Mancini out? (merged)

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Re: Mancini out?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
mcfcinprague said:
A bit left field and you'll all say he has no pedigree etc....

What about Diego Simeone from Atletico Madrid, he's done a great job there and he might even be able to tempt a certain Colombian striker who goes by the name of Radamel Falcao García Zárate to come with him
I think you are looking for the transfer forum
Take the next left just after the general football sign

NO, I am not looking for the transfer forum thanks all the same

I am in the thread regarding Mancini out? and suggesting an alternative that might also have a player attached
Re: Mancini out?

zark said:
i find it incredibly funny that Mancini is up for the chop while

platt and kidd [both united lovers ] are getting away with it

also most people wanted shut of mario and thats what bobby did and got a decent price for the, at best £7 mil player.

also bobby tried to change the formation and tactics at the start of season to which
the players rebelled and played crap wanting 4-2-3-1

they got 4-2-3-1 and played crap, even worse

In all this the one overriding principle for me is the club and any club cannot have players throwing tantrums if they are to progress and win the champs league.

get rid of bobby and the players win.

It shouldn't be a battle in my opinion. The players should want to play for their manager because there is mutual respect and they believe in him. Yes there will be disagreements and that's healthy but the City camp has seen more than it's fair share of conflict! I believe that mancini's man management skills are not good enough. He appears to have no rapport with his players and I have never heard any player 'genuinely' say anything positive about him, just the usual robotic football interview drivel that players regurgitate when asked about the manager to paper over the cracks. He is arrogant, aloof and has no charisma, oh and his footballing decisions have been pretty shit too!!
Re: Mancini out?

If the owners fire him after winning the league and signing a 5 year contract with him the owners are clueless.

Or it just will set the standard what a 5 year contract worth at City. Basically one bad season and you are fired because thats what it would be...

Mancini was not backed in the summer. We had bids for RVP, Hazard and probably Agger too. We had the money as we had bids. Then Marwood couldnt get any of that deals because he is clueless. And in the end some second, third...10th target players were brought in on the last day. A team that become Champions had an awful transfer window still cant belive how shit it was.

Mancini knew he needs those players as there big weaknesses in the playing squad. Just imagine if we get De Rossi earlier how much those slow joke Barry would play? He wouldnt play, he would be a sub. Cant tackle, cant run for his life, cant make forward passes. Awful. And he is the one that keeps us running. And Garcia is probably worse...
Yeah thats why we "run" out of CL so easily. He had the same mistake vs. Napoli at home in a crucial match he tried to pass it back, lost it, gave a counter to Napoli (a team that is killing many teams with counters) and it finished 1-1.

I am not saying Mancini is the best coach ever. But owners has to make a decision on him. Support him in the market or not. If not, really fire him in the summer and get a coach they will support or will be OK without much financial support on the market. Thats it.

Or lower the expectations.

Mancini made lot of mistakes as a manager (who doesnt) but it has to be clear form the owners or the new Catalan brigade they support him 100% or not. If they just support him 70% and the club is not ready to splash the cash again because of FFP or something else than no reason to keep Mancini.

Club owners must make their support clear about the manager and the expectations. This summer will be huge.

I hope Mancini stays and he gets support in transfers. But the best thing for City and this is what really matters to have a manager that has the right backing from owners, CEO etc.

There are signs he doesnt have it, January window, Balo sale, the whole summer dealing but that was under tool Marwood things changed since than in CEO position so we dont know for sure...

Keep Mancini or support him or fire him and support the new one. But dont keep Mancini and make him suffer with second rate signings. Or give him 5 year contract which worth fuck all in the end as it seems like.
Re: Mancini out?

Wow start a thread and log back on and it's 50 pages strong!

Anyway I see we still have the mancini love in crowd deep in here. I don't know what he has to do until one of them criticise him.

He has brought me the happiest times supporting city but considering the funds he's had at his disposal I think alot of managers wouldn't of done much worse.

For two years he has had no plan b and it's appalling considering he is a 'top class" manager earning a fortune. Dumped out there for European the first stage 2 years on the trot and no hope in retaining our title. Had united not threw it away last year we would of been potless then too.

All in all thank you for what you have done bobby but do one, along with the bang average players you signed this summer.
Re: Mancini out?

GoMancini7 said:
If the owners fire him after winning the league and signing a 5 year contract with him the owners are clueless.

Or it just will set the standard what a 5 year contract worth at City. Basically one bad season and you are fired because thats what it would be...

Mancini was not backed in the summer. We had bids for RVP, Hazard and probably Agger too. We had the money as we had bids. Then Marwood couldnt get any of that deals because he is clueless. And in the end some second, third...10th target players were brought in on the last day. A team that become Champions had an awful transfer window still cant belive how shit it was.

Mancini knew he needs those players as there big weaknesses in the playing squad. Just imagine if we get De Rossi earlier how much those slow joke Barry would play? He wouldnt play, he would be a sub. Cant tackle, cant run for his life, cant make forward passes. Awful. And he is the one that keeps us running. And Garcia is probably worse...
Yeah thats why we "run" out of CL so easily. He had the same mistake vs. Napoli at home in a crucial match he tried to pass it back, lost it, gave a counter to Napoli (a team that is killing many teams with counters) and it finished 1-1.

I am not saying Mancini is the best coach ever. But owners has to make a decision on him. Support him in the market or not. If not, really fire him in the summer and get a coach they will support or will be OK without much financial support on the market. Thats it.

Or lower the expectations.

Mancini made lot of mistakes as a manager (who doesnt) but it has to be clear form the owners or the new Catalan brigade they support him 100% or not. If they just support him 70% and the club is not ready to splash the cash again because of FFP or something else than no reason to keep Mancini.

Club owners must make their support clear about the manager and the expectations. This summer will be huge.

I hope Mancini stays and he gets support in transfers. But the best thing for City and this is what really matters to have a manager that has the right backing from owners, CEO etc.

There are signs he doesnt have it, January window, Balo sale, the whole summer dealing but that was under tool Marwood things changed since than in CEO position so we dont know for sure...

Keep Mancini or support him or fire him and support the new one. But dont keep Mancini and make him suffer with second rate signings. Or give him 5 year contract which worth fuck all in the end as it seems like.
I thought Erwin the prem last year with this team but I must of dreamt it and it was transfers that have ruined us
Re: Mancini out?

Well for starers, Mancini doesn't buy the players. He was quite vocal about that last Summer when he was complaining about not getting the players he wanted because the person who was in charge of buying the players at the time wasn't landing the players he wanted.

The reason why Roberto Martinez didn't take the Liverpool job was because they are a club who don't let the manager control things and he wouldn't like that, and the reason Jose Mourinho got sacked by Chelsea is because they are a club who don't let the manager control things and he was kicking up a fuss. City are one of those clubs.

I've said for ages that we aren't as good as many people think we are across our squad. Yes we have some very good players, yes we've won the FA Cup and Premier League but maybe it was Mancini getting greater performances and results out of them that was a big part in getting us there. United had a better all round squad than us last season, the deeper into their squad you the better they were than us, yet we won the league.

I look around the top sides in Europe and see they all have a lot better players than we do. Which players in our team would get in a world XI? None? Kompany? None? We aren't as good as many think we are. We have a lot of players in our squad that were bought for, firstly, taking us from an average mid-table Prem team to a team that could challenge to get into the top four. In fact, most of our squad is of that level for me. We haven't had the time to evolve our squad past that level enough yet. We then have a few players who are a level above that but that's all, no more than that.

Mancini was very unhappy last Summer, he was holding his anger back in press conferences when asked certain questions. He wanted to increase the number of those type of players at City yet the people in charge of transfers were not landing these players. I'm sure he envisaged what is happening now due to that and low and behold, it's happening. We have the second best squad in the Prem because we didn't improve on it and we're second in the Prem. Is that a surprise? Not for me. We are exactly where our quality says we should be. And going back to the Champions League; Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund are miles better than us, they're a level above what we are. I have no real complaints about that, apart from not beating Ajax at home.

That being said, I don't think he's using the squad he's got to its full capabilities. I think all of Silva Nasri and Milner are much better players when they are central. Yet none of them are playing in the centre of late. We severely lack creativity in our squad and when these players are wider they aren't as effective at being creative (I wouldn't even really call Milner a creator). I also think he should be using Sinclair more to add something different like Adam Johnson did for us when he came on as a substitute. Johnson wasn't good enough for a title challenging team but he did have an impact in certain games off the bench with goals and assists from time to time and we've had none of that this season.

Some of his substitutions are strange. I didn't mind him leaving no centre halves on yesterday. That wasn't a problem for me as he didn't revert to a 0-6-4 formation; he did actually have three players capable of doing a job there, playing there. Plus taking off a striker and bringing on Kolarov at Wigan gave us width and spread the Wigan defence across the pitch, creating gaps where Wigan were keeping it narrow beforehand, which allowed us to have opportunities at goal and we scored two. But bringing Lescott on up front at Sunderland? I'll never understand that one. And taking creative players off (we only have two in the whole squad as it is!) [Silva, Nasri] at any time we aren't winning is not the right thing to do, ever. And not playing Mario as a central striker for the most part of his career with us - whether he was absolutely shit sometimes or played with absolutely no effort sometimes, or not - was a waste of what could have been a very dangerous player, too often.

We won't be retaining our title this season. But neither will Real Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, Zenit St Petersburg, Montpellier; and other champions may very well not in Ajax, Juventus and Porto whose titles are all under threat. So we are not alone. Over the last few years many teams have not retained their title after winning it the season before. It's happened to the best team on the planet over the last seven years - Barça - three times.

I would like Mancini to have another chance to see if he can rectify some of his mistakes and see if we can land some of the players he wants to push us forward and see what he can do with them. I think he deserves that chance, regardless of his flaws and mistakes. I also think Sheikh Mansour would allow him that too. But it might not be Sheikh Mansour's decision as he may leave and trust the decisions to be made by Khaldoon and Soriano.

The thing is, if they do see it time for Mancini to go, who do we get? Barça hate Mourinho. They think he brings disgrace to La Liga and not for one second will Soriano and Begiristain think any different about him here at City. I feel the same thing towards him. For me you can't do the things he's done and be loved. I wouldn't welcome him and I wouldn't be happy if he was our manager because I don't want our players to turn into cünts. I'd hate to see Silva and Agüero diving all over the shop; I'd hate to see Zabaleta and Milner pretending to be injured when there not; I'd hate to see Kompany running after the ref and encouraging the rest of the players to surround and hound the officials when they give a decision against us; I'd hate to see our captain and great man Kompany start to volley people in the head or rake his studs down players' backs on the instructions of that wanker as a manager; and I'd hate it if Mourinho walked up to Michael Laudrup and poked him in the eye and then stand there pretending he didn't do it - or, you know, something to that effect or that level of cowardice. I just don't want that at City whether it brings trophies or not.

Over the years many many managers have shown you don't have to be a cünt and you don't have to pull cünt's tricks to be successful. And I'm certain there are managers out there now who can portray class with success too. I simply don't want Mounrinho.

As for Mancini, well, we'll see in the coming six months. I do believe he deserves another shot at it and I do think he will get it. But you never know. And if not, I really really hope we bring the right person in.
Re: Mancini out?

You would have thought the owners would have set targets for this season, retain/challenge for title again and reach the group stages of the CL. None of these have occurred, and have not even been close as it stands at present. Therefore you've got to say he has serious questions to answer in the summer.
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