Marc Cucurella

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Was it the same though? I remember the rumours stating 35m as the asking price a couple of months ago - seems Brighton have shifted the goalposts on this deal.
I totally agree. To me it seems Bloom is trying to flex his muscles and show everyone how he will stand up to big, bad City. Where did this absurd arbitrary number of 50 mil come from? And why would they go public with a fixed number and proceed to dig their heels in if not to put on some kind of a show. Its amateur hour stuff.

At the end of the day if they won't agree to a number that works for both sides then I say fuck them and we walk.
I don’t get the mentality from Brighton fans of “walk away then” as if it’s some sort of a moral victory for their club? They clearly don't see the bigger picture of the effects down the line of hindering a players progression.
This is why Brighton will never be a huge club, it’s the attitude of getting one over big bad City rather than forming a relationship that could benefit them by utilising our outstanding academy or in some other capacity that baffles me.
It’s much better to be friends with us than enemies! We are always looking to loan out prospects who could improve teams and selling us a player you can double your money on is a good start. If I was Bloom I’d say “we value him at £50m, but will take £40m and the loan of two academy or fringe players” that would of been a win win all round.
I don’t get the mentality from Brighton fans of “walk away then” as if it’s some sort of a moral victory for their club? They clearly don't see the bigger picture of the effects down the line of hindering a players progression.
This is why Brighton will never be a huge club, it’s the attitude of getting one over big bad City rather than forming a relationship that could benefit them by utilising our outstanding academy or in some other capacity that baffles me.
It’s much better to be friends with us than enemies! We are always looking to loan out prospects who could improve teams and selling us a player you can double your money on is a good start. If I was Bloom I’d say “we value him at £50m, but will take £40m and the loan of two academy or fringe players” that would of been a win win all round.
Exactly. Instead this supposed shrewd "business" man is acting like a complete amateur.

And I don't mean to sound parochial, but this whole 50 mil take it or leave it stance does what exactly? Putting on a big show for the Brighton fans I guess.
I don't think we are doomed if we dont get a left back. We will challenge / retain the league. But its the champions league is where it will bite us. Kinda like an achilies heel it will be a glaring weakness for the top teams to exploit. As Cancelo defensive capability are good enough against mid table /lower table teams but I wouldnt be confident against the top teams. Plus if he does play there fatigue will gradually happen meaning he won't be at his sharpest when the late rounds come about.
I took a beating for basically saying the same thing today which got me a bit too wound up on here.

In fairness tho a lot of fellow Blues came down on this side of the coin as the day went on.
Anything you “want” isn’t yours, you can’t want it if you own it so that’s a daft statement to start with. You do realise the type of business deals the Sheikh does right? The week he purchased city he did 4 deals including us, Ferrari, The Chrysler building and Barclays… City was the smallest deal out of the 4! He’s no mug and made a billion from Barclays in share dealing alone in a very short period. The man would eat Bloom for breakfast when it comes to business and deal making. That’s not a “my dads harder than your dad” mentality, it’s pure fact. So to say you fancy Bloom in a business fight just proves you’ve no idea how “business” or deal making actually works. The best your board can do now is damage limitation to save face, you either let the player leave gracefully at a price we both are comfortable with, or you try to play with the big boys and call our bluff… Trust me that’ll not turn out well and you are stuck with a player unhappy you let a dream move collapse because you tried to fit in to the big boy pants.
Drop the mic!
Agree with u.

And from what I saw in the friendly JWE's denfensive sense is far from what is required.
Here's someone who was paying attention.
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