March for the Alternative-26th March

ernesto said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
"The poor subsidise the rich" explain to me and everyone else just how that happens. I don't see 'the rich' scrounging off the state, most of them educate their children privately, have private health care and pay a higher % tax than 'mr average' so just how does this work. Now, answer my question without insults or dismissing, I want you to explain yourself for a change.
the rich avoid paying taxes, hence the economy of this country loses upwards of 9 billion pounds whereas the poor still pay tax even on thier benefits VAT for one, for someone who states they are intelligent you really are thick.

"the rich" this is a phrase you constantly come out with. Could you define "the rich" for me please? Then I will begin to dissect your argument.
ernesto said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Yes and large numbers benefited enormously. Many of those that bought their council house for example. To deny Thatcher's appeal to many of the aspirational working classes has no basis in fact. How else did she sweep the nation in 1983 and 1987?
falklands war ? kept her in government usual plea on patriotism, the great social housing scam buy your council house, then years later no social housing, house prices go through the roof ha, the poor denied social housing the young denied owning property because of over inflated house prices.

To say that the Falklands war was the reason she won in 1987 is why Labour were out of power for 18 years.
I couldn't give a shit what Labour or Conservatives have done in the past... I just hope those currently in government (Tories & Lib Dems) try and fix it.

And if they do piss it up... I won't be holding any grudges, il just hope the next party in power puts it right.

This whole "Thatcher/Tories did this and Brown/Labour did that gets tiresome... "

Its just an excuse at the ready for when those in power f*ck up... I rather they just admit that their plan failed and that they will do everything they can to put it right.

And as for that riot today.. its Topshop, who cares? I only hope those that got injured during it recover and make a safe journey home.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
To all those who went today/support this action.

Why the fuck should we all leap to the defences of public sector workers, when you work less hours, have 'flexi time', have longer holidays and those lovely index linked pensions.....

I'm sorry folks but we ALL have to take a cut in the current climate, your pensions are effectively bringing the country to its knees, not those evil bankers and toffs you so loathe. Welcome to the real world.

Ha ha - lets be clear here - those who failed to make provisions for future public AND state pension liabilities have caused this problem - they didnt forecast the future low returns on money received, they didnt forecast that the banking community would bring the country to its knees nor forecast that the money needed to rescue those banking institutions would take so much out of the goverment coffers that future liabilities could not be met.

The majority of public sector workers are at the lower grades and "low paid" by any official definition and they will be greatly impacted by changes to pensions in the future as they will now need to have deductions from their wage to make their pensions up.

Takes some nerve attacking some of the lowest paid people in our society.
danebanksheik said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
To all those who went today/support this action.

Why the fuck should we all leap to the defences of public sector workers, when you work less hours, have 'flexi time', have longer holidays and those lovely index linked pensions.....

I'm sorry folks but we ALL have to take a cut in the current climate, your pensions are effectively bringing the country to its knees, not those evil bankers and toffs you so loathe. Welcome to the real world.

Ha ha - lets be clear here - those who failed to make provisions for future public AND state pension liabilities have caused this problem - they didnt forecast the future low returns on money received, they didnt forecast that the banking community would bring the country to its knees nor forecast that the money needed to rescue those banking institutions would take so much out of the goverment coffers that future liabilities could not be met.

The majority of public sector workers are at the lower grades and "low paid" by any official definition and they will be greatly impacted by changes to pensions in the future as they will now need to have deductions from their wage to make their pensions up.

Takes some nerve attacking some of the lowest paid people in our society.
careful he might snitch on you
gordondaviesmoustache said:
ernesto said:
falklands war ? kept her in government usual plea on patriotism, the great social housing scam buy your council house, then years later no social housing, house prices go through the roof ha, the poor denied social housing the young denied owning property because of over inflated house prices.

To say that the Falklands war was the reason she won in 1987 is why Labour were out of power for 18 years.
By fuck. A lot of these people seem to forget that Kinnock was the alternative. Where the fuck would we be now if that twat had got in ? It really does begger belief.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
ernesto said:
falklands war ? kept her in government usual plea on patriotism, the great social housing scam buy your council house, then years later no social housing, house prices go through the roof ha, the poor denied social housing the young denied owning property because of over inflated house prices.

To say that the Falklands war was the reason she won in 1987 is why Labour were out of power for 18 years.
there is case for AV she only had 43 % of the vote
ernesto said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
"The poor subsidise the rich" explain to me and everyone else just how that happens. I don't see 'the rich' scrounging off the state, most of them educate their children privately, have private health care and pay a higher % tax than 'mr average' so just how does this work. Now, answer my question without insults or dismissing, I want you to explain yourself for a change.

the rich avoid paying taxes, hence the economy of this country loses upwards of 9 billion pounds whereas the poor still pay tax even on thier benefits VAT for one, for someone who states they are intelligent you really are thick.

Treating "Economy" and "Government" as synonyms. Interesting...

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