March for the Alternative-26th March

SWP's back said:
Blue Smarties said:
Can all those going please check out Sukey (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>) a great idea.

All those going, stay safe. All those wishing us luck and safety, cheers. All those sitting at home wanting to see the police kick some heads in, get fucked.


And that's it, BS is off! Cheerio!
Come on the Met

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:53 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I don't like the police,as they are nothing but corrupt, uniformed thugs.
Clearly you do.
Each to their own.
Idiot. You don't like them so death is fine. You have seriously just gone down in my estimation.

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:59 pm --

ernesto said:
deary me where do they come from
What's not true that he writes there? The maths? Or the fact that it doesn't agree with your view?

Ducado is spot on in what he says. The march is about people caring only about their own jobs and blue smarties caring about tuition fees as he feels it is fair for a bin man to pay for a trainee solicitor to go to uni.
you cant wait to get your little sarcastic comments can you, you really are a prat, carry on advising people how to dodge paying tax.
ernesto said:
SWP's back said:
Come on the Met

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:53 pm --

Idiot. You don't like them so death is fine. You have seriously just gone down in my estimation.

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:59 pm --

What's not true that he writes there? The maths? Or the fact that it doesn't agree with your view?

Ducado is spot on in what he says. The march is about people caring only about their own jobs and blue smarties caring about tuition fees as he feels it is fair for a bin man to pay for a trainee solicitor to go to uni.

It is fair - if the student goes on to become a solicitor they will earn more money and thus pay more taxes, therefore benefiting the said binman in the long run as they will help to pay his wages in the future.
I see it kicked off in Oxford Street earlier. Can we expect the same posts from the same people once again complaining about the students, despite it not being a student-focused march? I look forward to seeing such comments.
Ducado said:
To be fair to all

Everyone has a right to protest in a peaceful manor, but just because a march is attended by many does not mean you have the public's support, most people will not see the the results of the cuts, your average working man, has his tax taken and his bins emptied once a week, perhaps the odd visit to the GP or hospital and that is the sum total of the majority of people, yet they are being asked to pay for more?

Very naive. The cuts will have an affect on:
Policing and community safety
Road maintenance
Pavement maintenance
Activities for young people
Street cleaning
Town centre management
Social care
Leisure facilities

I could go on...

Do not underestimate the affect the cuts will have on the 'average' person.
When march's start to turn like it has done, the police should smash them allover the place, no matter who or what they are marching for, yes march and protest peacefully , but when they start to get violent then police should give back bigger and harder.
Manc in London said:
Ducado said:
To be fair to all

Everyone has a right to protest in a peaceful manor, but just because a march is attended by many does not mean you have the public's support, most people will not see the the results of the cuts, your average working man, has his tax taken and his bins emptied once a week, perhaps the odd visit to the GP or hospital and that is the sum total of the majority of people, yet they are being asked to pay for more?

Very naive. The cuts will have an affect on:
Policing and community safety
Road maintenance
Pavement maintenance
Activities for young people
Street cleaning
Town centre management
Social care
Leisure facilities

I could go on...

Do not underestimate the affect the cuts will have on the 'average' person.
Too right. Add legal aid to that as well, justice only extends to the rich apparently.
mcfcnorthstand said:
When march's start to turn like it has done, the police should smash them allover the place, no matter who or what they are marching for, yes march and protest peacefully , but when they start to get violent then police should give back bigger and harder.
Sadly there will always be anarchists like black box, anarchists etc that will attach themselves to any large scale movement to achieve their own aims of hooliganism. As to the best way to deal with them, one option would be to deploy water cannon, another would be to "box them off" or to use snatch squads to take out the ringleaders, or the other option to use cctv to make arrests at a later date, but the main thing is that when these hooligans are caught and brought before the court, the justice MUST be strong enough to act as a deterent to others that might think (if they can think) about joining in at a later protest.

Peaceful protest is fine and between 250,000 and 500,000 attended the TUC rally marching for the Alternative. Sadly this message will now be largely lost due to the yobs behavious in other parts of london, allowing Cameron and Clegg to get off the hook.

I am all for the leafleting outside Boots, Topshop, HMV, sainsburys, Asda, Dorothy Perkins Vodaphone etc etc that have used dubious tactics to avoid paying their share into society, but smashing windows etc is just the wrong way to go about things.
mcfcnorthstand said:
When march's start to turn like it has done, the police should smash them allover the place, no matter who or what they are marching for, yes march and protest peacefully , but when they start to get violent then police should give back bigger and harder.
You make it sound like the entire march turned sour. Once again, the anarchist knobs have turned it into a murdoch press field day.
ernesto said:
SWP's back said:
Come on the Met

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:53 pm --

Idiot. You don't like them so death is fine. You have seriously just gone down in my estimation.

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:59 pm --

What's not true that he writes there? The maths? Or the fact that it doesn't agree with your view?

Ducado is spot on in what he says. The march is about people caring only about their own jobs and blue smarties caring about tuition fees as he feels it is fair for a bin man to pay for a trainee solicitor to go to uni.
you cant wait to get your little sarcastic comments can you, you really are a prat, carry on advising people how to dodge paying tax.

...and then you backtrack and edit out your comment about me being an 'idiot'.
In future,at least when you post total drivel have the bollocks to stand by your opinion,even if it is complete nonsense.
A safe journey home to all those who protested today.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
A safe journey home to all those who protested today.

At least those that protested peacefully.
Those that tried to hi-jack the protest and broke away to attack property, meaning that tomorrow the murdoch media will be fill of the hooligans actions and thus letting Cameron and his pocket stooge Clegg off the hook, I dont really care if they get home safely or not.

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