March for the Alternative-26th March

Gordon Brown wasn't elected no, there was a lot of disconcern and resentment in rank and file Labour members.
Can I just point out that this is NOT the loony left left claiming these cuts should not be made but that they should be made with more thought and over a longer period, nobody can deny that cuts are required but not at the rate the Con/Dems are choosing to do it- that is what the Alternative is oh and a robin hood tax on the bankers that are, once again, paying themselves happy bonuses even though they owe their jobs to US
nashark said:
ElanJo said:
The proper and most effective position for those who detest the corporate-government back-scratching that goes on is one that proposes a separation of Economy and State.

The Milton Friedman way of thinking is a tad idealistic imo and if it were to happen, it would be a very unpredictable, unstable world. I do, however, think it's important that there is as little interference as possible by the state, but at times it is necessary.

From a legal perspective, we are a long way off getting there. Lawyers and lawmakers would have to have a degree and more in economics to be able to rule on some of the intricacies. I don't think it will ever happen.

The opposite would be the case. For one, an economy that had competing, voluntary, non government, currencies would be far more predictable and stable since the best currencies are exactly that.
The longer you leave paying off the debt, the greater the interest accumulated on the ammount owed, just like your credit card. The fact is, the cuts being by the tories are only slightly less than that was planned by Brown. Also not all the bankers owe their jobs to us. Barclays for exampas did many le never borrowed from the goverment as did many others.<br /><br />-- Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:25 am --<br /><br />Above should read.
Barclays for example never borrowed money from us as did many others.
Everything is ill thought out imho - both the speed/need for the cuts,and the demonstration against them.
You either have a democracy or you don't. This government is in place as a result of our democracy. What politicians do after they are elected is up to them - that's always been our democracy. If they don't do the business, out they go at the next election.
This Govt is very few people's cup of tea, but, it's the result of our democratic system.
Protest, such as is being organised, is futile. A waste of effort and expense for anyone who goes, and something which trouble makers will doubtless latch onto in order to create havoc and damage, with innocent well intentioned but misguided people getting hurt in the process.
If you truly want change, you need revolution. If anyone is ready to lead, let me know what's on offer and I may join. Until then, all those complaining would be better joining /forming political parties and changing the system from within so that politicians (as a result of bankers and the capitalist system - the establishment generally) cannot land us in such a sorry mess in the future.
Sorry about that. Rant over. Good luck with your march. hope you keep safe and that it makes you feel better.
the blue panther said:
Everything is ill thought out imho - both the speed/need for the cuts,and the demonstration against them.
You either have a democracy or you don't. This government is in place as a result of our democracy. What politicians do after they are elected is up to them - that's always been our democracy. If they don't do the business, out they go at the next election.
This Govt is very few people's cup of tea, but, it's the result of our democratic system.
Protest, such as is being organised, is futile. A waste of effort and expense for anyone who goes, and something which trouble makers will doubtless latch onto in order to create havoc and damage, with innocent well intentioned but misguided people getting hurt in the process.
If you truly want change, you need revolution. If anyone is ready to lead, let me know what's on offer and I may join. Until then, all those complaining would be better joining /forming political parties and changing the system from within so that politicians (as a result of bankers and the capitalist system - the establishment generally) cannot land us in such a sorry mess in the future.
Sorry about that. Rant over. Good luck with your march. hope you keep safe and that it makes you feel better.

I can see where you are coming from, but at the minute we have a coalition government with one side seeming to be willing to change their values to suit the larger partner. By protesting about the cuts in the services required by many of the most needy in our society, we are sending out a very strong signal that we are totally opposed to these attacks (often driven more by idealogy than the need to cut the public spend.
I am of the firm view that after the AV vote, the grass root members of the lib-dems will be placing a lot of pressure on their MP's to stand up for what they were elected for, and a monster rally on March 26 will ensure that this happens, hopefully toppling the government and allowing a new one to be elected.
Elect a new goverment, we only had an election last year. Or do you mean keep having elections until the labour party are voted back in?
Monster rallies have been done to death - CND; miners; poll tax; iraq war - every generation has one. Been going on for 50/60 years. Difference made? The establishment remain in charge, doing what they want. A bunch of rich people changing places with each other every 5 years or so. Multi millionaires changing seats, and as time has gone on, less and less ordinary mortals from the former working class rising to political power. And then, when the few make it, they usually become as corrupt as the millionaire next to them.

Fighting/demonstrating for an end to cuts is really a nonsense - you are excersing a right to march against decisions made under a democracy, and thereby hoping to impose your will, contrary to the democracy's wish. The whole concept behind the march is a half baked idea, imho.

Good luck with sending the message, but i think everyone's got it already. Revolution is the only true way forward, ironically enough, with a British Gaddhafi dictating at the top. In order to succed here in England, it would prob have to be a Margaret 'but this time it's serious' Thatcher clone.
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law74 said:
the blue panther said:
Everything is ill thought out imho - both the speed/need for the cuts,and the demonstration against them.
You either have a democracy or you don't. This government is in place as a result of our democracy. What politicians do after they are elected is up to them - that's always been our democracy. If they don't do the business, out they go at the next election.
This Govt is very few people's cup of tea, but, it's the result of our democratic system.
Protest, such as is being organised, is futile. A waste of effort and expense for anyone who goes, and something which trouble makers will doubtless latch onto in order to create havoc and damage, with innocent well intentioned but misguided people getting hurt in the process.
If you truly want change, you need revolution. If anyone is ready to lead, let me know what's on offer and I may join. Until then, all those complaining would be better joining /forming political parties and changing the system from within so that politicians (as a result of bankers and the capitalist system - the establishment generally) cannot land us in such a sorry mess in the future.
Sorry about that. Rant over. Good luck with your march. hope you keep safe and that it makes you feel better.

I can see where you are coming from, but at the minute we have a coalition government with one side seeming to be willing to change their values to suit the larger partner. By protesting about the cuts in the services required by many of the most needy in our society, we are sending out a very strong signal that we are totally opposed to these attacks (often driven more by idealogy than the need to cut the public spend.
I am of the firm view that after the AV vote, the grass root members of the lib-dems will be placing a lot of pressure on their MP's to stand up for what they were elected for, and a monster rally on March 26 will ensure that this happens, hopefully toppling the government and allowing a new one to be elected.

stop it, I`m splitting my sides laughing
JULES said:
law74 said:
I can see where you are coming from, but at the minute we have a coalition government with one side seeming to be willing to change their values to suit the larger partner. By protesting about the cuts in the services required by many of the most needy in our society, we are sending out a very strong signal that we are totally opposed to these attacks (often driven more by idealogy than the need to cut the public spend.
I am of the firm view that after the AV vote, the grass root members of the lib-dems will be placing a lot of pressure on their MP's to stand up for what they were elected for, and a monster rally on March 26 will ensure that this happens, hopefully toppling the government and allowing a new one to be elected.

stop it, I`m splitting my sides laughing

Tragic that grown men and women actually believe that a few unwashed wastrels and kids shouting cliches and smashing up a McDonalds are going to 'topple the government'......some people are so out of touch with reality its actually quite scary!

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