfc said:
Oh yeah it's Pep now. The man that single handedly won everything.... with perhaps the best team there has ever been.

The prospect of having Guardiola as manager scares me a bit. I don't think we'll have much idea of how good a manager he really is until he manages someone other than Barcelona. He could be incredibly good or he could turn out to be another Frank Rijkaard.

No need to worry mate. We have a title winning manager signed to a 5 yr contract who has proven credentials in the league he is in.

Personally, I wouldn't put a penny on Mancini still being our manager at the start of next season.
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
I do agree with you that the press department should have made clear those questions were off limits. I do wonder at times what our press department does as it seems to constantly be a bit of a weak link.

Quite right too. Whatever the reasons behind that story from last week, it was a ****'s trick by whoever leaked it. City should've squashed it and briefed Mancini to squash it. The fact that a) they didn't squash it and b) Mancini made it worse with his "six or seven clubs" comments - isn't good enough IMO. Strong leadership from the top down is imperative and at times it feels like we constantly have different factions within the club bitching at each other.

This has nothing to do with my opinion of Mancini as a manager or of how the team are performing. It's about behaving like a big club, showing the type of class which i imagine our owners want, and not feeding the press machine.

Totally agree with you, our communication and PR department to be frank is a fucking joke-and its always been that way, MCFC the happy little cosy club who love everybody-that worked when we were shit and didn't rub United up the wrong way-the sooner this is sorted out the better and it needs a complete overhaul, what the fuck does Vicky Kloss actually ever do?

How many top clubs have a training pitch that is completely open to any journalist with a pair of step ladders? How many pictures have appeared in the press of Balotelli et al skirmishing?

How many top clubs let a manager obviously unbreafed sit in front of a pack of wolves who blatantly love ripping into Mancini and MCFC and answer awkward questions every week since hes been at the club?

The point is people cant comment on what they dont know about-City as a club seem only to happy to give the press as much ammunition as they want.
taconinja said:
In a sense, I'm not sure the club has been or continues to be prepared for the style of journalism. My impression is they thought winning the Premier League would vindicate the decisions of the past few years (I think it has) and that the reporting would change. If anything it seems to have intensified the phenomenon of looking for an angle on how City are about to yet again fall apart. I really can't think of another major club that is consistently gone after in this fashion and no I don't think there's an organized agenda. I only think they want a story to sell papers, but they don't constantly try to hector their managers and players unless the person in question is obviously in trouble, e.g. AVB.

Don't agree with that assessment because I think being champions intensifies the pressure rather than eases it. I don't think the press have gone after City or Mancini with any particular ferocity this season. They've damned us with faint praise at times, but nothing more sinister than that. Well, that is until the Monaco thing.

There has to be some balance in our own reading of the press. Yes, they are at times shit stirring vindictive bastards, but just as not all coppers are cunts and not all referees are bent, the whole of the media world isn't out to get Man City.

It is an inescapable fact IMO that Mancini has given this story unnecessary legs in the run up to a very important game tomorrow.
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
At this point I can only conclude that no matter what response he had last week or this week or any other would be the absolute wrong move in your mind. I honestly really like reading your posts and find you have good opinions for the most part, but this is a bit much.

If Arsene Wenger or Ferguson or any other manager in the league for that matter had been asked that question in response to that story I daresay not one of them would have answered as glibly as Mancini did. I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp and why my feeling this way is somehow proof positive of some imagined agenda I have against Mancini. I too like your posts but I'm really fucking sick to the back teeth of not being allowed to give a rational and considered opinion without being pilloried for it.

Mancini has made an arse of himself today by reacting in the way he did. No doubt there will now be more stories about the pressure he's feeling. All because he needed the world to know how many "situations" he gets offered each year. You're going to find a lot more people agree with me than don't. Bluemoon isn't a barometer for anything when it comes to Mancini.
You're right, bluemoon is more anti Mancini than the match going fans as I'm sure you know.

I think you'll find far more disagree with you than agree with you. In Manchester at least, I wouldn't know about France.
Maybe been said already but Mancini takes the pressure and focus off the players by doing things like this, remember last season he kept saying u****d would win the league why...... so that when the media interview the players there's less pressure. I might be wrong but i think this is why he "blew his top" today when in all honesty he prob wasnt that bothered about being asked.

PS im not a doctor!!
All of this means fuck all, manegers are not judged on press conference performances, they are judged on how many trophies they win.

Judged on that we have the best man for the job in charge.
flb said:
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
I do agree with you that the press department should have made clear those questions were off limits. I do wonder at times what our press department does as it seems to constantly be a bit of a weak link.

Quite right too. Whatever the reasons behind that story from last week, it was a ****'s trick by whoever leaked it. City should've squashed it and briefed Mancini to squash it. The fact that a) they didn't squash it and b) Mancini made it worse with his "six or seven clubs" comments - isn't good enough IMO. Strong leadership from the top down is imperative and at times it feels like we constantly have different factions within the club bitching at each other.

This has nothing to do with my opinion of Mancini as a manager or of how the team are performing. It's about behaving like a big club, showing the type of class which i imagine our owners want, and not feeding the press machine.

Totally agree with you, our communication and PR department to be frank is a fucking joke-and its always been that way, MCFC the happy little cosy club who love everybody-that worked when we were shit and didn't rub United up the wrong way-the sooner this is sorted out the better and it needs a complete overhaul, what the fuck does Vicky Kloss actually ever do?

How many top clubs have a training pitch that is completely open to any journalist with a pair of step ladders? How many pictures have appeared in the press of Balotelli et al skirmishing?

How many top clubs let a manager obviously unbreafed sit in front of a pack of wolves who blatantly love ripping into Mancini and MCFC and answer awkward questions every week since hes been at the club?

The point is people cant comment on what they dont know about-City as a club seem only to happy to give the press as much ammunition as they want.
What you've missed there mate is that the press will make up any old shit and not let the facts get in the way of a good story. We could have the slickest PR set up in the world and it wouldn't make an ounce of difference.
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
In a sense, I'm not sure the club has been or continues to be prepared for the style of journalism. My impression is they thought winning the Premier League would vindicate the decisions of the past few years (I think it has) and that the reporting would change. If anything it seems to have intensified the phenomenon of looking for an angle on how City are about to yet again fall apart. I really can't think of another major club that is consistently gone after in this fashion and no I don't think there's an organized agenda. I only think they want a story to sell papers, but they don't constantly try to hector their managers and players unless the person in question is obviously in trouble, e.g. AVB.

Don't agree with that assessment because I think being champions intensifies the pressure rather than eases it. I don't think the press have gone after City or Mancini with any particular ferocity this season. They've damned us with faint praise at times, but nothing more sinister than that. Well, that is until the Monaco thing.

There has to be some balance in our own reading of the press. Yes, they are at times shit stirring vindictive bastards, but just as not all coppers are ***** and not all referees are bent, the whole of the media world isn't out to get Man City.

It is an inescapable fact IMO that Mancini has given this story unnecessary legs in the run up to a very important game tomorrow.
I don't think I was very clear. Apologies. This is a concept I'm struggling to get across correctly. In a sense, a lot of the interviews I see with City personnel strike me as similar to the old "Have you stopped beating your wife?" chestnut. I don't think that there is a press agenda for the most part as you always have a few idiots with an ax to grind. Of course, this may be much more in part to the sports journalism I'm familiar with which to be honest I find much more equal in all regards than the British sports press.

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