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Insert here the facts and faultless logic that will change no-one's mind about anything. Welcome to the Internet, where we filter everything we see through the lens of what we have already decided is fact and convinced ourselves that those with opposing views are idiots and lacking character.
OB1 said:
samharris said:
The same Ferguson who blew an 8 point lead last year with a team better than the sum of the parts..?? jesus christ.

You may have noticed that was a blip. The fact that United actually stayed with us last season was a huge achievement.

United come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and it is a 'blip'. City come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and we should sack the manager - some strange interpretations on this thread
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Danielmanc said:
Skashion said:
I don't buy this 'sum of its parts' nonsense. It's the same type of logic that led Didsbury Dave to imply Kenny Dalglish, Paul Lambert, Brendon Rogers and Alan Pardew would be preferable to Mancini; because they at least produced teams that perform better than the sum of their parts last season - though not so much this season. I'd rather have evidence that managers can win trophies with their parts. Mancini's won trophies with four clubs so he's done that.

Yes, there's been some regression this year, but there's been regression in our squad too. Last season, Balotelli and Johnson scored 19 goals and 3 assists between them in the league. They haven't been replaced as Sinclair has 0 goals and 0 assists. Meanwhile, the rags have outspent us and bought Van Persie, which undoubtedly strengthened their squad, and did so early on in the window. Unfortunately, that has had the effect of regression. You have to remember anyway, that progression isn't linear. We've had two and a half years of progress, which I have every expectation will resume next season if Mancini is given the chance. You have your good years and your bad years. Have the rags been in constant decline since the treble? Well, no. They've had decline years in which they won nothing, including a trophyless season last year, and including a period where they went without a title for three years on the bounce, and they've had progression years, where they won the title consecutively and added another Champions League. This is a decline year for us, but I'm confident we can bounce back. A poor season, in which we might still win an FA Cup, is not sufficient reason to warrant sacking him when he's had his squad weakened. He deserves another season in which Mancini hasn't been pissed about like he was last summer and this January. Let him make a few marquee signings i.e. the players we were supposedly going for last summer, and failed to sign, and don't make those signings in the last week of the window so he doesn't have pre-season to find out how he can best utilise those players. If he still fails to make progress then, alright, he's got to go.

I think this positively sums up the views of the fans who aren't pedalling the "we didn't win the league this year so the manager must go" line

It's precisely this kind of deliberate and disingenuous misinterpretation of what Mancini's detractors are actually saying, that makes me fucking despair of this site.

"Not winning the league this year" is not an issue. We could finish 4th this season and as long as we had simply been the recipients of umpteen dodgy reffing decisions, or created barrel loads of chances whilst playing decent football, I genuinely wouldn't care. The issue is that we have a manager too stubborn, too blinkered, too one dimensional, both in terms of his tactics, his formations and the assemblage of a hugely expensive squad that is utterly bereft of pace, to learn from his mistakes. Losing games now and then to sides that have simply outplayed us on the day, is not a problem. Losing to the same sides, employing the same tactics against us repeatedly (be it a high press or a parked bus), and having no answers to those tactics, is a problem however. Mancini reminds me of me playing my kids at Call of Duty; trapped in a corner, facing a wall, and marching up against it dementedly like a robot with a chip loose. "Does not compute, does not compute, can't seem to face right way".....followed by plumes of smoke billowing out of its ears.
Add to that his unique method of motivating his team by ranting and waving his arms around, before fucking off home on the first available flight, and he does not inspire confidence.
It's not that he's a shit manager, far from it (he gets plenty right), but he has some severe limitations that are being exposed by opposition teams on an increasing basis. If he stays, I can virtually guarantee you we'll be sitting here this time next year, discussing the same early European exit and the same spineless defeats on Merseyside. For the good of the future progression of the club, the owners need to make the difficult decision of axing him in the summer, and if that makes me a JCL, as one poster would dementedly have it, then so be it.

That's a really good post too.

It makes me want to chew a brick when I keep reading that people want Macnini sacked "because we are second"/"for one bad season"/because we haven't won a game".

Pretty much every person questioning him on this forum, and who I meet in real life, are unhappy with his methods, his selections, even his personality traits, and are basing their position on this, not just a few results.

And I'm not a fucking JCL either. In fact most of the posters questioning Mancini are like me, time-served Blues.
robbieh said:
simon23 said:
People are entitled to their opinions one way or the other regarding RM....thats what this forum is all about after all.

My opinion is we should keep Mancini for at least a few more seasons regardless of success...the reason being is becaus he has got us over playing the best football Ive ever seen a city side play in all my 38 yrs of supporting the club. He has brought success and trophies and that alone I believe entitles him to be given time to answer the challenge that utd and other teams are now setting for us again.

My issue with the opinions of Billyshears and DD (and please correct me if I am wrong in this) is that they have NEVER been in favour of Mancini. I seem to recall (again please correct me if I am wrong) that just after Mancini took over from MH I myself was very critical of mancinis tactics (mainly because I believed we were being too defensive etc) and great supporters of this arguement I was having on here were both Billy and DD......(I stand by my cirticisms at the time of Mancini btw)...however since them Manciini has proved me wrong/changed my mind due to the football we are now playing and the success we have had.......Billyshears and DD have never changed their minds regardless of the success we have had. This to me smacks of wantingt hings to happen to just prove a point and not admit you are wrong or at least not give someone the chance (ie RM) that they are wrong. (despite in my opinion the fact that RM has already proved them wrong by winning the FA cup, winning the league and charity shield)

Again if it wasnt either of Billyshears or DD that were original supporters of my criticisms of RM at the start of his tenure at the club then I appologise.

If it was then both of you (and I respect your opinions and your rights to them) do need to take a long look at yourselves. Why are you not willing to give RM time and patience. He has proved you both (and me) wrong by being successful and bringing a style and standard of play of play that in the 37 years Ive been supporting is easily the best and has been successful.

You cannt possibly say that he wont take us to the next lvl...nor can I say he will but what i can say is that he has earnt the right to try for a few years. I dont want to be like chelsea, constantly chopping and changing managers (whether it brings success or not)..that would be just another club to beat us with from outsiders and diminish any success we did have.

Unlike you Simon I was delighted with Mancini' s early defensivity. It showed me he knew his football. In addition I had never seen a City team that well organized. Even when he threw in a few youngsters in defence the pattern remained the same.

Compared to the defensive shambles under Hughes, and too many other managers to mention, it was a huge step forward. And deserved praise not criticism.

I understand where the cabalists are coming from. After a year it became obvious to me that Hughes was and has since proved to be out of his depth as a premier manager, especially when the chairman has money.

I agree wholeheartedly about Mancini getting it right in the early days: it's an old adage but you need to build from the back.

I was calling for Mancini to replace Hughes at the end of Hughes first season (a bandwagon that I joined) so I have always been especially keen for Mancini to be a success and prove his doubters wrong; unfortunately, and despite winning the title, the last 15 months have continued to highlight Mancini's deficiencies, to the point that I have to conclude the best way forward is to change the manager.

That does not mean that I am not concerned that we won't actually get an upgrade but I think that we have to take the risk or, better still, get Mourinho in.
waspish said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
He didnt win us the League nor FA Cup - the owners did.

If anybody manages to stumble across a dafter statement than this today,could they please pm me?

I know breathtaking is an understatement..

Isnt it odd how im being contacted by other bluemooner's in 'private messages' here - who agree with me but are too worried about saying so on this site? That's not what a discussion forum should result in..............
BillyShears said:
samharris said:
You come across as incredibly bitter towards Mancini Billy.. monkey say monkey do and all that.

Not bitter. Just don't rate the guy as highly as you do. Then again I try and watch City matches with my eyes open. ;)

Your eyes may be open but your blinkers are well and truly in place..
You make me want to give you that brick.
I have the opposite experience - everyone I meet wants Mancini to be backed and given another year. In fact the only people I know who want him out are you and your 4 mates - and of course the "I can't take defeat" keyboard drama Queens with about 100 - 200 posts who come on after a loss.
Not putting you in that category of course - you and the regular anti Mancini psoters are eloquent and put over good and at times persuasive argument.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
I think if you go back through all last season and summer I was saying the same things here! I have never changed my mind on the problems I see in the Mancini, players we bought and sold or the team overall - its just most here were wearing the blue blinkers!

I decided to take you up on your offer. You posted this on 31st March 2012:

I haven't posted here for a while - cos i was fed up with the abuse for criticising the management at MY Club. I believe now I have been fully vindicated in my opinion that Mancini was never the 'great masiah' he was foolishly being portrayed as.

The only good thing to come of the; abysmal, negative, tired, inept, bottless, performances we have witnessed since xmas (just as last season), is that Mancini will be given his cards - and i for one will be over the bluemoon about that!

I am absolutely apoplectic - goodness only knows what the owners are thinking having given this bloke £250 of their money...................they wont make that mistake again. Its also clear to me that alot of these players don not want to play for him any more.

Glad I couldnt get to this game......................

And then from there until the end of last season nothing of a particularly negative nature. In actual fact you didn't post from 3rd April until 9th May, when things were going rather well, so your specious claims that....

I think if you go back through all last season and summer I was saying the same things

...don't really hold much water.

Easy being vindicated when you can misrepresent your powers of prediction to the misleading extent that you have.

But you've just proved my point! I have said the same things all the time - what a numpty...............Just because I didnt post cant be construed as 'changing my mind' can it?! I have remained consistent throughout - which is somewhat better than some of the turncoats here.............
I couldn't care less if we continually crashed out of the Champions League at the first stage.

And who in their right mind expects a trophy every season, they don't, it's just another convenient hammer.

What I do expect is to enjoy watching my team operate within their own limits and resources.

If I was an Everton fan at the weekend I would have been very proud, shit football, but everything on show any football fan should appreciate.

If I see my team trying to play a decent brand of football, with a modicum of technical proficiency, pride and a bit of urgency and pace, that's all I want.

Mancini has failed to provide the solution this season. The work that needs doing on his present set-up is just as bad as it was in Hughes' last days.

A bloated backroom staff and a number of players who need shifting on and are a result of poor planning.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
If anybody manages to stumble across a dafter statement than this today,could they please pm me?
Probably could have been put better but the simple point is that they invested a shed load of money in the squad and were expecting to achieve success at some point. Any decent manager should have been capable of delivering that. Mancini hardly took a team of League 2 journeymen and recovering alcoholics to the title did he?

So when Sheikh Mansour ploughs a load of money into City,any success is down to him,yet when Roman ploughs a load of money into Chelsea,Mourinho takes the credit?
How does that work,exactly?

You said that, not me. Im not interested in Chelsea and haven't said anything about Mourinho getting credit or not. Im only bothered about my club.
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