March for the Alternative-26th March

Ducado said:
Has anyone else noticed that all the trouble makers seem to be very middle class, and in some cases upper class, same goes for many top socialists in this country, seems they have a guilt complex.

I once went to an SWP meeting and not one of the members had ever done a days work in their lives most were sociology students and were very middle class.

It always struck me as rather strange (in the 80's) that the working class were quite right wing (many voted Tory) and whilst those that vowed to free them were all middle class

That's because large numbers of the skilled working class benefited enormously from Thatcher's reforms. At too great a cost to the 'unskilled' working class alas.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
blumoonrises said:
Its just a shame that the efforts of all involved in todays happy peaceful carnival will not change anything.. the goverment will be laughing at it all.

I don't think anyone's laughing too hard at the sorry state Labour left the country's finances in.
is anyone else sick of hearing the tired tory line "labour left the state the countrys finances in" ? the banks are the tories friends hence they have got away relativeley scot free
mat said:
I will be there wearing this snazzy little number.

Is that the same Bob Crow who got a 12% pay rise last year?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Halfpenny said:
That line doesn't have as much impact the 363453737th time you hear it.

Well I hope for your sake that it sinks in eventually because until it does the Tories will be in power.

Want me to say it again later?
GDM, you honestly think the cuts will help? Did the Tories come in and roll up there sleeves and say "Well, First thing to sort out is the banking mess-Let's tax them properly and realistically, cap/stop bonuses on GOVERNMENT owned banks, stop tax loopholes so rich can bank off shore and not pay tax on vast amounts of money" No, why? Cos the bankers payroll them and the loopholes Gideon and Dave are happy to use.
Open your bloody eyes.
When your kids can't go swimming, when you can't go to the library, when you have have to wait 10 days for a policeman to respond, an ambulance 2 hrs who you gonna call? 118 118?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Halfpenny said:
That line doesn't have as much impact the 363453737th time you hear it.

Well I hope for your sake that it sinks in eventually because until it does the Tories will be in power.

Want me to say it again later?
Sure. I won't be listening mind.

So are you suggesting the Tories would've let the banks go to the wall, creating massive problems for our economy and the general population in the long run, in order to prevent a deficit?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
To all those who went today/support this action.

Why the fuck should we all leap to the defences of public sector workers, when you work less hours, have 'flexi time', have longer holidays and those lovely index linked pensions.....

I'm sorry folks but we ALL have to take a cut in the current climate, your pensions are effectively bringing the country to its knees, not those evil bankers and toffs you so loathe. Welcome to the real world.
you dont live in the real world your`e a figment of someones warped imagination ginge, now crawl back under your stone

-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:53 am --

the poor are bearing the brunt of the cuts, where as the rich hang to thier wealth, its no surprise that the only growth in the building economy is the outrageous apartments in london £3 million plus asking price, but as usual the the poor subsidise the rich, same old tired tory ideology.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
blumoonrises said:
Its just a shame that the efforts of all involved in todays happy peaceful carnival will not change anything.. the goverment will be laughing at it all.

I don't think anyone's laughing too hard at the sorry state Labour left the country's finances in.

Thats an irrelevant reply to my post, I don't care which name the government come under, they all piss in the same pot.. and calls for change from happy smiling folk with banners will be ignored.
Halfpenny said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Well I hope for your sake that it sinks in eventually because until it does the Tories will be in power.

Want me to say it again later?
Sure. I won't be listening mind.

So are you suggesting the Tories would've let the banks go to the wall, creating massive problems for our economy and the general population in the long run, in order to prevent a deficit?

No, I have repeatedly said on here that Labour handled the crisis pretty perfectly. However I have also said that Labour's fiscal irresponsibility from 2003-8 is the real reason why the cuts will have to be as severe as they are.

I have also said that there is a rump of people in the middle (of which I am one) who don't have a particular allegiance to any party whose votes are up for grabs. By definition we decide the outcomes of elections. Not saying it's right, but it's true.

Tony Blair realised how crucial they were to the success of his new Labour project, and until that way of thinking re-establishes itself in the Labour leadership and the wider party then I suspect they are in for a long period on the opposition benches.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:05 am --<br /><br />
tueartsboots said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Well I hope for your sake that it sinks in eventually because until it does the Tories will be in power.

Want me to say it again later?
GDM, you honestly think the cuts will help? Did the Tories come in and roll up there sleeves and say "Well, First thing to sort out is the banking mess-Let's tax them properly and realistically, cap/stop bonuses on GOVERNMENT owned banks, stop tax loopholes so rich can bank off shore and not pay tax on vast amounts of money" No, why? Cos the bankers payroll them and the loopholes Gideon and Dave are happy to use.
Open your bloody eyes.
When your kids can't go swimming, when you can't go to the library, when you have have to wait 10 days for a policeman to respond, an ambulance 2 hrs who you gonna call? 118 118?

I don't think they will help no. But when your kids can't go swimming Labour are as much to blame for that for wasting untold amounts of money in their second term. BTW I have only not voted Labour twice in a general election and I am 41.
ernesto said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I don't think anyone's laughing too hard at the sorry state Labour left the country's finances in.
is anyone else sick of hearing the tired tory line "labour left the state the countrys finances in" ? the banks are the tories friends hence they have got away relativeley scot free

Staggeringly ignorant post- THE BANKS HAVE KEPT THIS COUNTRY AFLOAT...

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