Marc Cucurella

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In reality though, we know that Barcelona are up a certain creek, without a certain implement and part of getting out of that will be bargain hunting, and if they can stiff us in the process, even better.

There’s no way we’re doubling our money if he wants Barca in a couple of seasons. Not an issue because making money in the transfer market has little to do with what we’re about. I just don’t see why we’re chasing him like he’s the only show in town.

Because Pep want him?, the most likely reason. He can be picky with his ideal fullback and not every LB on the market can meet his standard.
I'm not sure what they paid for him last year is that relevant really. He won their player of the season award by quite some distance and I don't think it's unreasonable for a PL team top demand top dollar to part with their best player. If we don't want to pay over the odds for these players then mebs we should have done the great job Brighton's scouts did and bought him last season for £15m
I agree. The more they get for him the better it is for them. And if he doesn't get sold they still keep their POTS.

I can't see any reason for them to sell him for anything less than top dollar and top dollar for a fb is 50m.
My respect for Aguero and silva is infinite. Their loyalty is unmatched.
They were unbelievable but that sort of loyalty is very rare these days and nice when it happens. However I have no problem with any player coming in doing a brilliant job for City for say four to five seasons and then moving on because his family want or need a change of scene. Footballers should enjoy the same freedoms of other employees, contract or no contract. That's the way the world works these days.
I was reading back a The Athletic article and saw this on transfer requests:

“It takes the heat off the owners,“That’s the only reason to do a transfer request in this day and age, so it convinces the supporters that the player doesn’t want to be there and that the club aren’t willing sellers.”

Quite promising for me , hopefully they fold
I was reading back a The Athletic article and saw this on transfer requests:

“It takes the heat off the owners,“That’s the only reason to do a transfer request in this day and age, so it convinces the supporters that the player doesn’t want to be there and that the club aren’t willing sellers.”

Quite promising for me , hopefully they fold
“In theory, a player submitting a transfer request forfeits any future signing-on fees that are due, or loyalty payments as they are now more commonly known, although even that is rarely enforced by the sound of things.”
Just catching up on this thread, not any the wiser about wherever we will sign him but the Grealish bores? Jeez they are starting early this season.
If Brighton won’t budge then we’re relying on a Cucu transfer request. Given he’s apparently told them he wants to leave, no idea what makes that ‘formal’ unless it’s a written type of thing instead of verbal.

Seems to not be the done thing (even Ronaldo hasn’t done that despite being desperate to leave) so will be interesting to see what happens.

I’ve said all along that if Brighton price him out the move, it’ll damage their transfer policy so it’s a very risky move from them. All their eggs in the basket of a player who will leave eventually anyway - for around the same price so keeping hold of him won’t necessarily increase his value - rather than long term planning.

Called it
Because Pep want him?, the most likely reason. He can be picky with his ideal fullback and not every LB on the market can meet his standard.
Okay then, Pep gets what he wants and it can’t diverge a millimetre either way or he can’t work with it. Just joking there obviously, he’s done wonders with less than ideal left backs for a few seasons. He’s probably earned the right to say he wants a proper lb. :)
So we won’t pay £50m but if he hands in a transfer request we will ? Not sure that’s how it works.

Maybe we are who said it’s 50m maybe city think we bid 50m Bloom will move the goal posts and it’s why we always low ball to start our bidding..
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