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Didsbury Dave said:
GaudinoMotors said:
You make me want to give you that brick.
I have the opposite experience - everyone I meet wants Mancini to be backed and given another year. In fact the only people I know who want him out are you and your 4 mates - and of course the "I can't take defeat" keyboard drama Queens with about 100 - 200 posts who come on after a loss.
Not putting you in that category of course - you and the regular anti Mancini psoters are eloquent and put over good and at times persuasive argument.

Of the people I go to the games with, one (aged 70) thinks Mancini is incompetant. The lad who sits with me was behind him but has given up on him. Another mate is in the "whatever will be will be" camp. My ex-next door neighbour has always been a "we can't just keep sacking managers" camp but now is pretty much "I'll back the owners whatever". Me, I want him out. Most of us played the game all of our lives.

I'd say that amongst City fans who understand the game there is a lot of cynicism and some outright hostility to Mancini now. To claim that there are four City fans who don't rate him is just nonsense of course. The majority of blues are in the wavering middle ground, and that in itself says a lot.

Us Mancini outers have cynicism of course we do,we simply dont have the hostility and the difference is we are prepared to wait and see if things can be turned around.
Kun Aguero said:
Danielmanc said:
OB1 said:
You may have noticed that was a blip. The fact that United actually stayed with us last season was a huge achievement.

United come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and it is a 'blip'. City come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and we should sack the manager - some strange interpretations on this thread

We haven't finished second yet
samharris said:
Didsbury Dave said:
GaudinoMotors said:
You make me want to give you that brick.
I have the opposite experience - everyone I meet wants Mancini to be backed and given another year. In fact the only people I know who want him out are you and your 4 mates - and of course the "I can't take defeat" keyboard drama Queens with about 100 - 200 posts who come on after a loss.
Not putting you in that category of course - you and the regular anti Mancini psoters are eloquent and put over good and at times persuasive argument.

Of the people I go to the games with, one (aged 70) thinks Mancini is incompetant. The lad who sits with me was behind him but has given up on him. Another mate is in the "whatever will be will be" camp. My ex-next door neighbour has always been a "we can't just keep sacking managers" camp but now is pretty much "I'll back the owners whatever". Me, I want him out. Most of us played the game all of our lives.

I'd say that amongst City fans who understand the game there is a lot of cynicism and some outright hostility to Mancini now. To claim that there are four City fans who don't rate him is just nonsense of course. The majority of blues are in the wavering middle ground, and that in itself says a lot.

Us Mancini outers have cynicism of course we do,we simply dont have the hostility and the difference is we are prepared to wait and see if things can be turned around.

Whilst some of us have the odd rant after a game (me included), the majority of hostility on this forum unquestionably comes from those who seek to protect Mancini.
OB1 said:
robbieh said:
simon23 said:
People are entitled to their opinions one way or the other regarding RM....thats what this forum is all about after all.

My opinion is we should keep Mancini for at least a few more seasons regardless of success...the reason being is becaus he has got us over playing the best football Ive ever seen a city side play in all my 38 yrs of supporting the club. He has brought success and trophies and that alone I believe entitles him to be given time to answer the challenge that utd and other teams are now setting for us again.

My issue with the opinions of Billyshears and DD (and please correct me if I am wrong in this) is that they have NEVER been in favour of Mancini. I seem to recall (again please correct me if I am wrong) that just after Mancini took over from MH I myself was very critical of mancinis tactics (mainly because I believed we were being too defensive etc) and great supporters of this arguement I was having on here were both Billy and DD......(I stand by my cirticisms at the time of Mancini btw)...however since them Manciini has proved me wrong/changed my mind due to the football we are now playing and the success we have had.......Billyshears and DD have never changed their minds regardless of the success we have had. This to me smacks of wantingt hings to happen to just prove a point and not admit you are wrong or at least not give someone the chance (ie RM) that they are wrong. (despite in my opinion the fact that RM has already proved them wrong by winning the FA cup, winning the league and charity shield)

Again if it wasnt either of Billyshears or DD that were original supporters of my criticisms of RM at the start of his tenure at the club then I appologise.

If it was then both of you (and I respect your opinions and your rights to them) do need to take a long look at yourselves. Why are you not willing to give RM time and patience. He has proved you both (and me) wrong by being successful and bringing a style and standard of play of play that in the 37 years Ive been supporting is easily the best and has been successful.

You cannt possibly say that he wont take us to the next lvl...nor can I say he will but what i can say is that he has earnt the right to try for a few years. I dont want to be like chelsea, constantly chopping and changing managers (whether it brings success or not)..that would be just another club to beat us with from outsiders and diminish any success we did have.

Unlike you Simon I was delighted with Mancini' s early defensivity. It showed me he knew his football. In addition I had never seen a City team that well organized. Even when he threw in a few youngsters in defence the pattern remained the same.

Compared to the defensive shambles under Hughes, and too many other managers to mention, it was a huge step forward. And deserved praise not criticism.

I understand where the cabalists are coming from. After a year it became obvious to me that Hughes was and has since proved to be out of his depth as a premier manager, especially when the chairman has money.

I agree wholeheartedly about Mancini getting it right in the early days: it's an old adage but you need to build from the back.

I was calling for Mancini to replace Hughes at the end of Hughes first season (a bandwagon that I joined) so I have always been especially keen for Mancini to be a success and prove his doubters wrong; unfortunately, and despite winning the title, the last 15 months have continued to highlight Mancini's deficiencies, to the point that I have to conclude the best way forward is to change the manager.

That does not mean that I am not concerned that we won't actually get an upgrade but I think that we have to take the risk or, better still, get Mourinho in.

BUild from the back is improtant...I agree and as a centre half I knew what RM was doing..I just thought that he could have done more attacking at the time as well...but that is an old arguement.

My point is that some people have always been critical, refuse to give any praise (or very little) and dont seem to think that Mancini deserves time to now challenge again after the bar has been raised further (not just by utd but by the likes of spurs (esp) liverpool (who look like are slowly improving again despite their reult yesterday), chelsea (who are in a period of change but still challengers) and the likes of everton who are always strong.

I think for what he has done he deserves more credit which in my mind is not just acknowledging it on here but instead everytime we lose it means not constantly asking for him to go...critiicse team selection, tactics etc all you want....I will as well, but sacking the manager just for one season where we have not achieved is not he way.

I also think that certain people have formed opinions and are not willing to even give a little on those opinions despite the success we have. It was mancini and his coaches/backroom staff and players that got us the title and the fa cup.......its not just the money that was invested...someone had to bring it all together (remember the rag media saying that he wouldnt be able to do it......well he proved them wrong)

Some people just cannt admit they are sometimes wrong (even slightly)
tolmie's hairdoo said:
OB1 said:
Danielmanc said:
United come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and it is a 'blip'. City come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and we should sack the manager - some strange interpretations on this thread

United came second with a record points haul and lost on goal difference to a team that, IMO, had a considerably stronger squad. This season we are, you may have noticed, 15 points behind them as they waltz to another title, possibly a double. I'd say it was a blip.

We've yet to finish second also.

We will have to battle to finish second now. The players know they can't win it and it will require the manager to make sure that they remain properly motivated. A score on which Bobby's man-management skills do not inspire confidence.
Didsbury Dave said:
Whilst some of us have the odd rant after a game (me included), the majority of hostility on this forum unquestionably comes from those who seek to protect Mancini.

That personally is number 1 in the list of contradictions from some of the most fervent pro Mancini posters. They are happy to bowl around the forum calling life long blues cunts, jcl's, pricks, plastics, dickheads, telling them to fuck off and support Chelsea. Yet if you have the temerity to reply in kind they go running to the Cellar and cry about how they're being bullied and condescended to. It's both funny and tragic at the same time. Reminds me of those kids who throw stones at your window, and when you come and confront them they go running to hide behind their mum's apron strings.
Didsbury Dave said:
samharris said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Of the people I go to the games with, one (aged 70) thinks Mancini is incompetant. The lad who sits with me was behind him but has given up on him. Another mate is in the "whatever will be will be" camp. My ex-next door neighbour has always been a "we can't just keep sacking managers" camp but now is pretty much "I'll back the owners whatever". Me, I want him out. Most of us played the game all of our lives.

I'd say that amongst City fans who understand the game there is a lot of cynicism and some outright hostility to Mancini now. To claim that there are four City fans who don't rate him is just nonsense of course. The majority of blues are in the wavering middle ground, and that in itself says a lot.

Us Mancini outers have cynicism of course we do,we simply dont have the hostility and the difference is we are prepared to wait and see if things can be turned around.

Whilst some of us have the odd rant after a game (me included), the majority of hostility on this forum unquestionably comes from those who seek to protect Mancini.
How do you know that its not the interfering Spanish duo who have wrecked our season, seems a bit of a coincidence that since they arrived on the scene its all gone belly up!
OB1 said:
Danielmanc said:
OB1 said:
You may have noticed that was a blip. The fact that United actually stayed with us last season was a huge achievement.

United come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and it is a 'blip'. City come second and go out of the CL in the group stages and we should sack the manager - some strange interpretations on this thread

United came second with a record points haul and lost on goal difference to a team that, IMO, had a considerably stronger squad. This season we are, you may have noticed, 15 points behind them as they waltz to another title, possibly a double. I'd say it was a blip.

Did you think Mancini was clueless and tactically inept last season when we were playing well and scoring for fun and winning the title.??
OB1 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
OB1 said:
United came second with a record points haul and lost on goal difference to a team that, IMO, had a considerably stronger squad. This season we are, you may have noticed, 15 points behind them as they waltz to another title, possibly a double. I'd say it was a blip.

We've yet to finish second also.

We will have to battle to finish second now. The players know they can't win it and it will require the manager to make sure that they remain properly motivated. A score on which Bobby's man-management skills do not inspire confidence.

Yes. And that's why fucking off without even speaking to the players was a disgusting act for a man who's supposed to be their leader.
Didsbury Dave said:
GaudinoMotors said:
You make me want to give you that brick.
I have the opposite experience - everyone I meet wants Mancini to be backed and given another year. In fact the only people I know who want him out are you and your 4 mates - and of course the "I can't take defeat" keyboard drama Queens with about 100 - 200 posts who come on after a loss.
Not putting you in that category of course - you and the regular anti Mancini psoters are eloquent and put over good and at times persuasive argument.

Of the people I go to the games with, one (aged 70) thinks Mancini is incompetant. The lad who sits with me was behind him but has given up on him. Another mate is in the "whatever will be will be" camp. My ex-next door neighbour has always been a "we can't just keep sacking managers" camp but now is pretty much "I'll back the owners whatever". Me, I want him out. Most of us played the game all of our lives.

I'd say that amongst City fans who understand the game there is a lot of cynicism and some outright hostility to Mancini now. To claim that there are four City fans who don't rate him is just nonsense of course. The majority of blues are in the wavering middle ground, and that in itself says a lot.

Disagreeing with the manager, tactics and decisions is part and parcel of the game - it doesn't mean sack the manager. Even Mercer got a rough ride at times and I know Old Whiskey gets criticised over his decisions when not everything is going thier way.
The row of 4 lads behind me give a running commentary/criticism on who should be playing where, and what tactics and decision Mancini should be making - but even they think one more year.
I'm not sure what playing the "game all our lives" has to do with anything - I've played to a good level but I'm sure even YOU Dave haven't had the playing career Mancini has.

Dissapointed with Mancini after Saturday? YES - bloody shocking selection and tactics - but all Managers have em. The players contributed by being utterly inept - but yes, a very bad day at the office. I'm not a back Mancini no matter what advocate - I think he's now put himself in a poisition where he deserves the pressure and scrutiny. For me he needs the finish 2nd at least. Next season there needs to be a vast improvement on what I grant you is a dissapointing season (cup excluded - not a barometer).
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