Marc Cucurella

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Yeah, I don’t think bloom will blink unless we up the offer personally. Transfer request doesn’t really change much unless we are willing to up our offer
It's a match day issue if bloom doesn't blink the next step is to strike or Potter could want to keep him away from the fans as if he gets a negative reaction from them it will be next to impossible to get the best out of him next season. Plus if bloom values him as a 50mil player he should start paying him like one.
I’m not a big believer in the theory that players down tools when they don’t get their own way over stuff like this - Brighton have been good for this player and given him the shop window to showcase his talents. But if selling players on at a profit is part of the business model which representatives of the club have said it is, and that’s known to players when they sign, then it’s a bit greedy of Brighton to be asking for more than a 200% profit a season later. This transfer request could also give us an insight to the character of the player for future reference.
He has a once in a lifetime opportunity to play for the current Champions of England with a chance to play in Europe against the best clubs and you're questioning his character?

I think he is of sound character who is very ambitious in wanting to play for us.
Big club wants smaller club's player.
Big club puts in low offer.
Player gets unsettled.
Smaller club rolls over.
Edit, smaller club stays strong on player's value.
Smaller club is run by Tony Bloom (and Paul Barber).
Boring bellend wont shut up about it.
He has a once in a lifetime opportunity to play for the current Champions of England with a chance to play in Europe against the best clubs and you're questioning his character?

I think he is of sound character who is very ambitious in wanting to play for us.
And what will you say if Barcelona come in a year or two before his contract ends, good lad, follow your dreams?
Agree re egos, also depends on the player mentality. However we have done it before though………but this has no bearing on how this will pan out (I don’t think Marc is a Pogba/Ronaldo type though TBF).
Agreed. I wasn't comparing Cucu with Ronaldo and Pogba but alluding to the impact on other players in the Brighton dressing room. This saga will be unsettling the rest of the team in the run-up to the new season and they are the people that matter most in any club.
And what will you say if Barcelona come in a year or two before his contract ends, good lad, follow your dreams?
If Barca offer the ridiculous figures like the did for Torres and incredibly didn't demand money off us to take Garcia they will probably offer us £100mil and id take that.
And what will you say if Barcelona come in a year or two before his contract ends, good lad, follow your dreams?

Then Barca must paid the fair price from us in order to get him, couldn't careless for future scenario. What matter's now is Pep want him and have somekind idea to use him in order to maximize Haaland, so get him in or any other LB that Pep deems acceptable to join for us.
That may well be true but the longer this drags on the worse for Brighton's new season preparation. The problem with these sort of situations is that it often comes down to egos of the people involved. I think Brighton are perfectly entitled to get the best possible price. But I also believe that when a player says he wants to leave then it is crazy to try and keep them. City have lost good players in recent years, like Sane. Pep's mantra has always been that "if they don't want to play for the team then they can leave." I think this is correct. Look at the mess United have got into with people like Pogba, Ronaldo etc etc. The team has to be the priority.

Can't remember (although I should). Did it get to Raz handing in a formal transfer request?
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