March for the Alternative-26th March

law74 said:
Bugs Bunny said:
If people can afford to pay back the finance to companies like Brighthouse, then surley they can afford to save up a few quid a week in the first place to buy what they want. They could do this, but for many they just can't be arsed.

But it is not always possible to save up for things, like if you have a couple of young kids and the washing machine packs up, or you need a car for work and the engine blows etc etc

I agree with you, but let's be honest, how many people buy from the likes of Brighthouse because they actually need something? Far more often it's just a case of "Ooh, I fancy a new telly".
What's tragic is that you feel the need to hurl insults at people who are rightly worried about the prospect of losing their jobs or having their pay cut.
kronkonite said:
bollocks capitalism is built on fleecing the poorest most

Oh God... What have the poor got to fleece? They're poor. Building a business (or economy) in order to take hardly anything (since that is exactly what poor people have) is ridiculous.

You do make me chuckle. Infact, with regards to recent events, I absolutely love how people like you always start the conversation off at "there was a bubble" as tho the bubble just miraculously appeared in complete isolation, totally uncaused.

If you looked at why these bubbles have occurred and if you realised that the bubbles are the problem (not the recessions) you wouldn't come out with so much nonsense.
I use short words for you and still you don't get it

you borrow 500 over 3 years and it costs you more than borrowing it over two

the poore you are the more likely you'll go for the longer term

where's the nonsense in that?
kronkonite said:
I use short words for you and still you don't get it

you borrow 500 over 3 years and it costs you more than borrowing it over two

the poore you are the more likely you'll go for the longer term

where's the nonsense in that?

It costs you more to borrow money for longer? No shit. Do you know why that is?

To use this to say that capitalism is built up fleecing the poor is just yet another example of you talking complete and utter bollox.

I'll be honest with you. I thought I was replying to law74. If I had known it was you I wouldn't have even bothered.
For those that believe this will be a bag of wank, it's going to be the largest mass march since 2003, TUC has organised a shed load of volunteer stewards and Liberty will have over 100 people monitoring the actions of the police (including being in the control rooms).
It is NOT about destruction, it IS about scaling down the size and speed of cuts.
tueartsboots said:
For those that believe this will be a bag of wank, it's going to be the largest mass march since 2003, TUC has organised a shed load of volunteer stewards and Liberty will have over 100 people monitoring the actions of the police (including being in the control rooms).
It is NOT about destruction, it IS about scaling down the size and speed of cuts.

I can't even remember the march in 2003. Was it good?
SWP's back said:
tueartsboots said:
For those that believe this will be a bag of wank, it's going to be the largest mass march since 2003, TUC has organised a shed load of volunteer stewards and Liberty will have over 100 people monitoring the actions of the police (including being in the control rooms).
It is NOT about destruction, it IS about scaling down the size and speed of cuts.

I can't even remember the march in 2003. Was it good?
Against the Iraq war, over a million took part
SWP's back said:
tueartsboots said:
Against the Iraq war, over a million took part

Was it successful? Did it prevent the war?
We know it didn't but this time we have a coalition gov and a lot of Lib Dems already have squeaky bum cheeks- but hey, let's just sit back, get fucked over and watch the England game. You may have it cushty but there are plenty who don't and are about to lose there livelihoods in the months to come but your ok Jack, fuck em.

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