Manuel Pellegrini

Mancini is above in my opinion. He genuinely loved us and vice versa! I loved that era as a whole more than Pellegrini's era.

Although I must say, I did like Pellegrini, just nowhere near as much as I loved Mancini....

Loved Mancini. But wow - he really had an unfortunate knack for pissing everyone around him off.

Anyhow, Mancini 2nd favorite City manager for me.
Mancini seemed to be an abrasive individual. Not someone you'd want to get on the wrong side of, I'm guessing. Pellegrini gave the impression of being the exact opposite.
Mancini - passionate firebrand.

Pellegrini - untrustworthy milquetoast.

Love the first - lukewarm at best about the second.
Pellers - average manager in every way.

Mancini was hated among players when he left - any bloke coming in would have lifted the squad first season. And Pellers did exactly that.

2nd season - Pellers seemed to have a penchant for promising something - but not following through. Players understandably lost trust in and respect for Pellers.

Pellers wasn't helped at all by the fact that he was basically hired as a stop-gap - while the club pursued Pep. In particular - I don't think that players ever respected Pellers - but as a consequence of City's pursuit of Pep, I can't blame Pellers for this.
Bottom line - Pellers seems like a nice guy. He won a trophy for us. And for that I'm grateful.

As a beloved manager though? Not for me. Not at all.
Pellegrini won 2 trophies and during the second half of the season of 13/14 we played the most attacking form of football not seen since the 01/02 season under Keegan.

I assume your just speculating that players didn't have any respect for him as it certainly didn't look it at the time
Pellegrini won 2 trophies and during the second half of the season of 13/14 we played the most attacking form of football not seen since the 01/02 season under Keegan.

I assume your just speculating that players didn't have any respect for him as it certainly didn't look it at the time
The team obviously wasn't behind him at all watching performances. Dzecho for example seemed to have been promised a much more prominent role - and then not.

I'll try to find articles backing this sentiment of mine - but it's not pure speculation on my part.

Much of this lack of respect though - and Mancini was crippled by this too - was due to lack of upper management/ownership backing.
For example - Mancini totally pissed off Tevez. Tevez refuses to take the pitch - and ends up golfing in the middle of our season.

What transpires?

Mancini - hat in hand - is next seen kissing Tevez's ass - begging for him to come back.

Fuck that!

Back the manager.

Tevez - my 2nd most favorite City player ever - went way over the line. He should be gone. And management needs to back the gaffer.

Neither Mancini and especially Pellegrini got that backing.
Either way - loved Mancini - didn't care for Pellegrini.
Loved Mancini. But wow - he really had an unfortunate knack for pissing everyone around him off.

Anyhow, Mancini 2nd favorite City manager for me.
He did. Definitely a difficult human being to work alongside. There was always some shit going on, mainly Balo'.

He's my 2cnd favourite Manager as well.

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