mancini on sky sport

CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
taconinja said:
At this point I can only conclude that no matter what response he had last week or this week or any other would be the absolute wrong move in your mind. I honestly really like reading your posts and find you have good opinions for the most part, but this is a bit much.

If Arsene Wenger or Ferguson or any other manager in the league for that matter had been asked that question in response to that story I daresay not one of them would have answered as glibly as Mancini did. I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp and why my feeling this way is somehow proof positive of some imagined agenda I have against Mancini. I too like your posts but I'm really fucking sick to the back teeth of not being allowed to give a rational and considered opinion without being pilloried for it.

Mancini has made an arse of himself today by reacting in the way he did. No doubt there will now be more stories about the pressure he's feeling. All because he needed the world to know how many "situations" he gets offered each year. You're going to find a lot more people agree with me than don't. Bluemoon isn't a barometer for anything when it comes to Mancini.

In your opinion of course. Your opinion is NOT shared by most fans.....All opinions are welcome as long as you understand that you are not revealing any facts...just opinions. Trouble is, you seem to think you are always right and don't like being challenged.

Of course I'm only stating an opinion. It goes without saying most of the time although there are times where we'll all say it. I don't mind having my opinion challenged either as long as it's at least done with a bit of good humour and a bit of common sense. If you're just going to spout "you're anti mancini you've got an agenda" then I'll probably reply in kind.

I do think he made an arse of himself today. I'm not sure what all those saying he won some battle with the media think he actually achieved other than getting himself a few more headlines. Reading this thread has honestly been a laugh a minute. If an alien were to come down and not know who the "media" were they could be forgiven for thinking it's an organisation of mass baby killers. One journalist asked a totally expected question after Mancini flung that line of questioning wide open in Friday's press conference. If he'd have laughed it off like he did Friday's question, this thread wouldn't exist. He did the one thing guaranteed to cause headlines. Lose his temper and go instantly on the defensive about his record of trophies and how for "fifteen years nothing" before he came along.

Sorry but for a guy who's meant to be cool as a cucumber he was anything but today. In my opinion of course ... ;)
Bluemoon115 said:
Mancini can't stop the press from asking questions.

He can stop giving goading answers though.

Not all Mancini's fault at all, but he could have prevented this, he chose not to last week.

Do you honestly believe that had Mancini said 'it's untrue, I had no offers from any clubs and I am here to stay' the press would have left it at that? Would they fuck.

And Mancini is right to be angry because he answered a question honestly but still gets asked stupid questions over and over again. They know he was offered other jobs, what more do they have to ask? Why ask at a CL press conference and what the hell was the question anyway because it made zero sense? It was something like 'On Friday you said you had 7/8 offers of jobs in the summer and now you're in the champions league...' or something along those lines. If the journo is gonna act the **** by asking loaded questions then he should be fucked off.
Let's have some truth on here.

Who hasn't lost their rag every now and again because...?

Peck, peck, peck, f***ing peck.

I've had enough of this s***!

(slams the door)

"I want a word with you!"

Let me put this to you all.

Do you think that jurno or any other jurno would do something similar to Ferguson? Not a f***ing chance.

Well done Bobby. The message needed to be sent out. About time to.
Tevez City said:
I understand Mancini's frustration with the reporter, but lets hope he didn't see him self as untouchable !

Manchester City team cost ( Transfer Fees+Wages) is higher than the combined cost of Ajax and Dortmund.

I accept defeats against any team, but I don't accept that City didn't show up yet this year in the Champions League !

3 below average performances, and there is only one man to blame called Mancini.

Presumably then, the same man is responsible for winning the FA Cup Premier League and Community Shield. I guess that outweighs 3 losses in the Champions League
jay_mcfc said:
Bluemoon115 said:
Mancini can't stop the press from asking questions.

He can stop giving goading answers though.

Not all Mancini's fault at all, but he could have prevented this, he chose not to last week.

Do you honestly believe that had Mancini said 'it's untrue, I had no offers from any clubs and I am here to stay' the press would have left it at that? Would they fuck.

And Mancini is right to be angry because he answered a question honestly but still gets asked stupid questions over and over again. They know he was offered other jobs, what more do they have to ask? Why ask at a CL press conference and what the hell was the question anyway because it made zero sense? It was something like 'On Friday you said you had 7/8 offers of jobs in the summer and now you're in the champions league...' or something along those lines. If the journo is gonna act the **** by asking loaded questions then he should be fucked off.

In that case we need to up the ante within the club when it comes to press Conferences. I'm not suggesting a ferguson/scum approach at a total shitty nasty bullying approach but we do need to get more savvy.

Unless Mancini is behaving like a loose cannon, in which case that is hard to contain.
BillyShears said:
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
Sounds like he his lost his rag because he's been asked about the "six or seven clubs" quote from last week's press conference. Maybe he shouldn't have given the press the quote in the first place.'s all Roberto's fault isn't it Billy

No, it's all my fault. I write all the stories in the newspapers, i also have mind control abilities never seen before and can therefore make some Russian billionaire offer Mancini a huge contract, then make Mancini reject the contract and stay at City, then make a third party tell me, in the body of Daniel Taylor, about the contract offer, then make another journalist ask Mancini about it, then make Mancini tell the "truth" about "six or seven situations" he was offered, then make another journalist ask him about the "six or seven situations", then make Mancini lose his rag and demand more respect, and then finally become myself again so I can comment in this thread. I've been rumbled ... :)

But Billy, it IS you making such a fuss about the situation. Bobby won't toe your line. He dealt with the twat who asked the question and demanded respect for him, the club and the players. You aren't happy with that - I am (and so are many others) But it is only my opinion just like it's only your opinion.
Well done RM!!!!!!!!!

The press continue to ask the same inane questions week in week out. He has answered the questions...why ask him again?

I like the fact that he says that "every year i get 2 or 3 situations like this".......its probably common with a lot of top managers.....he was approaching the end of his contract and he was preparing for the future IF this is what actually happened.

Well done Bobby.....

Remember Fergie walking out on a press conference last season when someone had the gault o say his team played badly/didnt deserve to win (or something like that)....he was hounded by the media for was barely mentioned.......

The press dont deserve any respect for they way they behave....Well done RM for finally standing up to only should have done it sooner
BillyShears said:
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
Sounds like he his lost his rag because he's been asked about the "six or seven clubs" quote from last week's press conference. Maybe he shouldn't have given the press the quote in the first place.'s all Roberto's fault isn't it Billy

No, it's all my fault. I write all the stories in the newspapers, i also have mind control abilities never seen before and can therefore make some Russian billionaire offer Mancini a huge contract, then make Mancini reject the contract and stay at City, then make a third party tell me, in the body of Daniel Taylor, about the contract offer, then make another journalist ask Mancini about it, then make Mancini tell the "truth" about "six or seven situations" he was offered, then make another journalist ask him about the "six or seven situations", then make Mancini lose his rag and demand more respect, and then finally become myself again so I can comment in this thread. I've been rumbled ... :)
You're one talented motherfucker. I think I love you :)
mackenzie said:
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
If Arsene Wenger or Ferguson or any other manager in the league for that matter had been asked that question in response to that story I daresay not one of them would have answered as glibly as Mancini did. I'm not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp and why my feeling this way is somehow proof positive of some imagined agenda I have against Mancini. I too like your posts but I'm really fucking sick to the back teeth of not being allowed to give a rational and considered opinion without being pilloried for it.

Mancini has made an arse of himself today by reacting in the way he did. No doubt there will now be more stories about the pressure he's feeling. All because he needed the world to know how many "situations" he gets offered each year. You're going to find a lot more people agree with me than don't. Bluemoon isn't a barometer for anything when it comes to Mancini.

In your opinion of course. Your opinion is NOT shared by most fans.....All opinions are welcome as long as you understand that you are not revealing any facts...just opinions. Trouble is, you seem to think you are always right and don't like being challenged.

But your response to Billy is also just an opinion CC1.

EXACTLY. A point I keep's just that Billy believes he is right and belittles those whose opinions differ from his. He seems a very patronising and a rather angry person who thinks he is always right. Just my opinion of course

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