March for the Alternative-26th March

tueartsboots said:
Blue Smarties said:
We didn't make it to the Ritz :-( I did get some smarties from Pizza Hut in Piccadilly if you want? Ate them though, sorry. Out of interest TB how are your foot? Mine were a mess. Numerous blisters and some blood which I washed off earlier in the shower. My legs are also killing when I walk. Haha, well it was a peaceful protest in Trafalgar for a while. Also who decided to put an extra a in Trafalgar, it should be Trafalger, makes my life easier.
No blisters but were legs were achy first thing (if getting up at 4pm can be classed as first thing ;) )
All I know is I've just woken up from an early night after sleeping most of yesterday afternoon... and I'm still tired!
Blue Smarties said:
tueartsboots said:
No blisters but were legs were achy first thing (if getting up at 4pm can be classed as first thing ;) )
All I know is I've just woken up from an early night after sleeping most of yesterday afternoon... and I'm still tired!

Thats because you are lazy student and not used to a proper days work ;)
BB2 the fact you have private healthcare means diddly squat, if you had a real life threatening emergency in your Private hospital who the hell do you think they call to take you to a hospital better in dealing with that type of thing, oh yeah that's right an NHS ambulance to take you to an NHS hospital resus/itu unit to fix you again. I work for the ambulance service and the cuts being spoken of at the moment, for us, are devastating and the knock on effects will hurt everyone. At the moment 300 frontline ambulance jobs in Mersey,Manchester,Cheshire and Lancashire are at risk due to the cuts, that's 150 ambulances not on the road, as Mersey (the biggest ambo service) only run 40 ambulances a day/night who is going to come when you call 999 and ask forthe ambulance? Certainly not your fancy private ambulance as not many can afford this. I can only give you my example of the effects of the cuts proposed, i can't speak for everyone else or how they would be affected but surely you see this as it stands is impractical and dangerous.
Drewmanc said:
BB2 the fact you have private healthcare means diddly squat, if you had a real life threatening emergency in your Private hospital who the hell do you think they call to take you to a hospital better in dealing with that type of thing, oh yeah that's right an NHS ambulance to take you to an NHS hospital resus/itu unit to fix you again. I work for the ambulance service and the cuts being spoken of at the moment, for us, are devastating and the knock on effects will hurt everyone. At the moment 300 frontline ambulance jobs in Mersey,Manchester,Cheshire and Lancashire are at risk due to the cuts, that's 150 ambulances not on the road, as Mersey (the biggest ambo service) only run 40 ambulances a day/night who is going to come when you call 999 and ask forthe ambulance? Certainly not your fancy private ambulance as not many can afford this. I can only give you my example of the effects of the cuts proposed, i can't speak for everyone else or how they would be affected but surely you see this as it stands is impractical and dangerous.

to, me, an NHS outsider (although the wife is a nurse, albeit an unemployed one right now), you have the trust "manager's" who's job is probably more expendable deciding to cut nurses / other front line staff and keep their own jobs (hardly surprising) - and we are seeing nurse and other front line job loses on a near 1:1 ratio with clerical/back office staff - that doesn't seem right to me at all; the government need to step in and take control of these cuts in the NHS to protect front line staff as promised thus removing the "self interest" aspect.
I always smile at these "there are far too many managers in the NHS" views that people have.

The Tories answer is that they do away with a whole layer of unnecessary management and concentrate the monies on front-line care (and who wouldn't be in favour of that?)...

So they hand the budget responsibility direct to the Doctors and Practices up and down the country, and require them to "purchase" the services as they see fit... even though many doctors do not want this responsibility, and even many more do not have the expertise or knowledge to do this job.

So you know exactly what the first thing they'll do once they get hold of the budget? They'll appoint a manager to run the service, so allowing them to concentrate on medical issues!

Instead of having the economies of scale of having Regional or area based managers undertaking the duties, instead we'll have local Practices all appointing their own versions.

Economics of the mad house. There is a reason for bureaucracy. It isn't just a cliche for inefficiency... otherwise Henry Ford wouldn't have been such a proponent!
Soulboy said:
I always smile at these "there are far too many managers in the NHS" views that people have.

The Tories answer is that they do away with a whole layer of unnecessary management and concentrate the monies on front-line care (and who wouldn't be in favour of that?)...

So they hand the budget responsibility direct to the Doctors and Practices up and down the country, and require them to "purchase" the services as they see fit... even though many doctors do not want this responsibility, and even many more do not have the expertise or knowledge to do this job.

So you know exactly what the first thing they'll do once they get hold of the budget? They'll appoint a manager to run the service, so allowing them to concentrate on medical issues!

Instead of having the economies of scale of having Regional or area based managers undertaking the duties, instead we'll have local Practices all appointing their own versions.

Economics of the mad house. There is a reason for bureaucracy. It isn't just a cliche for inefficiency... otherwise Henry Ford wouldn't have been such a proponent!

When I say "managers" I was refering (badly) to the whole back-office.

To a layman (such as me) I see the NHS currently spending around £2.6bn on back office pay alone (I will ignore the money they seem to "waste" - such as £300mio on management consultants). The NHS admits they can trim this pay by £600mio...(that's about 20,000 nurses). How will they save this money? you guessed it by improving economies of scale (makes you ask the question what the f**k have they been doing these past 10 years?).
metalblue said:
Soulboy said:
I always smile at these "there are far too many managers in the NHS" views that people have.

The Tories answer is that they do away with a whole layer of unnecessary management and concentrate the monies on front-line care (and who wouldn't be in favour of that?)...

So they hand the budget responsibility direct to the Doctors and Practices up and down the country, and require them to "purchase" the services as they see fit... even though many doctors do not want this responsibility, and even many more do not have the expertise or knowledge to do this job.

So you know exactly what the first thing they'll do once they get hold of the budget? They'll appoint a manager to run the service, so allowing them to concentrate on medical issues!

Instead of having the economies of scale of having Regional or area based managers undertaking the duties, instead we'll have local Practices all appointing their own versions.

Economics of the mad house. There is a reason for bureaucracy. It isn't just a cliche for inefficiency... otherwise Henry Ford wouldn't have been such a proponent!

When I say "managers" I was refering (badly) to the whole back-office.

To a layman (such as me) I see the NHS currently spending around £2.6bn on back office pay alone (I will ignore the money they seem to "waste" - such as £300mio on management consultants). The NHS admits they can trim this pay by £600mio...(that's about 20,000 nurses). How will they save this money? you guessed it by improving economies of scale (makes you ask the question what the f**k have they been doing these past 10 years?).

Just out of interest... the £300m wasted on consultants... can you tell me how better the NHS should have spent that money?

Do you actually know what the consultants do, or are you just following the party line that it "must" be waste as the Daily Mail says it's so!

And what have been doing the past 20 years? Can I offer an option? They might very well have been saving of millions of pounds in better treatment, new treatment, better care... the usual stuff?

It's a bit like saying why are Stockport County in financial crisis? Can't they just do what they did ten years ago? How did they fuck it up so bad...?

Or if someone is made redundant, they sufddenly find that they don't need the car, or the bigger house, or the holidays abroad. So they trim their cloth to suit the current cliumate. That's all the NHS are having to do... it doesn't mean they were "wasting" the money they can now save!
Soulboy said:
I always smile at these "there are far too many managers in the NHS" views that people have.

The Tories answer is that they do away with a whole layer of unnecessary management and concentrate the monies on front-line care (and who wouldn't be in favour of that?)...

So they hand the budget responsibility direct to the Doctors and Practices up and down the country, and require them to "purchase" the services as they see fit... even though many doctors do not want this responsibility, and even many more do not have the expertise or knowledge to do this job.

So you know exactly what the first thing they'll do once they get hold of the budget? They'll appoint a manager to run the service, so allowing them to concentrate on medical issues!

Instead of having the economies of scale of having Regional or area based managers undertaking the duties, instead we'll have local Practices all appointing their own versions.

Economics of the mad house. There is a reason for bureaucracy. It isn't just a cliche for inefficiency... otherwise Henry Ford wouldn't have been such a proponent!

You do realise that all GP's practices already employ practice managers don't you. They would, in reality be the ones that take on the responsibility.

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