Martin Demichelis

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BigOscar said:
Unknown_Genius said:
Can't understand the amount of vitriol he's getting. He did OK, considering he was playing out of position, and got little support from his team mates. Yaya was the one who let me down the most, but some fans are too easily misled by TV pundits, and will just pick on the easier target like Demichelis, or Garcia.
It's because he constantly overcommited himself and left us completely exposed. We all know that Yaya won't track back particularly, so his partners job is to cover for him and make sure they do. That's not even Fernandinho's natural game, but he understands what is required and does it brilliantly. Demichellis on the other hand just constantly charged at whoever had the ball and threw himself at them. Obviously that will result in a few succesful tackles, but the rest of the time it completely removes you from the game and gives the opposition a free run at our defence. That might be alright if you're last man, but constantly doing it on the halfway line is just suicidal

His lack of pace, means he will commit challenges like that, or he'll be overrun. He won a few 50/50s. In an ideal world, he wouldn't have been playing there in the first place, especially against a midfield of Chelsea's quality, but I've seen much worse performances from square pegs in round holes.
BigOscar said:
shevtheblue said:
RandomJ said:
He was shit in defence and he is shit in mindfield. He is basically just shit. Everyone can see it apart from Pellegrini who seems blind to his shit performances. What Milner must think seeing him start ahead of him in midfield.
I don't think he was our worst player today, that tells you all you need to know about today's game.
That was the worst performance anyone has put in for us all year imo, so I don't know who you thought was worse than him tonight. Absolutely useless. Just lunged in and overcommited himself again and again, then compounded it by making no attempt whatsoever to even try and get back and make up for it. Showed that he has absolutely no clue how to play in midfield, so hopefully that's the last we see of him there
did you happen to watch the Watford game mate?
sorry but he looked well out of position tonight and we needed some steel in midfield so Milner should have played for me
Never rated him, but today he was going to be slaughtered by the tactics of Pellegrini anyway. He has some skills but we could have done so much better with a younger, hungry, energetic midfielder (another one than Fernandinho) instead of him and also a strong defender like Pepe.

Garcia would have failed today as well vs pacy runs at him ad not much help from Yaya. Even Fernsandinho wuld have struggled today but at least he is capable of some magic display in the middle unlike Rodwell, garcia etc.
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