First time I ever went what's now Mary D's was was proper messed up experience in the late 80s that I have no memory of, not only because I got drunk at a wedding but I was also actually aged only 2 or 3 years old on the day.
How did that happen are you asking? I was a little unsupervised scruff discovered drinking leftover unfinished bits from pints, the tables must've been covered with cloth I presume and I'd been nicking near empty pints off tables, copying around me by drinking those bits underneath the tables. Not sure how much I had or if it was started by a wrongun there who thought it'd be a laugh giving me some as sick joke, I've reliably been informed though that I was completely pissed that day supposedly even had an hangover the next day.
So if anyone went to a wedding there and saw a drunk 2 or 3 year old in the late 80s, maybe it was me but then again who knows maybe I'm in the majority here who went there young.