March for the Alternative-26th March

has the individualisation of society sunk to such depths that no one sees the power of the people as a good thing any more?

sorry you weren't listening for the information /ignorance overload a lot of you suffer from

this sickeningly disgusting shower of millionaire shits wants a general strike

as much a s I do

oh and
cuts aren't savings
Firstly, I am a middle class man, with 40k plus income, and in a job that is as safe as any job (other than a big city banker) could be. At the current time I am a lucky man. But I completely disagree with the policies of this government, and fervently believe something should be done.

The problem is apathy from the people. It doesn’t matter what government, it is voted in by us the people. If it is doing something you do not agree with, just grumbling amongst ourselves will achieve nothing, only by being united (nasty word on this site!) and taking to the streets in numbers will you get your point across.

The issue IMO is these cuts affect a huge bulk of the population, lower and middle classes are getting battered, and it will get worse, not better. The only ones avoiding any hardship are the highest paid section of the population, who in this case represent a small but VERY powerful minority.

And do not think for one minute those things will change when the economy improves, they will NOT. You will never see fuel at under a £1 a litre ever again, VAT will stay at 20% indefinitely, and tax increases imposed will remain, only with some minor tinkering of personal tax limits which will have little or no bearing on the lower and middle classes who are for the most part carrying the burden of these cuts.
Wages are being driven down; employers are reverting to more and more Victorian style employment terms, many businesses now only paying the basic flat rate now however long you work. The “working week” no longer exists, you work when they say. Modern companies have no social responsibility anymore; they are only responsible to the shareholders and themselves. The unions, who were created to protect workers from unreasonable and dangerous work practices, are toothless and wield little power, any industrial action being treated by the national press as sedition (see powerful minority above). The unions undoubtedly DID become too bloated and over powerful, but subsequent government legislation (tory and labour) to blunt their powers has been over brutal to the point they can no longer do what they were originally set up to do. IMO the working man has not been this vulnerable since Victorian times.

And the gap between those who have and those who have not gets ever wider.

Take to the streets people, let this government know we have a voice and we want it heard. We don’t just want them to hear, we want them to listen. This financial mess is NOT our fault, they made money way too easy to get hold of, they removed all the previous safe guards that prevented unmanageable debt, encouraged us to borrow at every level, we played by their system, yet WE are now paying through the eyes for their errors.

I will be there.

I need to go and lie down now….
Kris_Musampa said:
Firstly, I am a middle class man, with 40k plus income, and in a job that is as safe as any job (other than a big city banker) could be. At the current time I am a lucky man. But I completely disagree with the policies of this government, and fervently believe something should be done.

The problem is apathy from the people. It doesn’t matter what government, it is voted in by us the people. If it is doing something you do not agree with, just grumbling amongst ourselves will achieve nothing, only by being united (nasty word on this site!) and taking to the streets in numbers will you get your point across.

The issue IMO is these cuts affect a huge bulk of the population, lower and middle classes are getting battered, and it will get worse, not better. The only ones avoiding any hardship are the highest paid section of the population, who in this case represent a small but VERY powerful minority.

And do not think for one minute those things will change when the economy improves, they will NOT. You will never see fuel at under a £1 a litre ever again, VAT will stay at 20% indefinitely, and tax increases imposed will remain, only with some minor tinkering of personal tax limits which will have little or no bearing on the lower and middle classes who are for the most part carrying the burden of these cuts.
Wages are being driven down; employers are reverting to more and more Victorian style employment terms, many businesses now only paying the basic flat rate now however long you work. The “working week” no longer exists, you work when they say. Modern companies have no social responsibility anymore; they are only responsible to the shareholders and themselves. The unions, who were created to protect workers from unreasonable and dangerous work practices, are toothless and wield little power, any industrial action being treated by the national press as sedition (see powerful minority above). The unions undoubtedly DID become too bloated and over powerful, but subsequent government legislation (tory and labour) to blunt their powers has been over brutal to the point they can no longer do what they were originally set up to do. IMO the working man has not been this vulnerable since Victorian times.

And the gap between those who have and those who have not gets ever wider.

Take to the streets people, let this government know we have a voice and we want it heard. We don’t just want them to hear, we want them to listen. This financial mess is NOT our fault, they made money way too easy to get hold of, they removed all the previous safe guards that prevented unmanageable debt, encouraged us to borrow at every level, we played by their system, yet WE are now paying through the eyes for their errors.

I will be there.

I need to go and lie down now….

I agree with quite a bit of what you say but as most, if not all, of the above was also true under labour, why weren't protests organized during their term?
the blue panther said:
Until then, all those complaining would be better joining /forming political parties and changing the system from within so that politicians (as a result of bankers and the capitalist system - the establishment generally) cannot land us in such a sorry mess in the future.

We're about as capitalist as China... oh wait..
PhuketBlue said:
Kris_Musampa said:
Firstly, I am a middle class man, with 40k plus income, and in a job that is as safe as any job (other than a big city banker) could be. At the current time I am a lucky man. But I completely disagree with the policies of this government, and fervently believe something should be done.

The problem is apathy from the people. It doesn’t matter what government, it is voted in by us the people. If it is doing something you do not agree with, just grumbling amongst ourselves will achieve nothing, only by being united (nasty word on this site!) and taking to the streets in numbers will you get your point across.

The issue IMO is these cuts affect a huge bulk of the population, lower and middle classes are getting battered, and it will get worse, not better. The only ones avoiding any hardship are the highest paid section of the population, who in this case represent a small but VERY powerful minority.

And do not think for one minute those things will change when the economy improves, they will NOT. You will never see fuel at under a £1 a litre ever again, VAT will stay at 20% indefinitely, and tax increases imposed will remain, only with some minor tinkering of personal tax limits which will have little or no bearing on the lower and middle classes who are for the most part carrying the burden of these cuts.
Wages are being driven down; employers are reverting to more and more Victorian style employment terms, many businesses now only paying the basic flat rate now however long you work. The “working week” no longer exists, you work when they say. Modern companies have no social responsibility anymore; they are only responsible to the shareholders and themselves. The unions, who were created to protect workers from unreasonable and dangerous work practices, are toothless and wield little power, any industrial action being treated by the national press as sedition (see powerful minority above). The unions undoubtedly DID become too bloated and over powerful, but subsequent government legislation (tory and labour) to blunt their powers has been over brutal to the point they can no longer do what they were originally set up to do. IMO the working man has not been this vulnerable since Victorian times.

And the gap between those who have and those who have not gets ever wider.

Take to the streets people, let this government know we have a voice and we want it heard. We don’t just want them to hear, we want them to listen. This financial mess is NOT our fault, they made money way too easy to get hold of, they removed all the previous safe guards that prevented unmanageable debt, encouraged us to borrow at every level, we played by their system, yet WE are now paying through the eyes for their errors.

I will be there.

I need to go and lie down now….

I agree with quite a bit of what you say but as most, if not all, of the above was also true under labour, why weren't protests organized during their term?

Ideological agendas.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
JULES said:
stop it, I`m splitting my sides laughing

Tragic that grown men and women actually believe that a few unwashed wastrels and kids shouting cliches and smashing up a McDonalds are going to 'topple the government'......some people are so out of touch with reality its actually quite scary!
a dose of reality might shake you out of your comic book life
Kris_Musampa said:
Firstly, I am a middle class man, with 40k plus income, and in a job that is as safe as any job (other than a big city banker) could be. At the current time I am a lucky man. But I completely disagree with the policies of this government, and fervently believe something should be done.

The problem is apathy from the people. It doesn’t matter what government, it is voted in by us the people. If it is doing something you do not agree with, just grumbling amongst ourselves will achieve nothing, only by being united (nasty word on this site!) and taking to the streets in numbers will you get your point across.

The issue IMO is these cuts affect a huge bulk of the population, lower and middle classes are getting battered, and it will get worse, not better. The only ones avoiding any hardship are the highest paid section of the population, who in this case represent a small but VERY powerful minority.

And do not think for one minute those things will change when the economy improves, they will NOT. You will never see fuel at under a £1 a litre ever again, VAT will stay at 20% indefinitely, and tax increases imposed will remain, only with some minor tinkering of personal tax limits which will have little or no bearing on the lower and middle classes who are for the most part carrying the burden of these cuts.
Wages are being driven down; employers are reverting to more and more Victorian style employment terms, many businesses now only paying the basic flat rate now however long you work. The “working week” no longer exists, you work when they say. Modern companies have no social responsibility anymore; they are only responsible to the shareholders and themselves. The unions, who were created to protect workers from unreasonable and dangerous work practices, are toothless and wield little power, any industrial action being treated by the national press as sedition (see powerful minority above). The unions undoubtedly DID become too bloated and over powerful, but subsequent government legislation (tory and labour) to blunt their powers has been over brutal to the point they can no longer do what they were originally set up to do. IMO the working man has not been this vulnerable since Victorian times.

And the gap between those who have and those who have not gets ever wider.

Take to the streets people, let this government know we have a voice and we want it heard. We don’t just want them to hear, we want them to listen. This financial mess is NOT our fault, they made money way too easy to get hold of, they removed all the previous safe guards that prevented unmanageable debt, encouraged us to borrow at every level, we played by their system, yet WE are now paying through the eyes for their errors.

I will be there.

I need to go and lie down now….
it seems to me that you are trying to remove any sense of personal responsibility for peoples finance.

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