Matt Le Tissier

Perhaps he has demonstrated to be "balls deep in conspiracy bullshit" elsewhere, but all I'm seeing in that clip is him confirming a number of facts...

-It was known from a very early stage that Covid is an entirely benign if somewhat unpleasant illness for 99% of the population.
-The government did have a well established pandemic plan in place which for some reason it chose to completely disregard.
-The long term impact of the response to Covid, in regards to the economy and public health, is far more serious, wide ranging and long lasting than any damage that Covid did or didn't cause.
-Sunak has completely refused to acknowledge the key role he played in causing the now all too evident damage to the economy and public health.

I'm sorry to hear your mental health was effected but I very much doubt it was covid that caused it, it was more likely the entirely disproportionate and largely unjustified over reaction, the scare mongering and the fear instilling authoritarianism that was more likely the cause of your mental health problems.
Thought thinking Silva was shit was as bonkers as you got, obviously not.
Perhaps he has demonstrated to be "balls deep in conspiracy bullshit" elsewhere, but all I'm seeing in that clip is him confirming a number of facts...

-It was known from a very early stage that Covid is an entirely benign if somewhat unpleasant illness for 99% of the population.
-The government did have a well established pandemic plan in place which for some reason it chose to completely disregard.
-The long term impact of the response to Covid, in regards to the economy and public health, is far more serious, wide ranging and long lasting than any damage that Covid did or didn't cause.
-Sunak has completely refused to acknowledge the key role he played in causing the now all too evident damage to the economy and public health.

I'm sorry to hear your mental health was effected but I very much doubt it was covid that caused it, it was more likely the entirely disproportionate and largely unjustified over reaction, the scare mongering and the fear instilling authoritarianism that was more likely the cause of your mental health problems.
‘99% benign’ bollox, the nightingale death plot diagrams for 2020/2021 show (any) deaths were far higher than normal. Unless there’s some other cause that has mysteriously been entirely missed?

‘Govt ignored plan’ - probably. Though I can vaguely understand why ‘so, what your saying is we need to shut our borders and air traffic… but I’ve got tickets to Liverpool in the CL and the Cheltenham festival…’ it’s an almost incomprehensible decision to be made, unless you have a scientific/medical background - and the PM/cabinet/wonks generally don’t.

‘Long term impact’ - deaths would possibly have continued to be at significantly higher rates above normal, without the (too late imposed) lockdown, until the population achieved some sort of immunity (be it natural/vaccination), but that still left room for an even more lethal mutation of a ‘benign’ virus, a la influenza 1918.
With regards to economic issues, I think , personally, brexit has caused more for the UK longterm. Covid (and how it was dealt with) ‘only’ caused a backlog of serious crap for a year+.
Thought thinking Silva was shit was as bonkers as you got, obviously not.
Not sure where or when I ever said Silva was shit, you might have to point me in the direction of that one?

While you're at it feel free to refute with facts any of the 4 apparently "bonkers" points I reiterated above
Not sure where or when I ever said Silva was shit, you might have to point me in the direction of that one?

While you're at it feel free to refute with facts any of the 4 apparently "bonkers" points I reiterated above
Apparently had you mixed up, however I would probably direct you to my daughter and colleagues stuggling to keep people alive in her packed ICU, and seeing people in their 30s and 40s losing the battles to live. Wards and Theater recovery rooms being used to incubate patients.
If you think not having the lockdowns we did, we wouldn’t’t have had whole hospitals collapsing with too many patients and sick staff then you have no idea what you are talking about.

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