Mancini Outers - Who do you suggest?

glynn said:
Mr Mancini is walking a fine tight rope at the moment. three on the bounce, players arguing, He needs to sort this out or it will go from bad to worse. I'll back him and get behind him and the team. but if we dont beat WBA or the Scum then I will have to rethink my opinion.

This happens in football and teams bounce back and I expect us to, some people on here need to understand just because we have all the money and we spend silly, doesn't mean were going to win all the time. and spitting your dummy out everytime we lose just makes our fans look like ungrateful twunts.

I dont beleive Jose or Guardiola could do any better than Mancini,

And one last thing if any mcfc staff/players came on here and i think they probably do sometimes, do you not think this stuff would destabalise the team??? Fans asking for the managers head!!! it doesnt make us look good really does it. as fans?

I mean if you think about it all it takes is one player to come on noseying see people want Mancini out, then tell the team the next day, then why should the team play well if the fans aint backing the manager. then say a jurno comes on see's it, its in the paper. Our teams success is in our hands guys so stop arguing and get behind the manager and the team.
lool please tell me you are joking? Basically he's doing as good of job anyone can ask him of with what he has available to him?

LYNX said:
Joachim Low, look at the football Germany was playing!
This guy or Redknapp. At least we get entertainment even if we do lose, and judging from players' comments, they want attacking football too. But I don't want a manager who would wanna rehaul the team again.
its not surprising we never win anything as some of the fans want to get to shut of the manager during any dodgy spell..

I was not a Hughes fan as i felt the team lacked organization but IMO Mancini is in a different league tactically and has a track record as good as anybody in the world..

I know its the same old story but we have got to give him time, there are not many managers around who give teams instant success, especially after a period of not winning anything for decades..

we have to give him a minimum of 3 years and then assess..

the bloke has not been here 12 months yet..
LYNX said:
Joachim Low, look at the football Germany was playing!

Hmm... being the manager of a National Team is very different to being a club manager.

Is Loew a good manager in terms of making a team play attractive football and instill togetherness? Yes.

Is he a good club manager? Not so sure...
Let me stress again, I don't want Mancini out, and have been a staunch supporter since his time here. Doubts are now creeping in though and I'd be a liar if I said I hadn't been thinking of who to bring in if the situation does get a lot worse.

If it does get to the point of no return, even mid-season, who is to say that the decision makers at the club won't sit down and identify a long-term manager and go out to get him at all costs.

If we just look at people 'available' or out of work it's hardly in keeping with the club's ethos of going for the best in the world is it?

If Mancini is to be sacked, I would be a lot less anxious if it was clear that his replacement was not just a stop-gap. Who that man will be is another matter though. All I can tell you it won't be Hiddink or O'Neill.
I think the suggestions on this thread show exactly why we should keep Mancini til the end of the season.

I actually can't believe someone suggested Maradona seriously.
We should have got Hiddink last year and he is the man. Anyone else (aside from those that simply are unbuyable (Wenger, Mourinho etc)) has significant issues. We just need to pay him what he wants. Everyone has his price.
projectriver said:
We should have got Hiddink last year and he is the man. Anyone else (aside from those that simply are unbuyable (Wenger, Mourinho etc)) has significant issues. We just need to pay him what he wants. Everyone has his price.

In this case maybe not. It depends the strength of the 'agreement' between him and Abramovich.

If it got to the stage where we wanted someone to sort out a changing room of rampant egos. I agree, he is the best man for the job.

At 63 years old, it won't be a long-term appointment though.
If Mancini for any reason get the sack, I have a hard time thinking of a more exciting, intriguing and above all realistic scenario than the return of Sven.

Exciting because he it would be his chance for payback time and see what we all have wondered - what would have happened if Thaksin wouldn't have thrown a fit and fired him just before the sheik came along. Intriguing because of all the headlines, plots, subplots, gossip and publicity. Realistic because I'm sure Leicester would be open for negotiations to let him go and I see Mou as unrealistic for the coming 2 years.

... oh well, it was nice to dream for a second.
avoidconfusion said:
LYNX said:
Joachim Low, look at the football Germany was playing!

Hmm... being the manager of a National Team is very different to being a club manager.

Is Loew a good manager in terms of making a team play attractive football and instill togetherness? Yes.

Is he a good club manager? Not so sure...
Agreed, getting the likes of Ozil, Schweinstiger (Sp?), Mueller, Podolski to play attractive football is a slightly easier job that getting the likes of Barry and Zabeleta playing total football.
An international coach sits on his a*se 200 days a year getting corporate hospitality at the big games to do a "scouting mission" on his players. Quiet different to taking training and man-managing day in day out.

We need to have a manager with a proven track record, someone who is good in the transfer market and is tactically astute. That guy is Roberto Mancini.

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