Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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Marvin said:
BobKowalski said:
Andouble said:
it's all inter-connected.

Yep. If the new guys were looking for a new manager almost from the get go then its going to end in tears unless you keep it under wraps and lock it down tight. Once the players know or suspect the manager is toast then it starts to unravel.

Politically it was always a strong possibility that they would want their own man so its not exactly a surprise but it pisses me off that it wasn't handled better. It was bloody amateur hour today and totally unnecessary from start to finish.
If Pellegrini goes on to become the new manager then it's a case of the King is Dead Long live the King. But I'm sure the board of directors and the owner will be acutely embarrassed that this was the major news story of the day on Cup Final morning. Very Very embarrassing - if true.

someone other than the manager needs sacking - if true
momo88 said:
Berkovic_blue said:
Mancini in. Get him the players he actually wants in the summer and let him get on with it.

It genuinely saddens me that there seem to be so many spoilt children following the club who demand instant success and throw the toys out at the first sign of struggle. Thankfully most of them clearly aren't match-goers

Give him another 200m to win the league at home on goal diff against a promoted team !!! are you for real no manager in the world got the money to spend as Mancini and after City I really don't see any big club wanting him, would real,bayern,barca,milan,juve,psg,united,chelsea,arsenal,liverpool,dortmund take him ?

Not winning is not a shame after all it's a sport with a winner and loser but at least when you lose stop blaming every one but yourself
Your club appointed a manager who has won nothing
Andouble said:
We knew through Chilean media that it may have been agreed upon for over a month now.

It came from Ballague, a close friend of Roberto Martinez, that it really came to light, 16 hours or so before the FA Cup final against his team.

Job done by Ballague. Twat.

Why didn't you earn yourself a few pounds then?.....or let your wisdom and priviy info out on here>...........................Thought so.
Marvin said:
If Pellegrini goes on to become the new manager then it's a case of the King is Dead Long live the King. But I'm sure the board of directors and the owner will be acutely embarrassed that this was the major news story of the day on Cup Final morning. Very Very embarrassing - if true.

For once we agree. But if the stories are true, and we had to act, its a matter of "do we let a Manager being courted by every top club slip through our fingers, or risk the FA cup? Its not pretty, but they're thinking long term, and it shows how little the FA cup means to the men in charge.

There is a gulf in the priorities of the fans and the people in charge. Everyone is fortunately hoping for long term success.
m7mcfc said:
Andouble said:
We knew through Chilean media that it may have been agreed upon for over a month now.

It came from Ballague, a close friend of Roberto Martinez, that it really came to light, 16 hours or so before the FA Cup final against his team.

Job done by Ballague. Twat.

Why didn't you earn yourself a few pounds then?.....or let your wisdom and priviy info out on here>...........................Thought so.

You may have to do some searching but it's well documented. I'm sure Love City can provide you with the link from the Chilean media showing this from a while back.
Dethred said:
Marvin said:
If Pellegrini goes on to become the new manager then it's a case of the King is Dead Long live the King. But I'm sure the board of directors and the owner will be acutely embarrassed that this was the major news story of the day on Cup Final morning. Very Very embarrassing - if true.

For once we agree. But if the stories are true, and we had to act, its a matter of "do we let a Manager being courted by every top club slip through our fingers, or risk the FA cup? Its not pretty, but they're thinking long term, and it shows how little the FA cup means to the men in charge.

There is a gulf in the priorities of the fans and the people in charge. Everyone is fortunately hoping for long term success.
I do not believe that the FA Cup matters little to the men in charge
So whether Mancini is going or not, Txiki has a lot to f*cking answer for his indiscretion. Rank amateurism in it's purest form that has a lot to do with our defeat. This leak clearly upset the team's preparation as they clearly had a problem being motivated for today's game - normally a sign that a team is not happy about what is going ion behind the scenes.
BlueAnorak said:
So whether Mancini is going or not, Txiki has a lot to f*cking answer for his indiscretion. Rank amateurism in it's purest form that has a lot to do with our defeat. This leak clearly upset the team's preparation as they clearly had a problem being motivated for today's game - normally a sign that a team is not happy about what is going ion behind the scenes.

More on Soriano as CEO than Txiki as the director of football, IMO. An interview on the OS from either would suffice though, definitely.
BlueAnorak said:
So whether Mancini is going or not, Txiki has a lot to f*cking answer for his indiscretion. Rank amateurism in it's purest form that has a lot to do with our defeat. This leak clearly upset the team's preparation as they clearly had a problem being motivated for today's game - normally a sign that a team is not happy about what is going ion behind the scenes.

Bang on the money

Cups for cock ups?
Andouble said:
BlueAnorak said:
So whether Mancini is going or not, Txiki has a lot to f*cking answer for his indiscretion. Rank amateurism in it's purest form that has a lot to do with our defeat. This leak clearly upset the team's preparation as they clearly had a problem being motivated for today's game - normally a sign that a team is not happy about what is going ion behind the scenes.

More on Soriano as CEO than Txiki as the director of football, IMO. An interview on the OS from either would suffice though, definitely.
Too late now. The season is as good as over and on the day of the Cup Final we were talking about the manager being shown the door. Maybe it's an excuse. A news story that did not affect the players game, but we will never know
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