Mario Balotelli

RecklessRob said:
Pigeonho said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Just to put pigeonho's football knowledge into perspective - back in the day when we sacked hughes pigeonho thought that anyone who wanted hughes out knew nothing about football. His incredible bitterness against balotelli clouds his already diabolical judgement

Balotelli to spurs would be a poor move for him. Balotelli to arsenal would be possibly the best move he could make. I almost, almost want it to happen as I'm intrigued and excited at the prospect of such a talented individual as balotelli reaching his potential. Under wenger that would be a distinct possibility. As it would be such a big threat to us I hope it doesn't happen
Good job we don't all put people's football knowledge into perspective based on their posts on the internet, eh fat man?

Surely you can see his point though? Anybody who thinks Balotelli is useless or that he wouldn't improve Arsenal or Spurs obviously doesn't have much of a clue and is letting their bias get in the way,
I'm sure many said the the same of Soldano. He just isn't suited to our league though, whereas balotelli is just balotelli. You get what you get dependant on his mood. I would say he would go to spurs with the big fish in the small pond attitude and ruffle feathers. At arsenal he would be put in his place but would try to be top dog. In both scenarios you would see him gone within 3 transfer windows. Just my opinion.
People lauded him here for his off pitch stuff than his on pitch stuff. People slate Edin because he misses chances and looks a bit awkward. Put balotelli's front and middle page stuff into Edin's persona and people would look at him different. Edin the player.. Edin the person who sets fire works off.. Edin the person who breaks into prisons.. Edin the... You get the picture. All of a sudden those misses and that disinterest would be forgotten. Why? Because the new age fan would have their tabloid idol who puts their club in the papers more than it's ever been before, that's why. You see for decades now we've not had that football superstar. We've simply had shit who no soap star wants to be linked with, who no pop star wants to move in with and who nobody really cared about other than us on the terraces who could proclaim, at best, that 'you're not Munich anymore'. Then came balotelli. He changed all that but for the wrong reasons. Put Edin's actual persona into Balotelli but keep Balotelli's actual performances for the club aw they stand, and his fan base and 'legend' would vanish. Fact.
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure many said the the same of Soldano. He just isn't suited to our league though, whereas balotelli is just balotelli. You get what you get dependant on his mood. I would say he would go to spurs with the big fish in the small pond attitude and ruffle feathers. At arsenal he would be put in his place but would try to be top dog. In both scenarios you would see him gone within 3 transfer windows. Just my opinion.
People lauded him here for his off pitch stuff than his on pitch stuff. People slate Edin because he misses chances and looks a bit awkward. Put balotelli's front and middle page stuff into Edin's persona and people would look at him different. Edin the player.. Edin the person who sets fire works off.. Edin the person who breaks into prisons.. Edin the... You get the picture. All of a sudden those misses and that disinterest would be forgotten. Why? Because the new age fan would have their tabloid idol who puts their club in the papers more than it's ever been before, that's why. You see for decades now we've not had that football superstar. We've simply had shit who no soap star wants to be linked with, who no pop star wants to move in with and who nobody really cared about other than us on the terraces who could proclaim, at best, that 'you're not Munich anymore'. Then came balotelli. He changed all that but for the wrong reasons. Put Edin's actual persona into Balotelli but keep Balotelli's actual performances for the club aw they stand, and his fan base and 'legend' would vanish. Fact.

You're forgetting a crucial factor though. Dzeko is 28 in less than 3 weeks, Balotelli will still be 23 until next season starts. Balotelli has the potential to be one of the best players in the world is very similar to a young Zlatan. People keep saying that "he hasn't reached his potential" but he's still only 23.

As well as this, everything you've said has also been used to overshadow his good performances by those who dislike him. He had a great end to the season last year when he joined Milan and has been quite good again this year in a struggling team. His inconsistency lets him down however. If Wenger does go for him and manages to sign him, he could be the man who turns Arsenal into a Premier League winning side and when he's off form, Giroud is more than capable of slotting in and sharing the workload. Be interesting to see what happens in the Summer although I expect him to stay put.
RecklessRob said:
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure many said the the same of Soldano. He just isn't suited to our league though, whereas balotelli is just balotelli. You get what you get dependant on his mood. I would say he would go to spurs with the big fish in the small pond attitude and ruffle feathers. At arsenal he would be put in his place but would try to be top dog. In both scenarios you would see him gone within 3 transfer windows. Just my opinion.
People lauded him here for his off pitch stuff than his on pitch stuff. People slate Edin because he misses chances and looks a bit awkward. Put balotelli's front and middle page stuff into Edin's persona and people would look at him different. Edin the player.. Edin the person who sets fire works off.. Edin the person who breaks into prisons.. Edin the... You get the picture. All of a sudden those misses and that disinterest would be forgotten. Why? Because the new age fan would have their tabloid idol who puts their club in the papers more than it's ever been before, that's why. You see for decades now we've not had that football superstar. We've simply had shit who no soap star wants to be linked with, who no pop star wants to move in with and who nobody really cared about other than us on the terraces who could proclaim, at best, that 'you're not Munich anymore'. Then came balotelli. He changed all that but for the wrong reasons. Put Edin's actual persona into Balotelli but keep Balotelli's actual performances for the club aw they stand, and his fan base and 'legend' would vanish. Fact.

You're forgetting a crucial factor though. Dzeko is 28 in less than 3 weeks, Balotelli will still be 23 until next season starts. Balotelli has the potential to be one of the best players in the world is very similar to a young Zlatan. People keep saying that "he hasn't reached his potential" but he's still only 23.

As well as this, everything you've said has also been used to overshadow his good performances by those who dislike him. He had a great end to the season last year when he joined Milan and has been quite good again this year in a struggling team. His inconsistency lets him down however. If Wenger does go for him and manages to sign him, he could be the man who turns Arsenal into a Premier League winning side and when he's off form, Giroud is more than capable of slotting in and sharing the workload. Be interesting to see what happens in the Summer although I expect him to stay put.
An, the 'potential' word. People will still say it when he's 25, they are that desperate for him to be a world beater. And the comparison with Dzeko was that people slate him because of his misses and general lapsy-daisy performances, but put him on the front pages or middle pages with him shagging a soap star, saying Rooney's pro is a ****, smashing his house up or any other 'zany' mishap and all of a sudden he is a 'legend'.
Pigeonho said:
RecklessRob said:
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure many said the the same of Soldano. He just isn't suited to our league though, whereas balotelli is just balotelli. You get what you get dependant on his mood. I would say he would go to spurs with the big fish in the small pond attitude and ruffle feathers. At arsenal he would be put in his place but would try to be top dog. In both scenarios you would see him gone within 3 transfer windows. Just my opinion.
People lauded him here for his off pitch stuff than his on pitch stuff. People slate Edin because he misses chances and looks a bit awkward. Put balotelli's front and middle page stuff into Edin's persona and people would look at him different. Edin the player.. Edin the person who sets fire works off.. Edin the person who breaks into prisons.. Edin the... You get the picture. All of a sudden those misses and that disinterest would be forgotten. Why? Because the new age fan would have their tabloid idol who puts their club in the papers more than it's ever been before, that's why. You see for decades now we've not had that football superstar. We've simply had shit who no soap star wants to be linked with, who no pop star wants to move in with and who nobody really cared about other than us on the terraces who could proclaim, at best, that 'you're not Munich anymore'. Then came balotelli. He changed all that but for the wrong reasons. Put Edin's actual persona into Balotelli but keep Balotelli's actual performances for the club aw they stand, and his fan base and 'legend' would vanish. Fact.

You're forgetting a crucial factor though. Dzeko is 28 in less than 3 weeks, Balotelli will still be 23 until next season starts. Balotelli has the potential to be one of the best players in the world is very similar to a young Zlatan. People keep saying that "he hasn't reached his potential" but he's still only 23.

As well as this, everything you've said has also been used to overshadow his good performances by those who dislike him. He had a great end to the season last year when he joined Milan and has been quite good again this year in a struggling team. His inconsistency lets him down however. If Wenger does go for him and manages to sign him, he could be the man who turns Arsenal into a Premier League winning side and when he's off form, Giroud is more than capable of slotting in and sharing the workload. Be interesting to see what happens in the Summer although I expect him to stay put.
An, the 'potential' word. People will still say it when he's 25, they are that desperate for him to be a world beater. And the comparison with Dzeko was that people slate him because of his misses and general lapsy-daisy performances, but put him on the front pages or middle pages with him shagging a soap star, saying Rooney's pro is a ****, smashing his house up or any other 'zany' mishap and all of a sudden he is a 'legend'.

You seem more arsed about his antics than anyone else. Hardly anyone else ever mentions them on here but you bang on about them and your posts about balotelli come across as incredibly bitter because of them. It's pointless you just coming on here to vent these bitter little rants and call him a wanker over and over again. He scores a worldie and you're not interested. All your arsed about is whingeing on about him. Get over it

He turns 24 in August so I agree that the 'potential' word has all but expired (although it was perfectly valid up until now and arguably until next season for me). I'd also always be wary of him reaching his full potential considering the talent he's got as he's always capable of a moment of genius like his latest worldie in this thread. If he goes in the summer it could be the biggest move in his career. If he goes to Arsenal then I will be keeping a very close and wary eye on that one. I did think he'd have matured more than he has by now though and you do wonder if it will always be too easy to rough him up considering his volatile temperament, but that's just another reason why I'd be intrigued to see him back in the prem
I love the idea of Mario starting a football match. I remember the goal he scored against Villa - the one over his shoulder, similar to the one Negredo scored v Wiiiiiiiist Hiiiiiiiim - and the 'shoulder nudge' v Norwich, and all his penalties!! But it's no more than an idea that as the game wears on becomes candy floss on a stick. He will never, never, ever embrace the team ethic, and that is the sad episode of his football career.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Pigeonho said:
RecklessRob said:
You're forgetting a crucial factor though. Dzeko is 28 in less than 3 weeks, Balotelli will still be 23 until next season starts. Balotelli has the potential to be one of the best players in the world is very similar to a young Zlatan. People keep saying that "he hasn't reached his potential" but he's still only 23.

As well as this, everything you've said has also been used to overshadow his good performances by those who dislike him. He had a great end to the season last year when he joined Milan and has been quite good again this year in a struggling team. His inconsistency lets him down however. If Wenger does go for him and manages to sign him, he could be the man who turns Arsenal into a Premier League winning side and when he's off form, Giroud is more than capable of slotting in and sharing the workload. Be interesting to see what happens in the Summer although I expect him to stay put.
An, the 'potential' word. People will still say it when he's 25, they are that desperate for him to be a world beater. And the comparison with Dzeko was that people slate him because of his misses and general lapsy-daisy performances, but put him on the front pages or middle pages with him shagging a soap star, saying Rooney's pro is a ****, smashing his house up or any other 'zany' mishap and all of a sudden he is a 'legend'.

You seem more arsed about his antics than anyone else. Hardly anyone else ever mentions them on here but you bang on about them and your posts about balotelli come across as incredibly bitter because of them. It's pointless you just coming on here to vent these bitter little rants and call him a wanker over and over again. He scores a worldie and you're not interested. All your arsed about is whingeing on about him. Get over it

He turns 24 in August so I agree that the 'potential' word has all but expired (although it was perfectly valid up until now and arguably until next season for me). I'd also always be wary of him reaching his full potential considering the talent he's got as he's always capable of a moment of genius like his latest worldie in this thread. If he goes in the summer it could be the biggest move in his career. If he goes to Arsenal then I will be keeping a very close and wary eye on that one. I did think he'd have matured more than he has by now though and you do wonder if it will always be too easy to rough him up considering his volatile temperament, but that's just another reason why I'd be intrigued to see him back in the prem
Tony Yeboah scored two worldies in consecutive weeks, and that's all he did. Balotelli will always have the potential to score them but does he regularly and as much as his legend status suggests? No. He's just a good player and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Pigeonho said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Pigeonho said:
An, the 'potential' word. People will still say it when he's 25, they are that desperate for him to be a world beater. And the comparison with Dzeko was that people slate him because of his misses and general lapsy-daisy performances, but put him on the front pages or middle pages with him shagging a soap star, saying Rooney's pro is a ****, smashing his house up or any other 'zany' mishap and all of a sudden he is a 'legend'.

You seem more arsed about his antics than anyone else. Hardly anyone else ever mentions them on here but you bang on about them and your posts about balotelli come across as incredibly bitter because of them. It's pointless you just coming on here to vent these bitter little rants and call him a wanker over and over again. He scores a worldie and you're not interested. All your arsed about is whingeing on about him. Get over it

He turns 24 in August so I agree that the 'potential' word has all but expired (although it was perfectly valid up until now and arguably until next season for me). I'd also always be wary of him reaching his full potential considering the talent he's got as he's always capable of a moment of genius like his latest worldie in this thread. If he goes in the summer it could be the biggest move in his career. If he goes to Arsenal then I will be keeping a very close and wary eye on that one. I did think he'd have matured more than he has by now though and you do wonder if it will always be too easy to rough him up considering his volatile temperament, but that's just another reason why I'd be intrigued to see him back in the prem
Tony Yeboah scored two worldies in consecutive weeks, and that's all he did. Balotelli will always have the potential to score them but does he regularly and as much as his legend status suggests? No. He's just a good player and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Since he has been at Serie A he has around 22 goals in 31 games. That's actually a pretty good return. His goal scoring record is not a problem. Play Balotelli and he will at least get you a goal every other game. The problem is his repeated suspensions and the games where things are not going and he gives the team nothing. I no longer have faith in him, but he can still turn things around. A big world cup, which is well within his capabilities and he could secure a big move to virtually any club in the world. He might even stay at Milan and bring them back up, but he is no longer a kid and needs to start producing.
Pigeonho said:
He's just a good player and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

You used to say he was a shit player, does that mean you think he's beginning to reach his potential or is this an admittance that your original opinion on him was another wayward one?
The Fat el Hombre said:
Pigeonho said:
He's just a good player and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

You used to say he was a shit player, does that mean you think he's beginning to reach his potential or is this an admittance that your original opinion on him was another wayward one?
I've said he was shot when it suits, average when it suits and good when it suits. I have always said the potential is there, but he will never ever fulfill it, ever. He is a player I'd never want back and would be underwhelmed with. Like I say take the so called personality away and all you have is a player who, based on my own experiences with city fans, would be the target of abuse. The x box generation love him and I can see why and I get it, but I'm not one of them. My favourite player is David White. Not that great. It gave his fucking all and was a joy to watch. To me balotelli will never be able to lace his boots - regardless of the odd good performance, t shirt or fireworks from a balcony. Just my opinion mate.
Pigeonho said:
To me balotelli will never be able to lace his boots - regardless of the odd good performance, t shirt or fireworks from a balcony. Just my opinion mate.
and David White never had Balotelli's medal cabinet, nor played in a European Championship final having put two past Germany en-route, nor earned Man of the Match in an FA Cup Final, or was a Balon d'Or nominee. Ironically, these are all football reasons to prefer Balotelli and yet you've insisted on lecturing us for the past however many pages about how people only love Balotelli for his personality when in fact your favourite player is nowhere near the best footballer to have played for us but instead because of his personality... Brilliant. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the the wacky world of Pigeonho.

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