Match Thread | Southampton vs Man City (11/01/23)

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It set alarm bells ringing in my head when Pep said a few weeks ago there was a possibility of him leaving his contract early if he wasn't getting through to the players.

We've been here before with a poor run of performances but this particular run coupled with the comments made could be different. Sorry to be a bedwetting doom merchant, really hope he proves everyone wrong again.
All he has to do is play people in their proper positions and we’d beat 70, 80% of teams.

Getting a team to play as badly as they have done in that first half takes some serious fucking about.
Pep has brought more success to City than we could ever have dreamed, but he can't win with some of you lot.

Playing this side to prioritise the derby was the right decision and the people suggesting we bring on Haaland and KDB early are out of their fucking minds.

Nobody wants to go out in this game, but the Rags game is vastly, vastly more important and Pep was right to rest our best for it.
Yep, the team Pep picked have just not performed but we can’t play the same players for every game with the insane schedule coming up. Last years defeat to the Dippers in the FA Cup contributed to our PL win as we were running on empty especially with all the defensive injuries. We take this on the chin and move on.
We have 1 centre half,and 2 pretend fullbacks.It throws the shape of the team completely.

You build a team from the back,on solid fucking sick of this false fullback shite,and why when we have 4 world class centre haves available is only 1 on the pitch ?
Because 2 are injured and we can’t risk Ake as he’s our left back on Saturday.
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