Matt Le Tissier

‘99% benign’ bollox, the nightingale death plot diagrams for 2020/2021 show (any) deaths were far higher than normal. Unless there’s some other cause that has mysteriously been entirely missed?

‘Govt ignored plan’ - probably. Though I can vaguely understand why ‘so, what your saying is we need to shut our borders and air traffic… but I’ve got tickets to Liverpool in the CL and the Cheltenham festival…’ it’s an almost incomprehensible decision to be made, unless you have a scientific/medical background - and the PM/cabinet/wonks generally don’t.

‘Long term impact’ - deaths would possibly have continued to be at significantly higher rates above normal, without the (too late imposed) lockdown, until the population achieved some sort of immunity (be it natural/vaccination), but that still left room for an even more lethal mutation of a ‘benign’ virus, a la influenza 1918.
With regards to economic issues, I think , personally, brexit has caused more for the UK longterm. Covid (and how it was dealt with) ‘only’ caused a backlog of serious crap for a
Anyone who claims they have an accurate figure in relation to morbidity and mortality associated with Covid is a fool or a liar given the comprehensive manipulation that all such figures have been subject to, but let's assume there were excess overall deaths in 20/21 I'm not disputing that they will have been due to Covid, it was a fatal illness for less than 1% of people who caught it, but that 1% were almost entirely all elderly and moribund with comorbidities that would have finished them off sooner rather than later anyway probably the next cold snap, heatwave or flu season... and Covid just brought their demise marginally forward into to a compressed time period.

Compare that to the many thousands of deaths we are now going to see in the coming years of comparatively young people who's lives will be cut short by cancer not being detected, diagnosed and treated in time because we shut the NHS down for the best part of 2 years in what was a futile effort to protect those most vulnerable from covid.

All your other points are just what iffery based on what appears to be a speculative assumption that covid was going to do something that no other virus in known history has ever done and establish itself in a host population before somehow mutating into a more lethal form.
such an odd way to apply for a job


As much I think the extreme liberal left is just as bad as the far right these days in how they treat opposition, I don’t put Southgate in that bracket at all, just seems like a good caring bloke.

But what does “woke” even mean? If it means being like Southgate then it’s not a bad thing. If it means cancelling and silencing people for having a different opinion, then it is. Seems like it’s just a word thrown around without any real definition, just because someone thinks differently.

A bit like when people throw out the word Nazi and fascist towards people that oppose them, without any consideration for what those words actually mean.
Perhaps he has demonstrated to be "balls deep in conspiracy bullshit" elsewhere, but all I'm seeing in that clip is him confirming a number of facts...

-It was known from a very early stage that Covid is an entirely benign if somewhat unpleasant illness for 99% of the population.
-The government did have a well established pandemic plan in place which for some reason it chose to completely disregard.
-The long term impact of the response to Covid, in regards to the economy and public health, is far more serious, wide ranging and long lasting than any damage that Covid did or didn't cause.
-Sunak has completely refused to acknowledge the key role he played in causing the now all too evident damage to the economy and public health.

I'm sorry to hear your mental health was effected but I very much doubt it was covid that caused it, it was more likely the entirely disproportionate and largely unjustified over reaction, the scare mongering and the fear instilling authoritarianism that was more likely the cause of your mental health problems.
No, it wasn’t being frightened because the media told me to be - I took the necessary precautions but that was it - it was the extreme loneliness and not being able to see family and friends or have a social life that did it. But thanks for your concern. I was in a clinical trial for a jab, as it happens.

Have you seen Le Tissier’s Twitter? It’s not just COVID he’s like this about.
And why is he attacking Southgate? I’d like to see Le Tissier manage the England team, but he’s too lazy to get into coaching. He said so himself.

‘Woke’ is meaningless. Everything is bloody woke these days. I guess Le Tissier would prefer it if we Evertonians started throwing bananas at black players again.

Also, the liberal left don’t have a body count on the level of the far right. There’s being aggressive on Twitter and then there’s shooting people dead or blowing up abortion clinics because you don’t like their politics or you don’t like gay people or whatever, like the Soho pub bombing. And Le Tissier is being allowed to talk shite on GB News, he’s not the martyr he thinks he is.

I dislike the trivialising of the word ‘Nazi’ though.

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