Mayfield Depot Tonight 93.20 celebration

It's a tough one to call. He has infuriated me countless times with his snide digs and mournful voice when we score. I was at the QPR game so I didn't hear his Aguerooooooooo moment until afterwards. I'll tell you something though that cut like a dagger to the rag hearts. They all said that they heard it in their sleep and couldn't get it out of their heads and his voice screaming that made it ten times worse.

He is an elderly luvvie though and although I booed him I felt slightly guilty for that reason. His problem was we hate the media with good cause and rarely get to see them face to face so he probably copped a bit more on their behalf. He was a bit taken aback by it and faced by this large boisterous crowd, he had the look of a man who'd gone to see a classical concert and inadvertently wandered into a heavy metal one by mistake and couldn't get out. It does show you the bubble they live in that they don't realise the anger their actions invoke. Throwing a pint on him was out of order mainly because the mood was great and one of celebration and happiness and it had no place in that context. It was a football crowd though and the all new happy clappy shiny sanitised version of it they are trying to promote will never quite tame the wild animal it once was.
And you call Tyler an elderly luvvie?
Playing the whole 2nd half of the QPR game, talk about filling time. Why not show just Zabs goal, the Barton psycho two minutes, and the final five mins?. Imagine everyone was bored as fuck

I was there and already tired from standing over two hours on the hard concrete floor with little room to move about. When Natalie said we're going to now watch the second half of the game my heart sank. I thought, fuck me the whole 50 minutes??? That meant over an hour more to stand there. As you rightly say they should have just showed the main moments and it could have been condensed into 20-30 minutes tops.
And you call Tyler an elderly luvvie?

I think that is what I said yes. Ha ha just read your comment again. Sorry a bit hungover and tired. So you're implying I'm an elderly luvvie too?? Ha ha as a kid that grew up in Hulme and Benchill I'll take it. Kudos to the comprehensive education system eh lol,?
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Funny really you get Peter Drury and Ally McCoist universally loved because they just commentate from a "we love the game" angle and I could throw Mowbry into that.

But then you get shite like tyler, fletch and Darke etc who are souless and just follow the mantra, while sat alongside partisan cunts like neville, mcpointy and carragher.

Though I have a soft spot for crimson clive because of the 5-1 comms

If you had more motsons, barry davis, drury types and less tylers telly football would be better for it
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Nothing to do with being posh or whether there’s worse behaviour at weddings. Chucking a pint at someone is just shit behaviour.
Which I have condemed, throwing pints is a cunts trick.

not sure what is your point as I am confused, my reply was to someone saying booing was wrong because it was a club event, which makes it no more special that any other event hence my wedding comparrison.
I'm reading through the thread, obviously, but I want to underline the effect that Tyler has on City fans.

I happened to catch the 'Backstage at 93:20' show on YouTube when Tyler was introduced for an interview. It shocked me when he was even there, but it was what it was.

Anyway, the point being, when he was introduced by the City fan interviewer Cel (?), he was introduced as the "infamous Martin Tyler" to which Tyler responded "Infamous, am I?!".

Maybe the interviewer didn't understand what 'infamous' meant (I think he's Uni educated) or maybe it was a 'Freudian' slip, but either way Tyler was surprised then, so should have had a clue how he was seen.

Other than that, I thought the back stage show was a hoot! The quad of De Jong, Clichy (pre-soaking!), Lescott and Richards was fire!

And that female co-presenter 'Els'... Incredibile...Increíble, Incredib... Fit as f...!! *Chef's Kiss!*

Is that how he introduced him as infamous ?

I mean seriously,this Cel guy must have been being sarcastic or he is so far out of touch he may as well hang his mic up immediately.

I mean i don't see point in any of the matchday presenters,don't interact with the crowd,well wingman does,but they just get people on stage to ask a few questions,and rub shoulders with the rich and famous,pisses me off,i just walk past City square now,they bore the life out of me,and others as well no doubt.

At least Ferrit was fucked off,but replacements need to interact more really.
It was a good night but it lost its way a bit after the break. Up to then each player got the stage to themselves and had the one to one love in with the crowd and had their songs sung to them and their brief comments on the clips were of interest and good to hear (just) The full stage sofas for the second half (which unbelievably was the whole second half edited to just ball in play but still way too much) almost robbed Kun of that one to one moment with the crowd but tbh he seemed pretty subdued no doubt after a long day what with statue unveiling, lunch do etc and anyway he always seemed a man of few words. Funny the few words he did say last night were mostly profanities calling Mike Dean a’shit ref’ and Barton a ‘chunt’ Lol! By then though Danny and Nat were struggling as how many times can you ask ‘how were you feeling then?’ in different ways to the players. The arm wrestle almost showed how they too were feeling it drag but I think they realised it was not the time to do that. Big finale all fun but the bringing Tyler on was a big mistake and odd that no one in charge could predict that reaction. He looked visibly shocked and like a scared old man for a split second as he sat down. I don’t like him but that wasn’t nice to see. By that point in a boisterous beered up crowd a few tempers flared and the pint landed almost on poor Gael (surely just a terrible throw!? but idiotic nonetheless) The shirts for signing melee almost worked quite well with Micah and Nat trying to organise getting the right shirt back to the right person but sure enough I saw a scrap developing as I went to leave as someone had someone’s else’s top. All in all good fun and glad I made the effort. Almost didn’t make it coming straight from work in nottingham as Woodhead pass had a blockage but got there on the dot of 1930 in the end.
Great post & I know I am an old fart but the day the Happy clappy sanitised football takes over completely from the game I used to love is the day I stop watching.

In a lot of ways it has improved things and aspects of it are good, but it's a sideshow. Football was always a form of escapism, the working man's game. People grafted all week and on Saturday went to the football. For 90 minutes they could escape the wife, the kids, the stresses and constraints of life and let off steam by shouting, singing and cursing. At times it was a bit naughty but you felt alive and free. Now it's all barriers, scanners, go here, move there, don't swear, don't stand up, don't fart, don't sing ( for some) The problem was the death of the terraces. If you wanted it a bit safer and polite you sat in the seats. If you wanted it more earthy and boisterous you stood on the Kippax. Everyone knew the score, job done.

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