Mancini out? (merged)

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Re: Mancini out?

Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Seosa said:
We've got a better squad than Un*ted IMO, it's the man running the squad that's the difference.

I think we trot this line out too often.

Ferguson is better than Mancini that is clear but their squad is just as good if not stronger than ours.

Our bench yesterday was weak.

I wouldnt argue with any of them points
People are still harping on about our squad being better than theirs..

It really isnt.
Re: Mancini out?

The cookie monster said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Seosa said:
We've got a better squad than Un*ted IMO, it's the man running the squad that's the difference.

I think we trot this line out too often.

Ferguson is better than Mancini that is clear but their squad is just as good if not stronger than ours.

Our bench yesterday was weak.

I wouldnt argue with any of them points
People are still harping on about our squad being better than theirs..

It really isnt.
Re: Mancini out?

Caveman said:
hgblue said:
Caveman said:
Well for starers, Mancini doesn't buy the players. He was quite vocal about that last Summer when he was complaining about not getting the players he wanted because the person who was in charge of buying the players at the time wasn't landing the players he wanted.

The reason why Roberto Martinez didn't take the Liverpool job was because they are a club who don't let the manager control things and he wouldn't like that, and the reason Jose Mourinho got sacked by Chelsea is because they are a club who don't let the manager control things and he was kicking up a fuss. City are one of those clubs.

I've said for ages that we aren't as good as many people think we are across our squad. Yes we have some very good players, yes we've won the FA Cup and Premier League but maybe it was Mancini getting greater performances and results out of them that was a big part in getting us there. United had a better all round squad than us last season, the deeper into their squad you the better they were than us, yet we won the league.

I look around the top sides in Europe and see they all have a lot better players than we do. Which players in our team would get in a world XI? None? Kompany? None? We aren't as good as many think we are. We have a lot of players in our squad that were bought for, firstly, taking us from an average mid-table Prem team to a team that could challenge to get into the top four. In fact, most of our squad is of that level for me. We haven't had the time to evolve our squad past that level enough yet. We then have a few players who are a level above that but that's all, no more than that.

Mancini was very unhappy last Summer, he was holding his anger back in press conferences when asked certain questions. He wanted to increase the number of those type of players at City yet the people in charge of transfers were not landing these players. I'm sure he envisaged what is happening now due to that and low and behold, it's happening. We have the second best squad in the Prem because we didn't improve on it and we're second in the Prem. Is that a surprise? Not for me. We are exactly where our quality says we should be. And going back to the Champions League; Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund are miles better than us, they're a level above what we are. I have no real complaints about that, apart from not beating Ajax at home.

That being said, I don't think he's using the squad he's got to its full capabilities. I think all of Silva Nasri and Milner are much better players when they are central. Yet none of them are playing in the centre of late. We severely lack creativity in our squad and when these players are wider they aren't as effective at being creative (I wouldn't even really call Milner a creator). I also think he should be using Sinclair more to add something different like Adam Johnson did for us when he came on as a substitute. Johnson wasn't good enough for a title challenging team but he did have an impact in certain games off the bench with goals and assists from time to time and we've had none of that this season.

Some of his substitutions are strange. I didn't mind him leaving no centre halves on yesterday. That wasn't a problem for me as he didn't revert to a 0-6-4 formation; he did actually have three players capable of doing a job there, playing there. Plus taking off a striker and bringing on Kolarov at Wigan gave us width and spread the Wigan defence across the pitch, creating gaps where Wigan were keeping it narrow beforehand, which allowed us to have opportunities at goal and we scored two. But bringing Lescott on up front at Sunderland? I'll never understand that one. And taking creative players off (we only have two in the whole squad as it is!) [Silva, Nasri] at any time we aren't winning is not the right thing to do, ever. And not playing Mario as a central striker for the most part of his career with us - whether he was absolutely shit sometimes or played with absolutely no effort sometimes, or not - was a waste of what could have been a very dangerous player, too often.

We won't be retaining our title this season. But neither will Real Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, Zenit St Petersburg, Montpellier; and other champions may very well not in Ajax, Juventus and Porto whose titles are all under threat. So we are not alone. Over the last few years many teams have not retained their title after winning it the season before. It's happened to the best team on the planet over the last seven years - Barça - three times.

I would like Mancini to have another chance to see if he can rectify some of his mistakes and see if we can land some of the players he wants to push us forward and see what he can do with them. I think he deserves that chance, regardless of his flaws and mistakes. I also think Sheikh Mansour would allow him that too. But it might not be Sheikh Mansour's decision as he may leave and trust the decisions to be made by Khaldoon and Soriano.

The thing is, if they do see it time for Mancini to go, who do we get? Barça hate Mourinho. They think he brings disgrace to La Liga and not for one second will Soriano and Begiristain think any different about him here at City. I feel the same thing towards him. For me you can't do the things he's done and be loved. I wouldn't welcome him and I wouldn't be happy if he was our manager because I don't want our players to turn into cünts. I'd hate to see Silva and Agüero diving all over the shop; I'd hate to see Zabaleta and Milner pretending to be injured when there not; I'd hate to see Kompany running after the ref and encouraging the rest of the players to surround and hound the officials when they give a decision against us; I'd hate to see our captain and great man Kompany start to volley people in the head or rake his studs down players' backs on the instructions of that wanker as a manager; and I'd hate it if Mourinho walked up to Michael Laudrup and poked him in the eye and then stand there pretending he didn't do it - or, you know, something to that effect or that level of cowardice. I just don't want that at City whether it brings trophies or not.

Over the years many many managers have shown you don't have to be a cünt and you don't have to pull cünt's tricks to be successful. And I'm certain there are managers out there now who can portray class with success too. I simply don't want Mounrinho.

As for Mancini, well, we'll see in the coming six months. I do believe he deserves another shot at it and I do think he will get it. But you never know. And if not, I really really hope we bring the right person in.

How many of the Southampton players that dicked us yesterday would get in our squad? Lack of quality players isn't the issue, it's getting the best out of the players you have that's the issue.
I really really hope Mourinho comes here, because it would be hilarious to see Vinnie raising that Champs League trophy above his head, and to look round at a handful of blues with their arms folded tutting because we've turned into a team of *****.
That's just one game. Real Sociedad beat Barça the other week, that is the same sort of result as we got yesterday. It's just one game and in one game anything can happen. Plus I said I feel United have always had a better squad than us yet we won the league last season; how is that not getting the best out of the players?

And what planet do you live on? I keep seeing this sort of stupid post from you and you keep posting it even though I keep telling you it's stupid.

For one, we'd have to buy about twelve top players for us to win the CL next season...and two, what fans would not celebrate us winning the CL you fucking plum? I said these exact words to you the other day;
You clearly don't have the first clue why people don't like or want Mourinho here.

You've posted this crap before.

Tell you what, fella; why don't you try and actually read what people say about Mourinho when they say why they don't like him. Then you won't have to pop back with that same line again.

It has absolutely nowt, at all, to do with thinking he will fail here.
And I've even posted the exact reasons why above. Yet you're still not understanding. There's no other way I can spell it out to you. I think I'll just have to ignore you if you can't understand it because you're too frustrating to post to.

Why not try and understand the reason many of us don't like or want Bob?

Just a suggestion or should we just ignore you because you're too stupid to understand?

Makes me laugh when posters decry Mourinho for lets say his football...."its boring" yet his teams constantly score the most goals whilst conceding the least. Check his record out and tell me its boring?

"Mou is a ****, only interested in himself, doesn't stick around blah, blah, blah". Sounds exactly like Bob who incidently, shares virtually the same record for time spent at clubs and aside from the fancy scarf and cute hair, comes across as a bit of a driven, single minded ****.

Sounds familiar doesn't it apart from one crucial fact....Mourinho's record pisses all over Bobs and for that reason alone, he should be our next manager.
Re: Mancini out?

r.soleofsalford said:
Seosa said:
We've got a better squad than Un*ted IMO, it's the man running the squad that's the difference.

Anyone who doesn't agree with this is just plain dumb
Hart Zaba Richards Clichy Kompany Yaya and Silva are the only players in our squad that would get into United's.
Re: Mancini out?

Caveman said:
r.soleofsalford said:
Seosa said:
We've got a better squad than Un*ted IMO, it's the man running the squad that's the difference.

Anyone who doesn't agree with this is just plain dumb
Hart Zaba Richards Clichy Kompany Yaya and Silva are the only players in our squad that would get into United's.

Re: Mancini out?

blueinsa said:
Caveman said:
hgblue said:
How many of the Southampton players that dicked us yesterday would get in our squad? Lack of quality players isn't the issue, it's getting the best out of the players you have that's the issue.
I really really hope Mourinho comes here, because it would be hilarious to see Vinnie raising that Champs League trophy above his head, and to look round at a handful of blues with their arms folded tutting because we've turned into a team of *****.
That's just one game. Real Sociedad beat Barça the other week, that is the same sort of result as we got yesterday. It's just one game and in one game anything can happen. Plus I said I feel United have always had a better squad than us yet we won the league last season; how is that not getting the best out of the players?

And what planet do you live on? I keep seeing this sort of stupid post from you and you keep posting it even though I keep telling you it's stupid.

For one, we'd have to buy about twelve top players for us to win the CL next season...and two, what fans would not celebrate us winning the CL you fucking plum? I said these exact words to you the other day;
You clearly don't have the first clue why people don't like or want Mourinho here.

You've posted this crap before.

Tell you what, fella; why don't you try and actually read what people say about Mourinho when they say why they don't like him. Then you won't have to pop back with that same line again.

It has absolutely nowt, at all, to do with thinking he will fail here.
And I've even posted the exact reasons why above. Yet you're still not understanding. There's no other way I can spell it out to you. I think I'll just have to ignore you if you can't understand it because you're too frustrating to post to.

Why not try and understand the reason many of us don't like or want Bob?

Just a suggestion or should we just ignore you because you're too stupid to understand?

Makes me laugh when posters decry Mourinho for lets say his football...."its boring" yet his teams constantly score the most goals whilst conceding the least. Check his record out and tell me its boring?

"Mou is a ****, only interested in himself, doesn't stick around blah, blah, blah". Sounds exactly like Bob who incidently, shares virtually the same record for time spent at clubs and aside from the fancy scarf and cute hair, comes across as a bit of a driven, single minded ****.

Sounds familiar doesn't it apart from one crucial fact....Mourinho's record pisses all over Bobs and for that reason alone, he should be our next manager.
I do understand why people don't like Bob. I've posted where I think he's weak and makes mistakes and I have said that I can see why Soriano and Begiristain might want to sack him. Or do you not read what I say neither?
Re: Mancini out?

Rammy Blue said:
Caveman said:
r.soleofsalford said:
Anyone who doesn't agree with this is just plain dumb
Hart Zaba Richards Clichy Kompany Yaya and Silva are the only players in our squad that would get into United's.

And Sergio, yes, of course...just forgot about him.
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