Match of the Day

I must add that I especially enjoyed the line about ..."last year the title was lost on goal difference" during their "un*t*d are brilliant aren't they" section of the show...

...and there was me thinking it was won on goal difference, parallel multiverses and all that I suppose.
Bring back Des Lynam and David Colemen.Im sure Match of the day used to be better in the old days.I didnt want that boring tur* Shearer telling me why scum won the title.The show needs some new people like Gary Owen and Mike Summerbee. They know a lot more about football than Neville and Shearer.
eyejay51 said:
I'm pretty sure they also missed the "Agueeeerrroooooooooooo" off the opening titles too.

Stripe-nosed, swivel-eyed, red-rimming fuckpigs.

they did! and thought they had to explain why the trophy still had blue ribbons on it

shearer basically said we was the new blackburn and linaker made a point of saying we had "surrendered" the title

it was quite shocking to be honest
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Don't watch this shit. The BBC is a fucking joke, from politics to football. Little better than an organ of the state.

Had time to think about this. Since watching MOTD tonight.

Was it poor from the bbc? one reflection Yes. Talk about the game AND maybe talk about where we went wrong and why it went right for United.

Was it a deliberate attempt to rub our noses in it? Probably not.

Were they kissing the arses of United? Yes, but why not.

Did they do the same for us after last seasons finale? Yes, Over and over and over. Every motd "that" aguerooooo goal gets shown (rightly so) I even recall watching BBC sports personality and bbc had arranged the whole audience to do the poznan. -United fans were fuming!!

If anyone thinks the bbc have an agenda against city then this is misplaced.

We have had our time at the top for one season. Hopefully it will go full circle once again next season and we will have our moment once again.
the-ecstacy-of-eight said:
I must add that I especially enjoyed the line about ..."last year the title was lost on goal difference" during their "un*t*d are brilliant aren't they" section of the show...

...and there was me thinking it was won on goal difference, parallel multiverses and all that I suppose.

Not even bothering being Fraudian in their slips are they, just out and out partisan what a relief the rags will be champions again, everything's rosy in the garden once more, phew! Last year was our dream but their collective nightmare they'll want to consign to historical anomaly. The BBC impartial as it should be? Don't make us laugh. That's why the blues have to be stronger next season.
PHOENIX9000 said:
F##king assholes the f##king lot of them!!!! If they did this at the end of the show so be it, that's fine, no problem!!! But to do it on our slot and not talk about it at all is just a piss take and highly disrespectful!!!! Hope we come back and rip the league a new asshole to shove it down their rag ass licking throats!!!! F##k them!!!!!

Absolutely unbelievable -,disgusting BBC - no analysis of City's game.
No mention of a superb goal by Yaya.
They started the "show" by a montage of everything RED then had the gall to ignore City and as previous posters have said " they had a Rag wankfest" I hope other viewers tell them where to stick MOTD
M O T D vomiting, guys we knew this was coming so don't be surprised, my whole view on the bbc is it is and has been full of the worst pieces of humanity after everything they have been covering up in Bbc towers for the past 40 years? So personally I would sooner they are in bed with the rag scum, they are the enemy of the English people, in any other walk of life a company would have been shut down!

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