Match of the Day

LeKoa said:
Did anyone else notice that they had changed the opening credit sequence?

All season MOTD began with Aguero scoring the goal against QPR with the BBC commentary over it. Then the famous anthem began.

Last night it began with an aerial shot of the Etihad, then jumped to the usual credit sequence minus the Aguero goal. This edit was made to slot in footage of United celebrating against Villa.

As far as I am aware, the Champions are still the Champions until the trophy is raised by the new Champions. This was alluded to by Lineker in his reference to the fact that the trophy in the studio was still adorned with blue and white ribbons.

This edit to the opening sequence was the start of the shameless, and agenda-driven, fawning over United. It has become the default for the BBC which also explains why they leapt into analysis of United immediately after the City game. It also sheds light on why they had 'expert pundit' Phil Neville in the studio.

In truth, we may be shocked by MOTD's coverage but none of us are surprised. Not really.

MOTD has become a distraction at best. Vacuous presenters, terrified of expressing a genuine opinion that doesn't tow the BBC party line, with little or no insightful analysis. With the access to highlights that we have elsewhere (Sky, ESPN app, countless websites), MOTD is no longer essential viewing. I tend to watch it about once per month now. And only if there is nothing else worth lifting the remote control for.

Let them have their little United love-in. Who cares? I mean, really, who cares?

Nicely summarised.

We mustn't ignore the economic reality. I'm sure someone within the BBC team will be putting the '194m fans" (or whatever the latest Pravda figure is) argument forward and will have used this as a means of justifying the editorial bias, however subtle (where for the best part it is, although not so subtle last night).

Even if you were a City fan, when viewing figures directly determine whether your programme gets funding and therefore whether you have a job, it would be hard not to succumb to the "194m fans" pressure.

It's the same on their web site. Stick a picture of something rag-related on the front page and up goes the click rate and therefore the funding.

Not that it justifies it - but appreciating the economic reality should help people to take it a little less personally.

But Lineker is still a smug **** and Chuckle #2 really could earn a living as a Herman Munster looky-likey!
Is this a fucking joke?! 5 minutes talking about the rags! Shearer "I don't mean to be disrespectful of the other united players". Of course you don't, you've just been licking their arses instead of analysing our match. Fucking disgrace.
One saving grace is that the goal that will feature on next season's opening title should be the Van Poncey volley against Aston Villa and not a lucky shinner.

In saying that I'm sure they will find space for the Nasri deflection though.

Am I surprised that they decided to knock England's best goalkeeper for an error and failed to mention that he had been writhing about on the floor in agony 3 minutes previously? No, not at all.

Am I surprised that when our national team has a dearth of decent defenders that they didn't focus on the outstanding performance by Joleon Lescott? No, and what's more, they could have even summed up the pros and cons of him moving to get regular football compared with staying and being fresh for the World Cup.

Instead they focused on how an injury prone defender who refuses to play for his country and has issues with authority both on and off the pitch, within and outside of the game has been one of the mainstays of their side (which in all fairness he has during Vidic's continued problems with knee injuries). It was also noticeable how Michael Carrick is 'underrated'. He plays for Un***d and was a £16m (a lot of money in 2006) high profile signing, so would someone explain how he is under rated? Let's be fair to the guy though, it's only taken him 6 years to outshine the 38 year old Paul Scholes.

It's a belief and absolute trust in what their manager is doing, coupled with a fear that other clubs have of them whenever their name is mentioned that has won them the title this season as few teams have a belief that they can beat them. (City have by no means imposed this psychological superiority on other teams, it takes years to develop)

On the other hand look at Europe, the same psychological advantage doesn't apply. The mighty Galatasary and Cluj certainly didn't fear them and saw a game against the might of media city as an opportunity to put one over on a well known team. This team has recdently been described as the best in depth side that bacon face has had. Although it pains me to say, better than the '99 side? Do me a favour, someone's been on the whisky again
shameless 'coverage' by MOTD last night; the fawning analysis of utd only really highlighted that the pundits opinions aren't really worth much when compared to those of people who regularly go to the games in question. ask any level-headed utd season ticket holder about carrick, rooney, ferguson's team selections and the quality of football they've paid to see over the last three years -- most will give you a very different point of view. can't argue with the trophies they've won over that period, but i've heard enough grumbles from longterm utd fans to suggest that they're not half as happy as MOTD's millionaire experts.

because the media is so saturated with utd supporters (and will be for at least the next 10-15 years), it's best to save the frustration and 'vote with your feet' on this one. still wish that subscribing to the BBC was optional though.

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