Matheus Nunes

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Greatest manager of his generations opinion or wolves fans and some people on bluemoon.....hmmm its a tough call
Pep is indeed the greatest but he can still get it wrong. Look at Phillips. We also wanted Fred, Maguire etc. Naturally we don’t get everything right.
Wow, you know a majority number of Wolves fans?

As a rule a general consensus is pretty good. Take us on BM about Philips. And us on BM about La Porte.(thanking him)
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Check Twitter. Loads happy to see him go. Majority saying he’s been poor and has a sulky attitude.
So a few on Twitter saying it, not the majority then as you claim. I know a Wolves fan who thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread so who do I believe? Those whose opinion fits your belief he’s crap or those who like him? To be fair I could go on ’X’ and find you loads of blues who find fault with many of our players.
Check Twitter. Loads happy to see him go. Majority saying he’s been poor and has a sulky attitude.
Isn't that just the fickle nature of football fans? He probably has been poor as Wolves form has dipped alarmingly and i wouldn't blame him feeling a bit moody as wolves seem a bit of a mess on and off the pitch at the minute.
A move would suit everyone.
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