Mario Balotelli - genuine question

Re: Mario haters genuine question?

didactic said:
dctid said:
In a 4 - 0 game i agree in a cup final or CL qualifier or a must win game then i have serious doubts and that is the problem for me at least.


You dont like Mario and its not what you said because you made your post BEFORE he even had a yellow card.

Maybe just maybe i am a little more perceptive than you - as for not liking him - i dont know him but i know that fielding a player with the run in we have that has a high possability - likehood of being sent off and forcing a manager to make a substitution to prevent the team going down to 10 is far far to risky. Its Mancini job on the line not yours and if it was i feel sure that this would be one of your considerations.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

He's like a young thoroughbred - all sinew, raw talent and nervous energy. . he'll be a bastard to control but we'll all be stunned by what he'll be able to do once he matures a bit and if he gets the right direction.
Anyone slagging him off at this early juncture must be craving a helping of humble pie.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

I think Mancini's man-management is going to have a lot of say in how he develops. At first, I was unconvinced as he seemed a little cold, but I think that was mainly because of the language barrier. I think one only needs to look at Mario's twin, Micah Richards to see that Roberto knows how to handle and develop young talent.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

dctid said:
didactic said:

You dont like Mario and its not what you said because you made your post BEFORE he even had a yellow card.

Maybe just maybe i am a little more perceptive than you - as for not liking him - i dont know him but i know that fielding a player with the run in we have that has a high possability - likehood of being sent off and forcing a manager to make a substitution to prevent the team going down to 10 is far far to risky. Its Mancini job on the line not yours and if it was i feel sure that this would be one of your considerations.

it seem mancini is willing enough to run the risk. everytimes mario has been even half fit his name was on the team sheet. fact.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

This kid ( and that is what he is), is pulling on the jersey of Manchester City Football club..something we'd all die to do.

I've forgiven many players their shortcomings, because they have been the best they can be in our shirt. But watching Balotelli so far makes me feel like he's taking the piss...he has the ability to be the best, but seems to want to play out his angst at every opportunity.

He seems to want the circumstances to be perfect for him before he delivers..well wake up far, not good enough, and it's up to you to make it happen.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Mancio said:
dctid said:
Maybe just maybe i am a little more perceptive than you - as for not liking him - i dont know him but i know that fielding a player with the run in we have that has a high possability - likehood of being sent off and forcing a manager to make a substitution to prevent the team going down to 10 is far far to risky. Its Mancini job on the line not yours and if it was i feel sure that this would be one of your considerations.

it seem mancini is willing enough to run the risk. everytimes mario has been even half fit his name was on the team sheet. fact.

What the fook do you expect him to do after spunking 20 plus million pounds on a player - make him the water boy - he will be fine in the Europe where football has become a non contact sport but is going to have to change his way in the prem. I predict that of he acts up in his next prem league game and Mancini has to sub him for risk of him being sent off he is unlikely to start for the rest of the season injuries aside.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

dctid said:
Maybe just maybe i am a little more perceptive than you - as for not liking him - i dont know him but i know that fielding a player with the run in we have that has a high possability - likehood of being sent off and forcing a manager to make a substitution to prevent the team going down to 10 is far far to risky. Its Mancini job on the line not yours and if it was i feel sure that this would be one of your considerations.

Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini plays down Mario Balotelli's angry reaction to substitution
Striker fumed after being withdrawn in cup clash
By Alex Richards
21 Feb 2011 14:35:00

Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini says that he is fine with Mario Balotelli's reaction to being substituted in the 5-0 FA Cup win over Notts County.

Balotelli made his comeback after two months out of the first-team picture at Eastlands as a result of a knee injury and was replaced on the hour mark after a clash of heads with County defender Krystian Pearce.

After leaving the pitch Balotelli threw down his snood in anger before walking straight down the tunnel, but Mancini is confident there will be no problems with the Italian international forward.

"We decided before the game to replace him after an hour," Mancini told reporters.

"It's his first start after injury and he had a clash of heads.

"He was unhappy but I will explain to him in a couple of days.

"It's not a problem. We want him fit for the next two months as we have a lot of games.

"He played well and didn't have any problems with his knee. We want to ease Mario back into action.

"He knew he would not play the full game. Sometimes in training when he misses a chance he holds his knee and then when he scores he doesn't!"
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

dctid said:
Mancio said:
it seem mancini is willing enough to run the risk. everytimes mario has been even half fit his name was on the team sheet. fact.

What the fook do you expect him to do after spunking 20 plus million pounds on a player - make him the water boy - he will be fine in the Europe where football has become a non contact sport but is going to have to change his way in the prem. I predict that of he acts up in his next prem league game and Mancini has to sub him for risk of him being sent off he is unlikely to start for the rest of the season injuries aside.

are you sure to be fair with the guy ? sometime you may give the idea to dont be....

more a case of "i told you".....
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

If people need an excuse to justify his character then please find an alternative to his age.Its pathetic,he's not twelve he's twenty years old ffs - a man or,at least,he should be....

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