March for the Alternative-26th March

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
ernesto said:
you cant wait to get your little sarcastic comments can you, you really are a prat, carry on advising people how to dodge paying tax.

...and then you backtrack and edit out your comment about me being an 'idiot'.
In future,at least when you post total drivel have the bollocks to stand by your opinion,even if it is complete nonsense.
A safe journey home to all those who protested today.
Go to hell Nij, you posted in very poor taste then backed it up with your hatred for an institution. It was idiotic, but after 5 mins reflection I decided everyone can be a prat at times so decided to take it out. Calling you an idiot for justifying the potential death of an innocent third party based on their job is not drivel and I have the bollocks to stand by that, maybe I shouldn't have given you the benefit of the doubt before.
So, did DC come out of office, say sorry and reverse his decision to make the cuts he's made? Or, as I suspect, has nothing come out of the protests other than people coming home feeling they've 'made a difference'? My Mrs has been affected, last day yesterday infact, (so the cuts affect me directly), but just wondering if 250,000 people making their way to the capital has made an iota of difference.
ernesto said:
SWP's back said:
Come on the Met

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:53 pm --

Idiot. You don't like them so death is fine. You have seriously just gone down in my estimation.

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:59 pm --

What's not true that he writes there? The maths? Or the fact that it doesn't agree with your view?

Ducado is spot on in what he says. The march is about people caring only about their own jobs and blue smarties caring about tuition fees as he feels it is fair for a bin man to pay for a trainee solicitor to go to uni.
you cant wait to get your little sarcastic comments can you, you really are a prat, carry on advising people how to dodge paying tax.
Whatever though I see your debating skills are still top notch. Well done.
law74 said:
mcfcnorthstand said:
When march's start to turn like it has done, the police should smash them allover the place, no matter who or what they are marching for, yes march and protest peacefully , but when they start to get violent then police should give back bigger and harder.
Sadly there will always be anarchists like black box, anarchists etc that will attach themselves to any large scale movement to achieve their own aims of hooliganism. As to the best way to deal with them, one option would be to deploy water cannon, another would be to "box them off" or to use snatch squads to take out the ringleaders, or the other option to use cctv to make arrests at a later date, but the main thing is that when these hooligans are caught and brought before the court, the justice MUST be strong enough to act as a deterent to others that might think (if they can think) about joining in at a later protest.

Peaceful protest is fine and between 250,000 and 500,000 attended the TUC rally marching for the Alternative. Sadly this message will now be largely lost due to the yobs behavious in other parts of london, allowing Cameron and Clegg to get off the hook.

I am all for the leafleting outside Boots, Topshop, HMV, sainsburys, Asda, Dorothy Perkins Vodaphone etc etc that have used dubious tactics to avoid paying their share into society, but smashing windows etc is just the wrong way to go about things.

If it wasn't for those pesky (lefty anarchist) kids... :)
SWP's back said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
...and then you backtrack and edit out your comment about me being an 'idiot'.
In future,at least when you post total drivel have the bollocks to stand by your opinion,even if it is complete nonsense.
A safe journey home to all those who protested today.
Go to hell Nij, you posted in very poor taste then backed it up with your hatred for an institution. It was idiotic, but after 5 mins reflection I decided everyone can be a prat at times so decided to take it out. Calling you an idiot for justifying the potential death of an innocent third party based on their job is not drivel and I have the bollocks to stand by that, maybe I shouldn't have given you the benefit of the doubt before.

Is there anyone on here who hasn't edited something after posting? Are people not allowed to re-word their thoughts. It's not much different from changing a sentence when you are halfway through it. Anyone on here not done that every day of their adult lives?
Pigeonho said:
So, did DC come out of office, say sorry and reverse his decision to make the cuts he's made? Or, as I suspect, has nothing come out of the protests other than people coming home feeling they've 'made a difference'? My Mrs has been affected, last day yesterday infact, (so the cuts affect me directly), but just wondering if 250,000 people making their way to the capital has made an iota of difference.

I heard some train companies made a killing. Unfortunately I couldn't make it. I was working today to make some money and pay tax on that money to help get the country back on track/pay for the policing of these lot having their jolly outing.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Where were all these people when Gordon Brown was borrowing money even when the economy was strong knowing he (or to be more precise - we) xouldn't pay it back?

Sitting in there 4 bedroom house with the heating on full blast eating lions for tea!! All payed for on the never never because thats how everyone lives isnt it?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
SWP's back said:
Go to hell Nij, you posted in very poor taste then backed it up with your hatred for an institution. It was idiotic, but after 5 mins reflection I decided everyone can be a prat at times so decided to take it out. Calling you an idiot for justifying the potential death of an innocent third party based on their job is not drivel and I have the bollocks to stand by that, maybe I shouldn't have given you the benefit of the doubt before.

Is there anyone on here who hasn't edited something after posting? Are people not allowed to re-word their thoughts. It's not much different from changing a sentence when you are halfway through it. Anyone on here not done that every day of their adult lives?
Exactly. I changed it as I normally hold him in fairly high regard despite out differing views.

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