March for the Alternative-26th March

SWP's back said:
law74 said:
Ever heard of the European Working Time directive?
Or the right to a private life?
Or a weekend?
Why should cheif executives in public limited companies (like G4S, capita etc etc) that Milk Snatcher sold off to her cronies, be given MILLIONS of pounds per year while the workers that earn their wage are stuck on the NMW and often in Fuel Poverty?
Why should bankers be given MILLIONS in BONUS payments on top of already VERY VERY Lucrative saleries?
There is an alternative to the widespread destruction of the fabric of this country and that is why I and many many others will be protesting.
Oh btw, I am posting this from home on a days leave, are you doing the same?

No I am replying at work. In my office, that I own, as I run a successful business.

Why should footballers be paid MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of pounds and also receive MILLIONS in image rights and still get bonuses for hitting targets?

The same goes for movie stars etc etc. If you chose a PROFESSION that, if successful (due to hard work, skill and general brilliance), why should you not get paid the goin market rate just because some people chose different paths and have not been as successful.

I always find this far left crap quite hypocritical among City fans that watch the most expensively assembled team in history, getting paid hundreds of thousands per week.

If you want to complain about public wasting of money then you may wish to look into the Billions that were spent by Labour on middle management in the NHS or the TENS OF BILLIONS spent on one illegal war and one ill advised one.

Spot on

As I said before

All socialists on 6 figures or more should be sectioned indefinitely. Simples.
Either they are true socialists and are happy to remain true to their socialist roots (and socialist wages), or they are world class hypocrites and happy to take the capitalist dollar when it suits them.

Did you see the Sunday Times expose just over a week ago on Manchester Council and others – while these hypocrites are moaning about the cuts, they are refusing to take a 5% cut on their £200K+ packages. If Cameron had a backbone, he’d sack all public sector employees on over £100K who refused to take a pay cut to £75K or less (emergency services excepted). The salaries of councillors and Quangos exploded under Labour.

And as you know, it’s the looney left hypocrites that support the Islamic fascists – we need a mass round of sectioning!! Who’d have thought the day would come when the far left would lie in bed with fascists? More importantly, how do we cut this terminal disease – leftism – from society??

Maybe we could start with a slogan on a t-shirt - “I’m not selfish enough to be a socialist” or “socialists are bankrupting my children – stop them now!!”
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Spot on

As I said before

All socialists on 6 figures or more should be sectioned indefinitely. Simples.
Either they are true socialists and are happy to remain true to their socialist roots (and socialist wages), or they are world class hypocrites and happy to take the capitalist dollar when it suits them.

Did you see the Sunday Times expose just over a week ago on Manchester Council and others – while these hypocrites are moaning about the cuts, they are refusing to take a 5% cut on their £200K+ packages. If Cameron had a backbone, he’d sack all public sector employees on over £100K who refused to take a pay cut to £75K or less (emergency services excepted). The salaries of councillors and Quangos exploded under Labour.

And as you know, it’s the looney left hypocrites that support the Islamic fascists – we need a mass round of sectioning!! Who’d have thought the day would come when the far left would lie in bed with fascists? More importantly, how do we cut this terminal disease – leftism – from society??

Maybe we could start with a slogan on a t-shirt - “I’m not selfish enough to be a socialist” or “socialists are bankrupting my children – stop them now!!”
I'll be interested to see how many you catch with this one.
Skashion said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Spot on

As I said before

All socialists on 6 figures or more should be sectioned indefinitely. Simples.
Either they are true socialists and are happy to remain true to their socialist roots (and socialist wages), or they are world class hypocrites and happy to take the capitalist dollar when it suits them.

Did you see the Sunday Times expose just over a week ago on Manchester Council and others – while these hypocrites are moaning about the cuts, they are refusing to take a 5% cut on their £200K+ packages. If Cameron had a backbone, he’d sack all public sector employees on over £100K who refused to take a pay cut to £75K or less (emergency services excepted). The salaries of councillors and Quangos exploded under Labour.

And as you know, it’s the looney left hypocrites that support the Islamic fascists – we need a mass round of sectioning!! Who’d have thought the day would come when the far left would lie in bed with fascists? More importantly, how do we cut this terminal disease – leftism – from society??

Maybe we could start with a slogan on a t-shirt - “I’m not selfish enough to be a socialist” or “socialists are bankrupting my children – stop them now!!”
I'll be interested to see how many you catch with this one.

It's already reeled a 'tiddler' in hasn't it little fella?
Skashion said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Spot on

As I said before

All socialists on 6 figures or more should be sectioned indefinitely. Simples.
Either they are true socialists and are happy to remain true to their socialist roots (and socialist wages), or they are world class hypocrites and happy to take the capitalist dollar when it suits them.

Did you see the Sunday Times expose just over a week ago on Manchester Council and others – while these hypocrites are moaning about the cuts, they are refusing to take a 5% cut on their £200K+ packages. If Cameron had a backbone, he’d sack all public sector employees on over £100K who refused to take a pay cut to £75K or less (emergency services excepted). The salaries of councillors and Quangos exploded under Labour.

And as you know, it’s the looney left hypocrites that support the Islamic fascists – we need a mass round of sectioning!! Who’d have thought the day would come when the far left would lie in bed with fascists? More importantly, how do we cut this terminal disease – leftism – from society??

Maybe we could start with a slogan on a t-shirt - “I’m not selfish enough to be a socialist” or “socialists are bankrupting my children – stop them now!!”
I'll be interested to see how many you catch with this one.

Well, here is one that he has reeled in, As a member of what BB2 would consider the "looney Left" I have been shot at, petrol bombed, had grenades tc thrown at me, but I will still stand against the shameful bonus payments paid to the "elite" in our "society" while those that carry out the necessery tasks are left to rot in or very close to the gutter (much like may of our Ex-servicemen & women).
In response to Phuket, in a private limited company, yes it is entirely up to the shareholders to decide how much of their dividend to donate to their "leaders," however Group 4 Securities, Capita etc are entirely (or almost entirely) relient on contracts that were once and imo should remain in the public sector (like security in our Courts of Law, transport of prisoners from prison to Court etc. These jobs should be for the public need, not private Greed.
"But a new investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches programme has revealed that the taxpayer is funding far bigger individual pay packages – in one case we found, an astonishing £10 million a year.
This is no ordinary tale of Fat Cattery. These multi-million-pound deals are being paid to the heads of the ‘outsourcers’ – the giant private companies that say they can do a better and more efficient job collecting bins, say, or providing nursing care than the State.
Gleeful: Capita boss Paul Pindar will benefit from a public-spending squeeze

They are private companies but they are also the creation of the Government’s drive to outsource services. The lion’s share of their turnover – and of their executives’ enormous pay packages – comes from the public purse. But there is little in the way of public accountability.
These outsourcers already account for £79 billion of state expenditure every year, a figure which is set to grow if the Government fulfils its pledge to put nearly all state-run services out to contract.
A White Paper on the subject is due soon and the companies with their foot already in the door are delighted.
Over the past few weeks big outsourcing companies have given extraordinarily upbeat assessments of their position.
Paul Pindar, the chief executive of Capita – which does everything from
collecting TV licence fees to placing social workers – is gleeful about the prospect of a
public-spending squeeze.

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z1GfkxcuOp</a>

If you find this acceptable, then that is up to you, i DO NOT, and THAT is part of the reason why I will be proud to march for the alternative on March 26th.
And under Labour you complained and marched as well did you?

Funny that...i never remember seeing riots and marches when they were in power and yet they let the bankers do what they want and gave out contracts left right and centre.

What a lovely country we live in when people can hid under a bush for 10 years before leaping into action.

What would we do without you i wonder.
BimboBob said:
And under Labour you complained and marched as well did you?

Funny that...i never remember seeing riots and marches when they were in power and yet they let the bankers do what they want and gave out contracts left right and centre.

What a lovely country we live in when people can hid under a bush for 10 years before leaping into action.

What would we do without you i wonder.

Great post and saves me a job.....'its dem 'orrible Tory posh boys"
law74 said:
In response to Phuket, in a private limited company, yes it is entirely up to the shareholders to decide how much of their dividend to donate to their "leaders," however Group 4 Securities, Capita etc are entirely (or almost entirely) relient on contracts that were once and imo should remain in the public sector

My question would be, have the services provided by the private sector in these examples been more efficient and at a lower cost than when they were provided by the public sector?

I have no idea of the answer to that question but ultimately that should decide whether the services should be private or public sector. However, as long as they remain in the private sector, then the company has the right to decide on salaries/bonuses of its executives.
law74 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
As will I- I hope the police are given free reign on this feckless, work shy, free loading, sniveling, jealous, losers.

What kind of people are allowed to just swan off and not work for a day because they want to have a ruck and cause civil disobedience (and believe me thats whats going to happen!)

1) Unemployed/unemployable

2) The far left PS workers.

Both sets we could do without.

Ever heard of the European Working Time directive?
Or the right to a private life?
Or a weekend?
Why should cheif executives in public limited companies (like G4S, capita etc etc) that Milk Snatcher sold off to her cronies, be given MILLIONS of pounds per year while the workers that earn their wage are stuck on the NMW and often in Fuel Poverty?
Why should bankers be given MILLIONS in BONUS payments on top of already VERY VERY Lucrative saleries?
There is an alternative to the widespread destruction of the fabric of this country and that is why I and many many others will be protesting.
Oh btw, I am posting this from home on a days leave, are you doing the same?

What did Thatcher have to do with either G4S or Capita? (G4S setup, albeit under a different guise, in the 1940's or so and Capita who's revenues, incidentially, grew by 2,400% under Labour)

It strikes me you just say shit without the slightest concept of what it is you are talking about
Skashion said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Spot on

As I said before

All socialists on 6 figures or more should be sectioned indefinitely. Simples.
Either they are true socialists and are happy to remain true to their socialist roots (and socialist wages), or they are world class hypocrites and happy to take the capitalist dollar when it suits them.

Did you see the Sunday Times expose just over a week ago on Manchester Council and others – while these hypocrites are moaning about the cuts, they are refusing to take a 5% cut on their £200K+ packages. If Cameron had a backbone, he’d sack all public sector employees on over £100K who refused to take a pay cut to £75K or less (emergency services excepted). The salaries of councillors and Quangos exploded under Labour.

And as you know, it’s the looney left hypocrites that support the Islamic fascists – we need a mass round of sectioning!! Who’d have thought the day would come when the far left would lie in bed with fascists? More importantly, how do we cut this terminal disease – leftism – from society??

Maybe we could start with a slogan on a t-shirt - “I’m not selfish enough to be a socialist” or “socialists are bankrupting my children – stop them now!!”
I'll be interested to see how many you catch with this one.

The man is a genius. It can't be denied. He works an audience better than a Las Vegas show host...

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