mancini on sky sport

CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
CC1 said:
In your opinion of course. Your opinion is NOT shared by most fans.....All opinions are welcome as long as you understand that you are not revealing any facts...just opinions. Trouble is, you seem to think you are always right and don't like being challenged.

Of course I'm only stating an opinion. It goes without saying most of the time although there are times where we'll all say it. I don't mind having my opinion challenged either as long as it's at least done with a bit of good humour and a bit of common sense. If you're just going to spout "you're anti mancini you've got an agenda" then I'll probably reply in kind.

I do think he made an arse of himself today. I'm not sure what all those saying he won some battle with the media think he actually achieved other than getting himself a few more headlines. Reading this thread has honestly been a laugh a minute. If an alien were to come down and not know who the "media" were they could be forgiven for thinking it's an organisation of mass baby killers. One journalist asked a totally expected question after Mancini flung that line of questioning wide open in Friday's press conference. If he'd have laughed it off like he did Friday's question, this thread wouldn't exist. He did the one thing guaranteed to cause headlines. Lose his temper and go instantly on the defensive about his record of trophies and how for "fifteen years nothing" before he came along.

Sorry but for a guy who's meant to be cool as a cucumber he was anything but today. In my opinion of course ... ;)

But that's the whole point. I for one, am glad he didn't laugh it off. I am GLAD he gave the journalist an ear bashing because he was disrespecting our club, players and manager. Mancini chose to attack back.....This seems to have caused you some embarrassment. I think it was time to point out that he always answers questions honestly and politely but on this occasion the journo had crossed the line and was politely told to f*** off.

The embarrassment today was solely because Mancio once again, took the bait, went mental and had a hissy fit. He doesn't seem to have much self-control, whether he's screaming and gesticulating on the touchline, yelling at the admittedly scummy reporters, or slagging off his own players (or Marwood, or the medical staff) in front of the world footballing media. Mancini isn't MCFC, Sheik Mansour is, and when the ax falls, you'll all be reminded of that.

Duncan Castle's piece today is spot on, as usual, and he writes for the media organ owned by Sheik Mansour's brother. Do you not think there was a message or three in that for Mancini? When he's sacked, whether at season's end, or before, it will be as much for his personality and ego issues as for the lack of positive results in Europe. Sheik Mansour doesn't like horrible PR any more than any other owner, and Mancini is constantly providing the anti-City media with ammunition galore. This isn't just about our club, it's about Abu Dhabi, and the face it presents to the world.
I see all the headlines are about Mancini this morning and not about the team and their poor performances in the CL. Anyone think he reacted deliberately yesterday to make headlines about himself and take pressure of the team?

Last year, and last week even he was the master of mind games. Now he is cracking under the pressure of one question? I don't get it ....

mancunial said:
city encourage this, if they didnt vicky would not be in the position she is in, if city were the tail the dog would be wagging, if anyone thinks bobby is cracking they need to take a look at themselves, you have to remember guys that journalists are generally considered cowards, they are frightened to death of the top media men and have to fall in line, or a certain figure head and his captains of industry might just take their toys away, gutless is the word i am looking for, they want bobby out, i wonder why? their again they want ballo out as well? oh if he played the dark side what a breath of fresh air he would be?
Bobby didn't seem quite prepared for the press conference and initially looked confused over the question he was asked about injuries.
l think he is under pressure and taking it personally the crap that is written on a daily basis about his shortcomings in the ECL and not giving him the credit for what he has achieved here in England and also in Italy.
It was obvious they were going to question him again on the Monaco job after his flippant reply last week which left them gob smacked, he should have been ready for them. This is where Platt should be earning his money and giving a hand to Bobby.
People complain when the club don't stand up to the press yet the first time Bobby bears his teeth you say he's lost his cool and it's bad PR, make your mind up.

Don't take any more shit Mancini, good on you.
Blue Heaven said:
CC1 said:
BillyShears said:
Of course I'm only stating an opinion. It goes without saying most of the time although there are times where we'll all say it. I don't mind having my opinion challenged either as long as it's at least done with a bit of good humour and a bit of common sense. If you're just going to spout "you're anti mancini you've got an agenda" then I'll probably reply in kind.

I do think he made an arse of himself today. I'm not sure what all those saying he won some battle with the media think he actually achieved other than getting himself a few more headlines. Reading this thread has honestly been a laugh a minute. If an alien were to come down and not know who the "media" were they could be forgiven for thinking it's an organisation of mass baby killers. One journalist asked a totally expected question after Mancini flung that line of questioning wide open in Friday's press conference. If he'd have laughed it off like he did Friday's question, this thread wouldn't exist. He did the one thing guaranteed to cause headlines. Lose his temper and go instantly on the defensive about his record of trophies and how for "fifteen years nothing" before he came along.

Sorry but for a guy who's meant to be cool as a cucumber he was anything but today. In my opinion of course ... ;)

But that's the whole point. I for one, am glad he didn't laugh it off. I am GLAD he gave the journalist an ear bashing because he was disrespecting our club, players and manager. Mancini chose to attack back.....This seems to have caused you some embarrassment. I think it was time to point out that he always answers questions honestly and politely but on this occasion the journo had crossed the line and was politely told to f*** off.

The embarrassment today was solely because Mancio once again, took the bait, went mental and had a hissy fit. He doesn't seem to have much self-control, whether he's screaming and gesticulating on the touchline, yelling at the admittedly scummy reporters, or slagging off his own players (or Marwood, or the medical staff) in front of the world footballing media. Mancini isn't MCFC, Sheik Mansour is, and when the ax falls, you'll all be reminded of that.

Duncan Castle's piece today is spot on, as usual, and he writes for the media organ owned by Sheik Mansour's brother. Do you not think there was a message or three in that for Mancini? When he's sacked, whether at season's end, or before, it will be as much for his personality and ego issues as for the lack of positive results in Europe. Sheik Mansour doesn't like horrible PR any more than any other owner, and Mancini is constantly providing the anti-City media with ammunition galore. This isn't just about our club, it's about Abu Dhabi, and the face it presents to the world.
What a load of shit.
Have you actually watched any of it?
And who are this "you'll all" you speak.?
Sacked?? For what? You're off your rocker.
Again, well done Roberto. Some of the press are always looking for an angle to have a sly dig to try and unsettle the team before every game and I'm surprised he hasn't reacted sooner, I know I would have.
imo Bob did the right thing.

I'm sure Bob and City, like us, are fucking sick to death of the anti city media and it's about we told them to fuck off.

He's done incredibly well in the time he's been here. Fucking incredibly well. He's been highly successful. Yet what does he/we get? a constant barrage of anti city bollocks from everywhere in the press and media. It isn't on.

Yes we've not done great in CL so far, but as Bob pointed out look at the fucking group. We dont get these cushy piss easy sunday league groups like Utd and Arsenal do. Does anyone with any understanding of football seriously think either of those clubs would get out of our group?

It's a definite 'lets kick city in the bollocks no matter what they do' situation from the press/media in this country.

If you keep bullying someone, sooner or later they'e going to turn round and smack you in the mouth.


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