Mason Greenwood released on bail

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Is it your opinion that Greenwood’s ‘Counsel’ will advise him to take this to a jury?
Rape and attempted rape are both indictable only offences so following any prosecution (in this case or any other) it will have to go to the Crown Court irrespective of whatever anyone wants or thinks.
“I don’t even know where to begin with this post, so I’ll just point out that it’s ‘counsel’ not ‘council’ which is a local authority as per the Local Government Act 1972.”

Thanks for that, just a typo as you can see the spelling and context are correct further into the post.

This is a discussion about Mason Greenwood, we can all just keep typing that he’s a total vile shit bag, but that will get very boring and not really advance the conversation much. Not to mention goes without saying.

Is it your opinion that Greenwood’s ‘Counsel’ will advise him to take this to a jury?

I think a young millionaire will be doing his very best to make this go away as quickly and as pain free for him as possible.
Pain free?

His career is over. And as for his millions, I'm pretty sure his current outgoings on top of his substantial legal fees will soon eat into his savings once his contract is inevitably torn up. He'll no doubt find out who his real friends are.
Probably because most of the presenters have been involved in one at some time or other.
Nah, they don’t want to spend money on unnecessary legal fees. TS must make a packet as the overheads are low and the advertising revenue is high. Those hedgehog gutter brushes don’t sell themselves you know!

Get washed up presenters on low incomes to spout divisional shite and watch the sheep phone in.

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Just seen it on Facebook, absolutely sickening if true. Hope the plod get involved. If that was my daughter, he would never play football again. Or be able to walk properly.
Was just thinking this exact thought...
Another potential fall out from all this is a knock on effect of any transfers out of Old Toilet. Young Jessie must be sweating on his move to Newcastle.
It wasn't evidence of a rape though. In this case, worse thsn the wif more evidence of a rape taking place than there was in the Evans case. If you don't think that audio clip is in any way damning then I'm not sure what you've been listening to
It wasn't evidence of a rape though. In this case, there's more evidence of a rape taking place than there was in the Evans case. If you don't think that audio clip is in any way damning then I'm not sure what you've been listening to
That's in the past. You're as bad as the wife for going on. My interest at the moment is that justice is done for the girl and yet also the scrote gets a fair trial (and sent down if my instincts are correct and the evidence is sufficient)
There are two or three solicitors in here usually giving it large as they say. Try and find them and you can argue all day with them. I've got my own little weeds in the garden to deal with.
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