Manuel Pellegrini

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KippaxCitizen said:
ArdwickBlue said:
KippaxCitizen said:
How can people script a series of events that haven't happened?

Tell you what though, I notice there's no "Pellegrini OUT" thread. So say what you want about the people who have absolute justified doubts and grumbles about him so far this season but he's treated miles miles fucking better than Mancini was on here.

Let people voice their opinions if they want to and stop talking bollocks about scripts that nobody has had and calling it a shame you bloody made arse.

Are we still going on about Mancini?

It sounds like a guy pining for his ex who's moved on and remarried
No, I'm not still going on about Mancini directly; my point was that at least those with valid criticisms aren't banging out ridiculous "Pellegrini OUT" threads and are being a bit more normal anout their criticisms.

It's only November mate, give it time

Didsbury Dave said:
Rammy Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.

To be fair though mate, the subs weren't good, bringing Dzeko on was utterly pointless.

Not got a problem with getting Nasri on as you'd expect him to retain possession but bringing Dinho on and releasing Yaya forward would have been the other correct sub.

Honestly, I thought it was probably time for dzeko. We were going one up front, Aguero was tiring and we were putting loads of dangerous balls around the six yard box.

The big peice of luck the manager got was kolorov's injury, in my opinion. That was the one bad call he made before the game I reckon.

I like Dzeko and rate him. I thought he'd get a goal when he came on to be honest. I'd have loved him to to shut the miserable old twat up who sits behind me.

See, you've kippered yourself there mate as MP brought Dzeko on for Jovetic and stayed 2 up top, it was only taking Sergio off for Dinho when he panicked that turned us to 1 up top.
Didsbury Dave said:
ArdwickBlue said:
KippaxCitizen said:
How can people script a series of events that haven't happened?

Tell you what though, I notice there's no "Pellegrini OUT" thread. So say what you want about the people who have absolute justified doubts and grumbles about him so far this season but he's treated miles miles fucking better than Mancini was on here.

Let people voice their opinions if they want to and stop talking bollocks about scripts that nobody has had and calling it a shame you bloody made arse.

Are we still going on about Mancini?

It sounds like a guy pining for his ex who's moved on and remarried
That's exactly what they are. They've had knives out for pellegrini since he replaced their hero.

What's funny is they keep making muppets of themselves when he proves his mettle. Then they go quiet for six months.

Not sure many go to games to be honest.
Wrong again!

Mancini was no hero of mine. It was time for him to go and I still want Pellegrini to be our manager...but he's making weird decisions and he needs to fucking sort himself out.

I didn't go quiet for six months, I was here posting away as normal when we were blowing teams away.

I will say, that this guy is not the man to take this club forward to the next level but I think he should be here for the rest of his three year contract and I do want him to be here as our manager while he's under contract with us.

And about your point about it being time for Džeko, it wasn't time for Džeko as it left a huge gap in our attacking mid/their defensive mid area, and he's been dog shit this season and has the demeanour of a man that doesn't want to be here. It should have been a midfielder for Jovetić, Fernandinho on and push Yaya forward behind Kun.
kupest said:
Dzeko is needed for corners/FKs as well. He is probably our best players in the air so would have been a great help defending those set pieces.

That's a fair point and one I mentioned on the way home, however a sad state of affairs that you take off your true world class striker and invite pressure but hope you've got your big lump striker on to help out. Seems a bit weird logic to me.
ArdwickBlue said:
Are we still going on about Mancini?

It sounds like a guy pining for his ex who's moved on and remarried

I love Mancini. He was one of my favourite players growing up, one of my favourite foreign managers when he was at Inter and is still my favourite City manager ever. I will never stop going on about him.

However, this whole idea where we have three bad games (which is actually one draw, a loss away at a high flying form team and getting knocked out of the League Cup) has turned people into maniacs.

Pellegrini IS a little inflexible in terms of the style that he plays. He is constantly aggressive and attacking in his approach to the game and also fancies his team to score more than the opposition whilst maintaining a physical presence. The thing is, this is one of the things that people were initially excited about with him coming in. Trying to create a "City brand" of football that can be shared all of the way down the youth system and help the conveyor belt of the Academy.

There were suggestions that he had "lost the dressing room" because somebody misread Yaya's recent appearances. This isn't who Pellegrini is, he's not a loud mouth maverick who gets the shit kicked out of him once the bubble bursts. He's a sensible people person who manages situations and players efficiently and respectfully.

One of the things that I have noticed on Bluemoon over the years is how quickly the worm turns in both directions. All of the major plus points about why we originally appointed Pellegrini are now been used as negatives about why we need to get rid of him. People can pretty much justify any opinion in football but the similarities in this case is obvious.

Pellegrini's job at City is to stay here for 3 to 5 years and steady the ship after Mancini's theatrics. He has done this superbly; the days of training ground bust ups and players sat on Soccer AM couches saying "I don't think the manager fancies me" are truly at an end. During this time he has won City's first domestic double, taking us to the league title with a run of 5 straight wins in the "crunch time" of the season.

His first season was a major success. His second season isn't even half way through and people want him sacked despite still been an obvious and realistic title contender. As I said, maniacs.

I also think this absolute arrogance that has jumped into some City fans about how we should be performing every match is one of the reasons our atmosphere is so poor most of the time. People turn up and wait to be entertained, the game is just a procession that we sit and wait for until we ultimately win. When things aren't going to plan a large proportion of the crowd absolutely bottles it and starts talking about how shit everybody is instead of attempting to motivate the team. The people haven't change from MAine Road but the attitude of those people certainly has. Even if we are winning, there are still people who for them this isn't good enough. I saw us demolish West Ham 7-0 and one of the first posts in the post-match thread was somebody complaining that Pellegrini got his subs wrong.

Pellegrini is doing a fantastic job and I say this as one of his biggest critics coming in. This is not the first Pellegrini thread calling for him to be sacked and there is about 30 of them in the Mod Forum that broke down for various reasons. People want to compare him to Mancini but the truth is that Pellegrini gets a far tougher ride than Mancini ever did as City manager from the fans.
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.

Nail, head. I did however disagree strongly with bringing Dzeko on, but how so many can sit and complain after the guys 3rd win out of 3 against United is beyond me.
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.

I'm sorry mate. The talk of pellers out is wrong at this moment but don't say he got all his tactics right today. Taking off Milner for last 20 minutes could have cost us today please don't insult peoples intelligence and tell us it was a tactical master stroke.

We should and deserved to score more goals - but the decision to take off Milner was poor and you know it.
Rammy Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Rammy Blue said:
To be fair though mate, the subs weren't good, bringing Dzeko on was utterly pointless.

Not got a problem with getting Nasri on as you'd expect him to retain possession but bringing Dinho on and releasing Yaya forward would have been the other correct sub.

Honestly, I thought it was probably time for dzeko. We were going one up front, Aguero was tiring and we were putting loads of dangerous balls around the six yard box.

The big peice of luck the manager got was kolorov's injury, in my opinion. That was the one bad call he made before the game I reckon.

I like Dzeko and rate him. I thought he'd get a goal when he came on to be honest. I'd have loved him to to shut the miserable old twat up who sits behind me.

See, you've kippered yourself there mate as MP brought Dzeko on for Jovetic and stayed 2 up top, it was only taking Sergio off for Dinho when he panicked that turned us to 1 up top.

As I remember it, and I haven't watched it since live, when he brought dzeko on he pulled Sergio wider left in a 4123/433 type formation. Nasri sat to the left of YaYa with fernando at the base of central mid. We did get ragged at that point, and he tried to rectify the problem by bringing dinho on.

The thing about subs is that there is no manager in the history of the game who knows exactly how a match will pan out. He makes a call and sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. If just one of those 3-4 chances we made in the last 20 went in the manager would have looked a genius. If one of United s had gone in he'd have looked a chump. Neither would have been true.

As it is, he's taken a team bereft of silva and under serious pressure to a deserved three points. We should have been 4 up by the time those subs were even made. I'm not one to say 'we won and that's all that matters'. But what I am saying is that over 90 minutes we were by miles the better side. That will do for me instead of moaning about what might have been, using the power of hindsight.
blue ranger said:
Didsbury Dave said:
This thread is hilarious, and conclusive proof ( not that it were needed) as to just how breathtakingly little some of the forums biggest mouths know about football.

For a start, the manager got the big calls right before the game. The inclusion of Milner was right, navas was right and so was jovetic and de Michelis. He sent them out there aggressive but (unlike United) controlled and we were easily the better side. It could easily have been 4 or 5 nil and we defended well. When Nasri came on United were on the ropes and it was exactly the right change because big gaps were opening up in midfield, and he put him in a three man midfield in a 433. Soon after he came on he almost created a goal from that very hole.

we needed to get fernandinho on to steady the ship in central midfield, because they were starting to win a few battles there and our back four started panicking in possession. What pellegrini was doing was exactly what you balloons have been on his back for: shoring things up to see out the game.

I know you clowns don't see it like this, but substitutions are not 'he's playing shit, get him off'. They are tactical and that's what today's were. United saw a bit of the ball late on evacuee our back four stopped using the ball properly.

If the changes made had produced the goal they so nearly did (three times) you muppets wouldn't have been quite so desperate to come on here to berate the manager you resent.

Comical. Well done pellegrini for sending the right team out to win your third Derby on the trot. Just when the pressure was on.

I'm sorry mate. The talk of pellers out is wrong at this moment but don't say he got all his tactics right today. Taking off Milner for last 20 minutes could have cost us today please don't insult peoples intelligence and tell us it was a tactical master stroke.

We should and deserved to score more goals - but the decision to take off Milner was poor and you know it.

I didn't say it was 'tactical genius' did I? I said it was done for tactical reasons. There's a difference. And navas was causing them all sorts of problems on the right. He obviously didn't want to lose the penetration we had there, but wanted nasri to retain the ball and keep up that pressure around their box. It didn't quite work out like that, because United have good players and out back four got the heeby jeebies a bit: that's football; it's not an exact science.
Why are people giving out about Milner coming off? He looked dead on his feet and had started to give the ball away too easily.
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