Mario Balotelli - genuine question

Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Mancio said:
dctid said:
What the fook do you expect him to do after spunking 20 plus million pounds on a player - make him the water boy - he will be fine in the Europe where football has become a non contact sport but is going to have to change his way in the prem. I predict that of he acts up in his next prem league game and Mancini has to sub him for risk of him being sent off he is unlikely to start for the rest of the season injuries aside.

are you sure to be fair with the guy ? sometime you may give the idea to dont be....

more a case of "i told you".....

Mario - the problem with youe argumets are that they are borne from nothing more than you both share the same nationality and he is no doubr one of you favorite players - his passport type is utterely irrelevent to me - if he was Servo fookin Croat you would not be posting this shit - the facts are that on more than one occassion Mancini has been critical of Ballo attitude as was his previous manager.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

Addam iz pro said:
Can someone with some time to kill please look through the Balo haters post history for what they said after his hat trick? They probably went on and on about how great he is. Hypocrites.

A hatrick is a hatrick...but I certainly wasn't raving about 2 penalties and a tap in. Yeah ok, he still had to put them away, but it was nothing special.

If I see the kind of finishing that made him a big hit in Italy, then yeah maybe. No doubting his talent, but the jury is still out for me.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

The guy truly has that something extra that makes him potentially one of the best strikers to grace the premiership.
Unfortunately, at the moment, his petulance is a major liability. We cannot afford to play games a man short for long periods.
Make no mistake, every defender in the country knows, niggle him and he will go off on one.
But lets all remember, he is still only a kid and living away from home. Roberto is the man to "father" him but Mario does need to catch on himself also.
Yes, other players his age have "grown up" but do they have the passion and self belief that can be the difference between good and great.
The guy is also probably frustrated by his injuries and feeling he should be on 30 goals already this season and a fans favourite.
Only wish a couple of others visibly showed a little of his passion on matchday.
If you are still struggling with Mario, cast your minds back to some of the excuses we had to put up with, from time to time, in the 80s and 90s.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

blueshortshorts said:
This kid ( and that is what he is), is pulling on the jersey of Manchester City Football club..something we'd all die to do.

I've forgiven many players their shortcomings, because they have been the best they can be in our shirt. But watching Balotelli so far makes me feel like he's taking the piss...he has the ability to be the best, but seems to want to play out his angst at every opportunity.

He seems to want the circumstances to be perfect for him before he delivers..well wake up far, not good enough, and it's up to you to make it happen.

Agree completely. I have no doubt he is raw talent that hopefully will be channelled by Mancini. The jury is definately out. On Sunday both his body language and work ethic quite frankly stunk!
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

dctid said:
Mancio said:
are you sure to be fair with the guy ? sometime you may give the idea to dont be....

more a case of "i told you".....

Mario - the problem with youe argumets are that they are borne from nothing more than you both share the same nationality and he is no doubr one of you favorite players - his passport type is utterely irrelevent to me - if he was Servo fookin Croat you would not be posting this shit - the facts are that on more than one occassion Mancini has been critical of Ballo attitude as was his previous manager.

there is a big difference between me and you...

you can find my posts in the dzeko thread where i defend dzeko and i say that is RIDICOLOUS criticise a player after a few games in a new league and a new team. and you know i'm not Bosnian.

the funny thing is that in the dzeko thread i can see you too defend dzeko. but while i defend both dzeko there and balotelli here , it seem that you are more willing to understand how dzeko need time and a lot less willing to give time to balotelli. strange.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

We are so lucky to have such talents as Edin, Carlos and now Mario. I just can't take these posters seriously, with every word they type their credibility takes a nose dive. In the pub or even at a match if you heard them bleating such nonsense you would take one look (just so you knew what they looked liked and you could avoid them in the future) and turn your back, thinking "feck he's well oiled!!!!"

What is it with you numpties, have I missed something and is Ric paying you to be the moon idiot, is there a competition going on that only turds know about?

I love debate, but is the constant whingeing on about players who have had around 2-6 games in a new team new, league anything concrete to base your analysis on....Is It? Please tell I'd love to read your response.

As for these players they could quite easily play in ANY team in the world....That's all that needs to be said, oh apart from time, time and maybe some more time.
Re: Mario haters genuine question?

poh said:
I posted just the other day that i think he is not suited to the english game,i just hope i'am proved to be so very fucking wrong.

Why not? He has pace, strength and finishing. He is a young version of Drogba only more natural talent. Why cant he make it here?

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