Martin Samuel today in the mail.

gordondaviesmoustache said:
On a more general point it appears to me that some of our fans are ill-suited to the mammoth battle that lies ahead between us and united in the years ahead.

The fact is that in spite of the financial meltdown that we all wish upon united, the reality is that they are going to up there, competing with us, toe-to-toe for the foreseeable.

What does that mean? It means we'll win some battles and we'll lose some. It means we'll have some magical moments like last season and some awful ones like on Sunday.

We're dining at the very top table now and with that comes a greater sense of drama, and a greater sense of loss when things go wrong.

I personally love it. I love being the swinging dicks of the jungle. Being talked about with respect. Being seen as a major powerhouse in the game.

But with that goes the sense that we're a scalp that people really want to take. The reaction of the united players on Sunday was merely a reflection of that.

People should take it as a compliment and make sure we ram it right back down their fucking throats once again come next May, rather than moaning because people love the idea of beating us.

Time to man up blues.

of course it's not a big game for them compared to their derby match with Liverpool
gordondaviesmoustache said:
On a more general point it appears to me that some of our fans are ill-suited to the mammoth battle that lies ahead between us and united in the years ahead.

The fact is that in spite of the financial meltdown that we all wish upon united, the reality is that they are going to up there, competing with us, toe-to-toe for the foreseeable.

What does that mean? It means we'll win some battles and we'll lose some. It means we'll have some magical moments like last season and some awful ones like on Sunday.

We're dining at the very top table now and with that comes a greater sense of drama, and a greater sense of loss when things go wrong.

I personally love it. I love being the swinging dicks of the jungle. Being talked about with respect. Being seen as a major powerhouse in the game.

But with that goes the sense that we're a scalp that people really want to take. The reaction of the united players on Sunday was merely a reflection of that.

People should take it as a compliment and make sure we ram it right back down their fucking throats once again come next May, rather than moaning because people love the idea of beating us.

Time to man up blues.

Much too sensible and well-put for BM, that. You're right, I think the worst would be if a derby opponent scored and just didn't celebrate at all, like it was expected (something Balo, for all his faults, understands perfectly). In an odd way, Shrek's celebration shows how much it means to him, which is a compliment. He's a complete dick, but fans can't react in a bush league way. There will be way too many close derbies in the future as you say. Give him the business verbally, turn your backs, do anything but throw something.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
On a more general point it appears to me that some of our fans are ill-suited to the mammoth battle that lies ahead between us and united in the years ahead.

The fact is that in spite of the financial meltdown that we all wish upon united, the reality is that they are going to up there, competing with us, toe-to-toe for the foreseeable.

What does that mean? It means we'll win some battles and we'll lose some. It means we'll have some magical moments like last season and some awful ones like on Sunday.

We're dining at the very top table now and with that comes a greater sense of drama, and a greater sense of loss when things go wrong.

I personally love it. I love being the swinging dicks of the jungle. Being talked about with respect. Being seen as a major powerhouse in the game.

But with that goes the sense that we're a scalp that people really want to take. The reaction of the united players on Sunday was merely a reflection of that.

People should take it as a compliment and make sure we ram it right back down their fucking throats once again come next May, rather than moaning because people love the idea of beating us.

Time to man up blues.

Good post. It may sound a bit weird to some but I wasn't half as gutted on Sunday as I was when United did us with last-minute goals on 3 separate occasions in the 2009-2010 season. I can only put that down to thinking that we're not going away anytime soon and there will be plenty of opportunities for us to redress things in future.

As you say, looking at both teams going forward, there will be good and bad days for both blues and reds in future matches. I'd much sooner have us both up there challenging than days gone by when our only chance of putting one over them was confined to the 2 league games each season and the odd cup-tie.
Didsbury Dave said:
Let's have this right.

I had no idea that Rooney had celebrated in front of the City fans. If I'm honest I couldn't care less.

But when Rooney was running over to take that corner I said to my mate "You watch, he'll get hit by a missile here". Then I saw him pointing at the floor and said "See?"

Crowds quoting "incitement" are pathetic buck-passers. Players get dogs abuse from crowds. If they want to give a bit back it doesn't bother me. It's exactly the same as the Adebayor situation. And if City insist on putting their most vociferous fans right by the corner flag this sort of thing will happen from time to time.

fbloke said:
Anyone who throws stuff at players is a fucktard of the highest order.

I dont care if a player were to do a freaking tango in front of the home fans after scoring it doesnt justify trying to injure him/them.

It seems a minority of fans think that social norms dont apply when there is a game of football being played well they do so grow the fuck up you plebs.

It's not often I agree with DD & fbloke (infact, it's never!) however on this occasion they're bang on.
W12 said:
Rooney starts his winding up even before the game starts. When the teams break after shaking hands he always runs flat out towards the City fans in the east stand only slowing down just before the touchline. He is the main instigator of any of the trouble.

Yep, and the 2 goals he scored were bang out of order. He shouldn't move out of the center circle next time he plays at the Etihad, as he might just incite more plebs to throw stuff at the players. Rooney should be much more responsible, after all he gets paid enough money to be professional.
A quote from the FA following Adebayor's celebration in front of Goons

‘Such celebrations are unacceptable and have the potential to cause a serious public order incident.’

It seems just a couple of years later a different set of standards apply.
Rooney is an unpleasant thug, on and off the football pitch. Fact (as Benitez would say).
I think that deep-down most/all journalists know that. I can't believe that many of them "like" Rooney or think he is always the innocent party in the things that happen to him. He's wound-up a lot of people in his time, and received quite a few red-cards (for a striker). Even Fergie has fallen out with him more than once. And surely his wife can't be 100% happy that he visits prostitutes when she's pregnant. All-round Mr Nice Guy, he really isn't. Probably no exaggeration to say he could have ended-up in prison if he wasn't good at football.

Unfortunately, he is England's best player and because of that he is allowed to get away with a lot (too much). He won't change, I'm afraid.

But I'm afraid our fans played into United's hands by throwing coins ... allowed them to appear the innocent party after what was really quite an unpleasant atmosphere on Sunday ... stoked to a large extent by United's belligerence and the attitude of some of their players who really can't take losing. The whole "feel" of the derby left a bad taste in my mouth, to be honest ... I'm just glad they only turn up at the Etihad once a year, as they bring something unpleasant with them every time.

One last thing: I don't think we should be too critical of Martin Samuels as he is one of the (very few) journalists out there who has been fair to City over the past few years.
i read the article and found it strange, i like Martin Samuel i think he's decent and has made valid points in the past that get lost in translation(barton gay story taken the wrong way by a lot of people)

but the above article is the biggest load of nonsense I've read. footballers like it or not have a responsibility to act in an appropriate way. after scoring both of his goals Rooney slid in front of our fans in exactly the same way he did in the FA CUP last year. (i'm trying to give a non biased view on here but its hard) he knows that his behavior will cause provocation. kissing his united badge at goodison too. if he'd have ran into his own fans and jumped in like SWP on his second debut at city non off this would have happened.

Rio as well knows what he's doing as does Jones, Welbeck and Evra so why do players from that club do this?

we scored 9 goals against them last season and not once did our players wind the crowd up even when scoring 6 at Cold Trafford.

it was a very blinkered article is what i'm trying to say
Rooney does it every time. He ran past the Utd fans and slid infront of the City fans in 111. You could see people charging down the steps to the front of the stand after he did that.

It's irresponsible. He did it after his first goal, he did it in the FA Cup last year, and he Welbeck did it then also.

Phil Jones ran along the Colin Bell Stand with his finger to his lips, pointing to the badge on his shirt.

Hernandez also did similar at Chelsea running towards Chelsea fans in the corner. A crush ensued and a steward was injured.

I agree that you shouldn't throw coins, and I wouldn't do it myself. But there has to be some responsibility on the players not to deliberately goad other fans. Rooney should and could have celebrated infront of Utd fans, but he went out of his way, running past Utd section to slide in front of 111.

It's been said that when fans go to a match they should expect that the opposition may score a goal and celebrate it.

Perhaps players should expect objects to be thrown if they deliberately wind them up.

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