Mancunian or city fan first ?

the kippax wall said:
I love Manchester, it's a million times better than Salford, Trafford, Stockport, Wigan, Stalybridge etc. The mad thing is that people from these areas (with their stupid accents) consider themselves to be Mancs. Oh, and to be a true City fan, you have to be Mancunian. 'City, we're from Manchester'

I'm from Stockport 5 minutes walk form crossing the border too.
I don't, and never have called myself a Manc.

I support City because of my Dad who's also from Stockport, he supports them because his Dad moved out from the city (Moss Side in view of Maine Road) as a lot of people did in those days, because he had a good job.

I'm happy where I come from - it's a nice bit of Stockport (there actually are some), and where I am it's quicker and easier to get into the City centre than in some bits of Manchester.

So City first for me.
de niro said:
Are they not both of the same thing?
Ive always thought so, to separate them in any way just as being anything else to me is totally unthinkable.

agree 100%
can't call yourself a mancunian if your not a blue

Manchesters own team
I'd consider moving out of manchester if there was a good reason, but I would never ever switch teams, so its city for me
Irrelevant IMO, I love city but I am from Rammy, never ever thought of myself other than that really, certainly not Mancunian quite happy to be Lancastrian though.
I'm a Salford Blue, I've fought more battles than most of you in the name of City. But when I hear the kids on here saying that you can't be a City fan if you're not from Manchester it makes my blood boil.

My Grandad was born in Cheetham Hill and all the family were City, and during the war he moved the family to Greengate over the 'border'. My Dad and his brothers and sisters were brought up in Greengate and later Lower Broughton.

The thing is, I was born in St Marys (my mum got caught short whilst pregnant on the bus) but I'd never call myself a Manc. The moment I came from hospital I was taken to Lower Broughton and from there to Swinton, so I will always be Salfordian. But those strong City roots will always be there.

My children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will all be Blue, I fucking guarantee it. But because I am from Salford I don't have the right? Get out of it.
Born in Manchester 51 years ago. Only lived there for ten years due to my late fathers relocation of work to Yorkshire. I've held a season ticket since I was eighteen. Still travel across for every game.........Glad to have Manchester on the passport and also equally glad to be a City fan.
bluecitywugger said:
Born in Manchester 51 years ago. Only lived there for ten years due to my late fathers relocation of work to Yorkshire. I've held a season ticket since I was eighteen. Still travel across for every game.........Glad to have Manchester on the passport and also equally glad to be a City fan.

I always smile when I look at that whilst queuing at customs ^

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