Matt Le Tissier

Anyone who claims they have an accurate figure in relation to morbidity and mortality associated with Covid is a fool or a liar given the comprehensive manipulation that all such figures have been subject to, but let's assume there were excess overall deaths in 20/21 I'm not disputing that they will have been due to Covid, it was a fatal illness for less than 1% of people who caught it, but that 1% were almost entirely all elderly and moribund with comorbidities that would have finished them off sooner rather than later anyway probably the next cold snap, heatwave or flu season... and Covid just brought their demise marginally forward into to a compressed time period.

Compare that to the many thousands of deaths we are now going to see in the coming years of comparatively young people who's lives will be cut short by cancer not being detected, diagnosed and treated in time because we shut the NHS down for the best part of 2 years in what was a futile effort to protect those most vulnerable from covid.

All your other points are just what iffery based on what appears to be a speculative assumption that covid was going to do something that no other virus in known history has ever done and establish itself in a host population before somehow mutating into a more lethal form.
Ffs it’s an easy chart to read about excess deaths over and above ‘normal’ , Infact I’ve posted it multiple times before, including iirc in response to you.

It’s either covid or something else causing the massive red mound and the purple plateau, and as no-one has any other rationale put forward - it’s covid.

It’s not ‘marginal’, it’s not ‘killed them a bit earlier’, it’s not ‘they’ll die from cold snap’ (you can see when that sort of thing happens in the winter variances).

As I said, flu 1918 waves it’s mutation tentacles and shows you what mutation could be again.
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Anyone who claims they have an accurate figure in relation to morbidity and mortality associated with Covid is a fool or a liar given the comprehensive manipulation that all such figures have been subject to, but let's assume there were excess overall deaths in 20/21 I'm not disputing that they will have been due to Covid, it was a fatal illness for less than 1% of people who caught it, but that 1% were almost entirely all elderly and moribund with comorbidities that would have finished them off sooner rather than later anyway probably the next cold snap, heatwave or flu season... and Covid just brought their demise marginally forward into to a compressed time period.

Compare that to the many thousands of deaths we are now going to see in the coming years of comparatively young people who's lives will be cut short by cancer not being detected, diagnosed and treated in time because we shut the NHS down for the best part of 2 years in what was a futile effort to protect those most vulnerable from covid.

All your other points are just what iffery based on what appears to be a speculative assumption that covid was going to do something that no other virus in known history has ever done and establish itself in a host population before somehow mutating into a more lethal form.
We didn’t shut down the NHS we prevented the NHS breaking down, you're spreading shit.
Le Tissier is entitled to his opinions, but to have a pop at Southgate was not right. Southgate seems a decent bloke. Just because he did not take up Le Tissier's offer of penalty coaching does not justify making personal comments about Southgate. Sounds like sour grapes to me.
If Le Tissier wants to get into management or coaching so badly, why hasn't he done that? Why has he spent all these years farting about on Sky Sports instead of getting his badges or helping out at Southampton's academy or whatever? I know he thinks badges are pointless but like it or not, you have to have them nowadays if you want to coach. You have to be qualified and you have to have experience, you can't just turn up expecting to be given a job because you played for Southampton ages ago. England would be better off getting Yaya.
I had to go private to get what turned out to be a tumour removed because of ops being delayed. That wasn't fun but it was either that or not be able to breathe for another year and I'd had enough. Good thing the cancer didn't spread.

The government did manage the whole thing horribly, especially with that stupid 'eat out to help out' plan and the tier bullshit. I was supposed to be spending Christmas with my parents in 2020 (it's my mum's birthday) but at the time they lived in Cambridgeshire and it went into Tier 4 only a few days before Christmas, and I wasn't able to travel, and it was fucking shit. We did Zoom call each other but it wasn't the same.

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