Mario Balotelli - genuine question

The Boy has huge talent.At city under Mancini he will only get so many chances.i hope he starts to show his ability in the next few weeks.
I don't give a stuff about his attitude or behaviour if he wears the shirt he gets my full support same as Jo (cough). I don't care to understand why he acts as he does that is his right to be sullen, sulky looks as if doesn't care provided he does his job as a professional footballer, and his job is to score goals and on that score he has performed extremely well.
He is a bit of a loose cannon and his sulkiness and inability to pick himself up after a decision has gone against him or an opposing player has legitimately nicked the ball off him will probably cost us dearly at some point soon but only an idiot would want to see the back of Balotelli.

I was gutted when there were rumours the other week about him being homesick. The thought of us selling him to the opposition just doesn't enter my head.
Sorry but some people need to get a grip...

Since Balotelli was 15-16 years old he's been widely recognised as one of the biggest striker talents in the world. By world-class scouts, pundits and media all over the world.
All Italian football fans (apart from the racist shitbags!) have literally been waiting and waiting for him to grow up and realise his potential.

Did he suddenly become "a liability" and questionable the day he joined us?
Yes he's petulant and he doesn't smile... So what? Do all footballers need to town the line perfectly and have no personality? Just let him be himself, let him have some personality. It's widely known by now the crazy shit that he's had to endure growing up... Adopted, stupid amount of pressure, racism at a level you'd never see in Britain in 2011.

Let me grow with us and he'll become an absolute sensation! He's only 20 years old! When I was 20 years old I was bloody clueless about everything and did lots of retarded shit...
I understand the point a lot of posters are making about Mario and letting him be himself and I agree to a point, I love his tell it like it is way, his eccentricities and totally agree about him being a breath of fresh air. It doesn't bother me if he smiles or celebrates a goal in his own way, his talent is unquestionable but I do have concerns about his temperament on the pitch. He seems to brood on any injustice on the pitch instead of letting it go and then reacts stupidly as in the Notts game. Dzeko was also denied a penalty but carried on. I know others get away with things because of who they are but he isn't going to, refs have their eye on him before he kicks the ball, players are going to target him because they know he will react. I fear he is making it all to easy for them. I know this may be all part of his make up but I hope he can wise up because if he gets a yellow for something silly like the Notts game, he is leaving himself open to players trying to abuse this to get him sent off. To me he isn't a child, he is a man who is a professional footballer player. I sympathise with his childhood and the racial treatment he received but I hope he can look at his time here as a fresh start with fans who want him and will support him. If he is trying to reign it in a bit, against Aris he didn't have any problems, then it is all good, If not and Mancini can't get him to let things go then I hope you are so forgiving if his temperament and need to react costs the team in a crucial game. Will we all be happy to say, " That's just the way Mario is.."

Before anyone accuses be of being a ' hater' can I assure you I am not, I genuinely want the best for him and hope he can settle here and enjoy playing for us.
He is the X-factor. I'm waitng for him to get afew more matches under his belt.He is the X-tra, the oomph thats missing from City. The spark that will get us in the top 3.
All other issues are secondary.
blueprint said:
He is the X-factor. I'm waitng for him to get afew more matches under his belt.He is the X-tra, the oomph thats missing from City. The spark that will get us in the top 3.
All other issues are secondary.

Rammyblues said:
I don't give a stuff about his attitude or behaviour if he wears the shirt he gets my full support same as Jo (cough). I don't care to understand why he acts as he does that is his right to be sullen, sulky looks as if doesn't care provided he does his job as a professional footballer, and his job is to score goals and on that score he has performed extremely well.

If yo don't agree with this you're a bit weird (only joking ;)) lol. I completely agree by the way!

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