mancini on sky sport

Well done Bobby.

Should have done something similar sooner.

It's time you started putting these f***ers in their place.
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
Sounds like he his lost his rag because he's been asked about the "six or seven clubs" quote from last week's press conference. Maybe he shouldn't have given the press the quote in the first place.'s all Roberto's fault isn't it Billy

No, it's all my fault. I write all the stories in the newspapers, i also have mind control abilities never seen before and can therefore make some Russian billionaire offer Mancini a huge contract, then make Mancini reject the contract and stay at City, then make a third party tell me, in the body of Daniel Taylor, about the contract offer, then make another journalist ask Mancini about it, then make Mancini tell the "truth" about "six or seven situations" he was offered, then make another journalist ask him about the "six or seven situations", then make Mancini lose his rag and demand more respect, and then finally become myself again so I can comment in this thread. I've been rumbled ... :)
Cobwebcat said:
Mancini fans: About time someone stood up to the press. Well done Bob.

Mancini outers: Bob has lost his cool and brought it on himself.

'Twas ever thus!

A lot of nothing in the long run. I'd say Pep looks set for Chelsea and there aren't many others better than Bob.

Quite an entertaining press conference whatever your take.

Well summed up<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:59 pm --<br /><br />
Cobwebcat said:
Mancini fans: About time someone stood up to the press. Well done Bob.

Mancini outers: Bob has lost his cool and brought it on himself.

'Twas ever thus!

A lot of nothing in the long run. I'd say Pep looks set for Chelsea and there aren't many others better than Bob.

Quite an entertaining press conference whatever your take.

Well summed up
BillyShears said:
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
Sounds like he his lost his rag because he's been asked about the "six or seven clubs" quote from last week's press conference. Maybe he shouldn't have given the press the quote in the first place.'s all Roberto's fault isn't it Billy

No, it's all my fault. I write all the stories in the newspapers, i also have mind control abilities never seen before and can therefore make some Russian billionaire offer Mancini a huge contract, then make Mancini reject the contract and stay at City, then make a third party tell me, in the body of Daniel Taylor, about the contract offer, then make another journalist ask Mancini about it, then make Mancini tell the "truth" about "six or seven situations" he was offered, then make another journalist ask him about the "six or seven situations", then make Mancini lose his rag and demand more respect, and then finally become myself again so I can comment in this thread. I've been rumbled ... :)

The cabal are almighty and powerful
Interesting article from Gab Marcotti on Mancini & Monaco etc.:

Roberto Mancini can be high-strung and irritable, and he certainly was when the media questioned his commitment to Manchester City after reports that he was negotiating with Monaco in the spring.

"I don't understand why you continue to ask me," he said. "Why? This is finished. I stay here because I work here. We won three trophies in two years. ... Every year I can have two or three situations where I can go. ... You should have respect for this, for me, for the club."

The fact that Mancini had weighed up an offer from Monaco and its billionaire owner Dmitry Rybolovlev (the man who bought his daughter the most expensive apartment ever sold in Manhattan, a $88 million penthouse) was generally common knowledge in football circles. The timing of the report last week -- a few days after Brian Marwood, with whom Mancini had clashed, was demoted from his role as de facto sporting director and replaced by Txiki Beguiristain -- doesn't seem coincidental.

Does this mean we should be questioning Mancini's loyalty to City?

In the real world, the answer is a resounding "no."

Andrew Yates/Getty Images
Do people really think Roberto Mancini was going to leave Man City for Monaco? If anything, he was smart to create a Plan B in case he was fired.
First, because it's pretty obvious that if City doesn't perform, the club will likely weigh up other managerial options: it would be stupid not to. And since Mancini knows this, if he wants to remain in management and thinks he might be getting the boot, he'd be a fool not to figure out who else might be interested in him and what they're willing to put on the table.

Second, it's very obvious that Monaco was always going to be Plan B, an insurance policy against being fired. With Guardiola announcing he was stepping down at the end of the season and -- despite his statements of wanting a sabbatical -- many clubs convinced they could change his mind (just ask Chelsea), it's not hard to see why Mancini may have wanted a backup option.

But that's just what it was. An insurance policy.

Rybolovlev may be a billionaire, but according to reports, Sheikh Mansour could buy him out and still have $20 billion left over. Monaco may be an ambitious team, but it's a side in the French second division that plays in a weird 18,523-seat bowl on top of a car park.

In the very best-case scenario, the only way Monaco will be getting Champions League football before 2014 is via the TV.

Anybody really think Mancini would willingly trade what he has at City for Monaco?
Watched it earlier and don't understand the reaction on here to be honest.
He got a bit feisty but so what?

The only time I have ever thought Mancini to engage his gob before his brain was over the Tevez debacle.
Even that, with hindsight, worked out well.
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
At this point I can only conclude that no matter what response he had last week or this week or any other would be the absolute wrong move in your mind. I honestly really like reading your posts and find you have good opinions for the most part, but this is a bit much.

If Arsene Wenger or Ferguson or any other manager in the league for that matter had been asked that question in response to that story I daresay not one of them would have answered as glibly as Mancini did. I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp and why my feeling this way is somehow proof positive of some imagined agenda I have against Mancini. I too like your posts but I'm really fucking sick to the back teeth of not being allowed to give a rational and considered opinion without being pilloried for it.

Mancini has made an arse of himself today by reacting in the way he did. No doubt there will now be more stories about the pressure he's feeling. All because he needed the world to know how many "situations" he gets offered each year. You're going to find a lot more people agree with me than don't. Bluemoon isn't a barometer for anything when it comes to Mancini.

In your opinion of course. Your opinion is NOT shared by most fans.....All opinions are welcome as long as you understand that you are not revealing any facts...just opinions. Trouble is, you seem to think you are always right and don't like being challenged.
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
At this point I can only conclude that no matter what response he had last week or this week or any other would be the absolute wrong move in your mind. I honestly really like reading your posts and find you have good opinions for the most part, but this is a bit much.

If Arsene Wenger or Ferguson or any other manager in the league for that matter had been asked that question in response to that story I daresay not one of them would have answered as glibly as Mancini did. I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp and why my feeling this way is somehow proof positive of some imagined agenda I have against Mancini. I too like your posts but I'm really fucking sick to the back teeth of not being allowed to give a rational and considered opinion without being pilloried for it.

Mancini has made an arse of himself today by reacting in the way he did. No doubt there will now be more stories about the pressure he's feeling. All because he needed the world to know how many "situations" he gets offered each year. You're going to find a lot more people agree with me than don't. Bluemoon isn't a barometer for anything when it comes to Mancini.

In your opinion of course. Your opinion is NOT shared by most fans.....All opinions are welcome as long as you understand that you are not revealing any facts...just opinions. Trouble is, you seem to think you are always right and don't like being challenged.

But your response to Billy is also just an opinion CC1.
SWP's back said:
BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:
I think you'll find far more disagree with you than agree with you. On Manchester at least, I wouldn't know about France.

Strawman alert...

All the more funny coming from the ultimate fence sitter!
Ultimate fence sitter?

Was anti-Hughes from the first winter and wanted him gone and always been pro Mancini apart from one afternoon when I threw a pissed up paddy after the Arsenal game.

Anyway, nice deflection. You honestly think bluemoon is more pro Mancini than match going fans? Get to a game son.

You can't disagree with Billy - It isn't allowed.

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