March for the Alternative-26th March

ernesto said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
To all those who went today/support this action.

Why the fuck should we all leap to the defences of public sector workers, when you work less hours, have 'flexi time', have longer holidays and those lovely index linked pensions.....

I'm sorry folks but we ALL have to take a cut in the current climate, your pensions are effectively bringing the country to its knees, not those evil bankers and toffs you so loathe. Welcome to the real world.
you dont live in the real world your`e a figment of someones warped imagination ginge, now crawl back under your stone

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:53 am --

the poor are bearing the brunt of the cuts, where as the rich hang to thier wealth, its no surprise that the only growth in the building economy is the outrageous apartments in london £3 million plus asking price, but as usual the the poor subsidise the rich, same old tired tory ideology.

"The poor subsidise the rich" explain to me and everyone else just how that happens. I don't see 'the rich' scrounging off the state, most of them educate their children privately, have private health care and pay a higher % tax than 'mr average' so just how does this work. Now, answer my question without insults or dismissing, I want you to explain yourself for a change.
ernesto said:
SWP's back said:
Whatever though I see your debating skills are still top notch. Well done.
just carry on posting your drivel, carry on advising people to dodge paying taxes, diametrically opposite to what say on here, you are a prat of the highest order, hypocrite
And you are a fool. Plus you don't understand the word hypocrite.
blumoonrises said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I don't think anyone's laughing too hard at the sorry state Labour left the country's finances in.

Thats an irrelevant reply to my post, I don't care which name the government come under, they all piss in the same pot.. and calls for change from happy smiling folk with banners will be ignored.

It's not irrelevant. I refer you to the word 'laughing'.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
ernesto said:
you dont live in the real world your`e a figment of someones warped imagination ginge, now crawl back under your stone

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:53 am --

the poor are bearing the brunt of the cuts, where as the rich hang to thier wealth, its no surprise that the only growth in the building economy is the outrageous apartments in london £3 million plus asking price, but as usual the the poor subsidise the rich, same old tired tory ideology.

"The poor subsidise the rich" explain to me and everyone else just how that happens. I don't see 'the rich' scrounging off the state, most of them educate their children privately, have private health care and pay a higher % tax than 'mr average' so just how does this work. Now, answer my question without insults or dismissing, I want you to explain yourself for a change.
the rich avoid paying taxes, hence the economy of this country loses upwards of 9 billion pounds whereas the poor still pay tax even on thier benefits VAT for one, for someone who states they are intelligent you really are thick.
SWP's back said:
ernesto said:
just carry on posting your drivel, carry on advising people to dodge paying taxes, diametrically opposite to what say on here, you are a prat of the highest order, hypocrite
And you are a fool. Plus you don't understand the word hypocrite.
oh yes i do hypocritical prat<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:19 am --<br /><br />
SWP's back said:
Ducado said:
The banks have a part in this, but it was Labour who amassed one of the largest national debts the country has ever seen
Wasting your te I'm afraid
te ?
ernesto said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
That's because large numbers of the skilled working class benefited enormously from Thatcher's reforms. At too great a cost to the 'unskilled' working class alas.
im sorry but that argument does not stand up, large numbers of skilled working class lost thier jobs under thatcher, you only have to look at all the industrial reas up and down the country gone, a prime example is eastlands, the engineering works and other industries closed due to thatcher and her economic madness,

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:11 am --

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Staggeringly ignorant post- THE BANKS HAVE KEPT THIS COUNTRY AFLOAT...
the last labour government kept the banks afloat you stupid ginger knob, engage your brain, check facts first knobhead

Yes and large numbers benefited enormously. Many of those that bought their council house for example. To deny Thatcher's appeal to many of the aspirational working classes has no basis in fact. How else did she sweep the nation in 1983 and 1987?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
ernesto said:
im sorry but that argument does not stand up, large numbers of skilled working class lost thier jobs under thatcher, you only have to look at all the industrial reas up and down the country gone, a prime example is eastlands, the engineering works and other industries closed due to thatcher and her economic madness,

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:11 am --

the last labour government kept the banks afloat you stupid ginger knob, engage your brain, check facts first knobhead

Yes and large numbers benefited enormously. Many of those that bought their council house for example. To deny Thatcher's appeal to many of the aspirational working classes has no basis in fact. How else did she sweep the nation in 1983 and 1987?
falklands war ? kept her in government usual plea on patriotism, the great social housing scam buy your council house, then years later no social housing, house prices go through the roof ha, the poor denied social housing the young denied owning property because of over inflated house prices.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
ernesto said:
you dont live in the real world your`e a figment of someones warped imagination ginge, now crawl back under your stone

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:53 am --

the poor are bearing the brunt of the cuts, where as the rich hang to thier wealth, its no surprise that the only growth in the building economy is the outrageous apartments in london £3 million plus asking price, but as usual the the poor subsidise the rich, same old tired tory ideology.
"The poor subsidise the rich" explain to me and everyone else just how that happens. I don't see 'the rich' scrounging off the state, most of them educate their children privately, have private health care and pay a higher % tax than 'mr average' so just how does this work. Now, answer my question without insults or dismissing, I want you to explain yourself for a change.

I have lost count of the number of times you have failed to answer a number of my questions
ernesto said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Yes and large numbers benefited enormously. Many of those that bought their council house for example. To deny Thatcher's appeal to many of the aspirational working classes has no basis in fact. How else did she sweep the nation in 1983 and 1987?
falklands war ? kept her in government usual plea on patriotism
Yep, Thatcher was pretty unpopular before the Falklands because of yep, you guessed it, big spending cuts.

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